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Last active April 8, 2019 06:49
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PEACEKEEPING WORKOUT (based on King, Gary;Zeng, Langche, 2007,
"Replication data for: When Can History be Our Guide?
The Pitfalls of Counterfactual Inference",,
Harvard Dataverse, V4,
UNF:3:DaYlT6QSX9r0D50ye+tXpA== [fileUNF] )
peace <- read.csv("")
# extract relevant columns
peace <- peace[, c(6:8, 11:16, 99, 50, 114, 49, 63, 136, 109, 126, 48, 160, 142, 10)]
# remove 2 rows with missing data (there are better ways to handle missing data)
peace <- peace[c(-19, -47), ]
#variables based on the table 2
glm1 <- glm(pbs2s3~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade +
treaty + untype4, data=peace, family = "binomial")
#empty data frames for original model
control <- c()
treat <- c()
store1 <- c()
#mean of the values that we are considering for the model
#based on "we compute the marginal
#effects of UN peacekeeping operations as a function of the duration of the civil war,
#holding constant all other variables at their means"
typem <- mean(wartype)
costm <- mean(logcost)
factm <-mean(factnum)
fact2m <- mean(factnum2)
trnsm <- mean(trnsfcap)
develm <- mean(develop)
expm <- mean(exp)
decm <- mean(decade)
treatm <- mean(treaty)
#defining two observations (one control and one treatment) with mean values of the variables to predict to different models
#we loop for each 315 which is the number of month for treatment effect according to figure 8
for(i in 1:315){
control <- data.frame(typem,costm,i,factm,fact2m,trnsm,0,treatm,
treat <- data.frame(typem,costm,i,factm,fact2m,trnsm,1,treatm,
names(control) <- c('wartype','logcost','wardur','factnum','factnum2','trnsfcap','untype4','treaty','develop',
names(treat) <- c('wartype','logcost','wardur','factnum','factnum2','trnsfcap','untype4','treaty','develop',
pre_treat <- mean(predict(glm1, newdata = treat,type = 'response'))
pre_control <- mean(predict(glm1, newdata = control, type = 'response'))
store1[i] <- pre_treat - pre_control
#model with the interaction term
glm2 <- glm(pbs2s3 ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade +
treaty + untype4 + wardur*untype4 , data=peace, family = "binomial")
#loop for each month for treatment effect with interaction term
store2 <- c()
for(i in 1:315){
control <- data.frame(typem,costm,i,factm,fact2m,trnsm,0,treatm,
treat <- data.frame(typem,costm,i,factm,fact2m,trnsm,1,treatm,
names(control) <- c('wartype','logcost','wardur','factnum','factnum2','trnsfcap','untype4','treaty','develop',
names(treat) <- c('wartype','logcost','wardur','factnum','factnum2','trnsfcap','untype4','treaty','develop',
pre_treat <- mean(predict(glm2, newdata = treat,type = 'response'))
pre_control <- mean(predict(glm2, newdata = control, type = 'response'))
store2[i] <- pre_treat - pre_control
#plottting the store 1
plot(store1, type = "l", lty = "dotted",ylim = c(0,0.8),xlim = c(0,315),axes=FALSE,
xlab = "",ylab="",
sub = "FIG. 8. Causal Effect of Multidimensional UN Peacekeeping Operations", font=2)
#plottting the store 2
plot(store2,type = "l", ylim = c(0,0.8),axes = FALSE,
ylab = "Marginal effects of UN peacekeeping operations",
xlab="Duration of wars in months",cex.lab=1)
#defining the axis and labels
axis(1, seq(5,315,15), cex.axis=0.5, font=2)
axis(2, seq(0.0,0.8,0.1), cex.axis=0.5, font=2)
axis(3, seq(5,315,15), cex.axis=0.5, font=2)
axis(4, seq(0.0,0.8,0.1), cex.axis=0.5, font=2)
text(75,0.2,"Model with Interaction Term",cex=.8)
text(205,0.45,"Dotted:Original Model",cex=.8)
#Question 4:
peace <- read.csv("",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# remove rows with missing data (there are better ways to handle missing data)
peace <- peace[c(-19,-47,-4,-16,-84,-93,-98), ]
#reassigning the uncint pbs2l, pbs5l values based on the codebook to define Tr accoring to Q3
peace[peace$uncint == "None", "uncint"] <- 0
peace[peace$uncint == "Observer", "uncint"] <- 2
peace[peace$uncint == "PKO", "uncint"] <- 3
peace[peace$uncint == "Enforcement", "uncint"] <- 4
peace[peace$pbs2l == "Failure", "pbs2l"] <- 0
peace[peace$pbs2l == "Success", "pbs2l"] <- 1
peace[peace$pbs5l == "Failure", "pbs5l"] <- 0
peace[peace$pbs5l == "Success", "pbs5l"] <- 1
Tr <- rep(0, length(peace$uncint))
Tr[which(as.numeric(peace$uncint) != 0 & as.numeric(peace$uncint) != 1)] <- 1
#logistic regression
#year 2
#Treatment effects without matching
glm1 <- glm(as.numeric(peace$pbs2l) ~ Tr + wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, family = binomial, data = peace)
mb_y2_glm <- MatchBalance(as.numeric(peace$pbs2l) ~ Tr + wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data=peace, nboots=500)
#Tmt effect (Tr estimate)
#year 5
glm2 <- glm(as.numeric(peace$pbs5l) ~ Tr + wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, family = binomial, data = peace)
mb_y5_glm <- MatchBalance(as.numeric(peace$pbs5l) ~ Tr + wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data=peace, nboots=500)
#Tmt effect (Tr estimate)
#Propensity score matching
#model for propensity score
PS.model<- glm(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur +
factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty + develop +
exp + decade , family = binomial, data = peace)
mout_prop<- Match(Tr=Tr, X=PS.model$fitted)
mb1 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap +
treaty + develop + exp + decade,
data=peace, match.out = mout_prop, nboots=500)
#year 2
mout_propy_2 <- Match(Y=as.numeric(peace$pbs2l), Tr=Tr, X=PS.model$fitted, BiasAdjust = TRUE)
#Tmt effect
mb2 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data=peace,
match.out = mout_propy_2, nboots=500)
#year 5
mout_propy_5 <- Match(Y=as.numeric(peace$pbs5l), Tr=Tr, X=PS.model$fitted, BiasAdjust = TRUE)
#Tmt effect
mb3 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data=peace,
match.out = mout_propy_5, nboots=500)
X = cbind(peace$wartype, peace$logcost, peace$wardur,
peace$factnum2, peace$trnsfcap, peace$treaty, peace$develop, peace$exp, peace$decade)
genout = GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X = X, estimand = "ATT", M = 1, pop.size = 200, max.generations = 25,
wait.generations = 7, nboots = 200)
#2 year
gen_mouty2 <- Match(Y=as.numeric(peace$pbs2l), Tr=Tr, X=X, Weight.matrix = genout, BiasAdjust = TRUE)
#tmt effect
mb_y2 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data=peace,
match.out = gen_mouty2, nboots=500)
#5 years
gen_mouty5 <- Match(Y=as.numeric(peace$pbs5l), Tr=Tr, X=X, Weight.matrix = genout, BiasAdjust = TRUE)
#tmt effect
mb_y5 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty + develop + exp + decade, data=peace,
match.out = gen_mouty5, nboots=500)
"NA**(0.0020)", "NA*", 0.8233143, "NA**(0.0027)",0.363588
"NA**(0.01)",0.116015, "NA**(0.0606061)",
"Logistic regression/len success 2 years",
"Logistic regression/len success 5 years",
"P- score matching/len success 2 years",
"P- score matching/len success 5 years",
"GenMatch/len success 2 years",
"GenMatch/len success 5 years"
colnames(tab)<-c("Tmt effect (bias adj)","Tmt effect (no bias adj)",
"P-value (from MatchBalance)"
tab <- as.table(tab)
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