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berfinkaraman / Replication code
Last active April 26, 2019 11:32
Replication and further analysis of Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in the Euro Countries? by Sebastian Koehler and Thomas König
#This code is the replication and further analysis of paper "Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone:
#How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in
#the Euro Countries? by Sebastian Koehler and Thomas König
# Replication of Euro 11 by using the author's code with minimal editions
#### Let's begin with defining some predictors:
PEACEKEEPING WORKOUT (based on King, Gary;Zeng, Langche, 2007,
"Replication data for: When Can History be Our Guide?
The Pitfalls of Counterfactual Inference",,
Harvard Dataverse, V4,
UNF:3:DaYlT6QSX9r0D50ye+tXpA== [fileUNF] )
peace <- read.csv("")