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Created October 26, 2010 09:42
Drupal template helpers to render values.
* Renders a value cleaned. Simply pulls value through check_plain.
* Example usage:
* @code
* r('foo'); //=> "Foo"
* r('<script alert(infected)>Foo'); //=> "Foo"
* r("<em>123</em>"); //=> 123
* @endcode
* @param $value Mixed
* The value to be printed. Value must be of a printable type.
* @return
* Nothing. Function prints value directly.
function r($value) {
print check_plain($value);
* Renders a value raw.
* Example usage:
* @code
* r_raw('foo'); //=> "Foo"
* r_raw('<script alert(infected)>Foo'); //=> "<script alert(infected)>Foo"
* r_raw("<em>123</em>"); //=> "<em>123</em>"
* @endcode
* @param $value Mixed
* The value to be printed. Value must be of a printable type.
* @return
* Nothing. Function prints value directly.
function r_raw($value) {
print $value;
* Renders a field, joined
* Example usage:
* @code
* r_join(', ', $field_hometown); //=> "Nijmegen, <em>GLD</em>"
* r_join(', ', $field_hometown, 'safe'); //=> "Nijmegen, GLD"
* r_join(', ', $field_hometown, 'value'); //=> "Nijmegen<script alert(SECURITY BREACH)>, <em>GLD</em>"
* @endcode
* @param $glue String
* Used to join the values. Will be passed along to implode().
* @param $field Array
* A field, as presented to the (node) templates. Consists of a list of values
* separated into value_types. E.g.
* ["field_hometown"]=>
* array(1) {
* [0]=>
* array(3) {
* ["value"]=>
* string(10) "Heerenveen"
* ["safe"]=>
* string(10) "Heerenveen"
* ["view"]=>
* string(10) "Heerenveen"
* }
* }
* @param $value_type String, optional defaults to 'view'
* The value_type to be used. Normally one of "view", "safe" or "value".
* See example usage for how these /might/ be filed. In general they won't differ
* too much. Never use "value" unless you are very sure about the safety of the value.
* @return
* Nothing. Function prints value directly.
function r_join($glue, $field, $value_type = 'view') {
foreach($field as $field_value) {
$values[] = $field_value[$value_type];
print join($glue, $values);
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berkes commented Oct 27, 2010

As discussed on r_join could, or should have $glue otional and therefore second argument. But that would be inconsistent with join() and implode(). Which, being "PHPish" are wrong too, but at least consistently wrong.

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