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Brian Grant bgrant0607

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bgrant0607 / simple-helm-scratch
Created June 14, 2022 01:36
Simple namespace blueprint by creating a helm chart from scratch
Create simplens-chart repo
git clone<user>/simplens-chart
cd simplens-chart
helm create scratch-chart
find scratch-chart -print
That assumed I wanted to run an application on Kubernetes. None of it is relevant.
mkdir simplens simplens/templates
rm -rf scratch-chart
Create the following files:
bgrant0607 / simplens-helm-fork
Created June 14, 2022 01:32
Create a namespace blueprint by forking an existing helm chart
git clone<user>/kube-common-setup
git remote add upstream
git remote set-url --push upstream no-push
git checkout -b patched –no-track
cd templates
vi namespace.yaml
Copy 6 labels lines and change to annotations: .,$s/labels/annotations/
git commit -a
git push origin patched