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Created July 6, 2018 15:34
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`set!` vs `alter-var-root`
Clojure 1.9.0
user=> (def ^:dynamic *x* "foo")
user=> *x*
user=> ;; binding changes value
user=> (binding [*x* "bar"] *x*)
user=> ;; using set! within binding changes value
user=> (binding [*x* "bar"] (set! *x* "bar") *x*)
user=> ;; using alter-var-root outside of binding changes value
user=> (alter-var-root #'*x* (constantly "baz"))
user=> *x*
user=> (alter-var-root #'*x* (constantly "foo"))
user=> ;; but using alter var root inside a binding doesn't show up within binding
user=> ;; since the binding value takes precedence
user=> (binding [*x* "bar"] (alter-var-root #'*x* (constantly "baz")) *x*)
user=> ;; of course in the outer scope, the change has been applied
user=> *x*
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