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Created June 14, 2022 01:32
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Save bgrant0607/cfc9c5b5e1e7ade8e0fcd0df2f003acc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create a namespace blueprint by forking an existing helm chart
git clone<user>/kube-common-setup
git remote add upstream
git remote set-url --push upstream no-push
git checkout -b patched –no-track
cd templates
vi namespace.yaml
Copy 6 labels lines and change to annotations: .,$s/labels/annotations/
git commit -a
git push origin patched
Create new repo ns-values
git clone<user>/ns-values
cd ns-values
git remote -v
cp ../kube-common-setup/values.yaml .
more values.yaml
What does isolated mean? dockerconfigjson?
grep isolated templates/*.yaml
grep dockerconfigjson templates/*.yaml
cd ..
helm template test kube-common-setup -f ns-values/values.yaml --output-dir test
ls test/k8s-common/templates/
cat test/k8s-common/templates/isolate-network-policies.yaml
cat test/k8s-common/templates/regcreds.yaml
rm -rf test
Change ns-values/values.yaml to backend[123] with label istio-injection: enabled and annotation network-type: mesh. Also 3 service accounts, 1 for each namespace and rolebinding
helm template test kube-common-setup -f ns-values/values.yaml --output-dir test
ls test/k8s-common/templates/
cat test/k8s-common/templates/namespaces.yaml
cat test/k8s-common/templates/role-bindings.yaml
There’s a bug – refers to the iam namespace in the subject. That was hardcoded in the template. Also, the name is app-admin-app-admin. Redundant. Fixing that would require more significant changes. For now, will just change to same namespace as the RoleBinding. Also, the chart uses an old API version for the RoleBinding. Update it to v1.
cd kube-common-setup/templates
vi role-bindings.yaml
Change iam to {{ .namespace }}
git commit -a
git push origin patched
cd ../..
rm -rf test
helm template test kube-common-setup -f ns-values/values.yaml --output-dir test
cd test/k8s-common/templates/
cat role-bindings.yaml
cd -
cd ns-values
git status
git add values.yaml
git commit
git push origin main
cd ..
helm install mysetup kube-common-setup -f ns-values/values.yaml
Could set up GitOps instead. For now, will have to helm upgrade by hand.
Can see the namespaces in the dashboard.
cd ns-values
Remove all namespaces and SAs from values.yaml by making empty lists
git commit -a
git push origin main
cd ..
helm upgrade mysetup kube-common-setup -f ns-values/values.yaml
helm uninstall mysetup
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