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bigsylvain / Blender Tutorial
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Blender Tutorial - Generating Pine Trees

Someone asked me after my Post-Mortem article on Ludum Dare how I achieved this effect: screenshot-LD29

So here is a quick tutorial using Blender 2.69.

  • Open up the default file with a cube in the middle. Edit the cube using "Tab". From the top view ("7" on the num pad), add a cylinder ("Shift+A -> Cylinder"), and in the menu (which is on the left by default) there is an option for vertices, I chose 7 for having a nice low-poly mesh (an even number is less nice, you can test it by yourself). 1

  • Press "A" to deselect all, then move the mouse over a vertex of the cube, and press "L" and "Del- > Vertices", since we don't want that ugly cube.

  • Press "1" on the num pad to go to the side view, and make sure you're in orthogonal view (press "5" until you can see the grid in the background). Press "Z" for wire shading, "B"

bigsylvain / Ludum Dare 29
Last active March 27, 2020 19:33
Ludum Dare 29 Best games list

Perfect games

  • ScubaBear (HTML5) - perfectly polished, the game is fun to play, and I really like the music changes depending on diving depth, and also the health bar is very original! Amazing to see so much good content created in three days! ScubaBear

  • Asteroid Tycoon (HTML5) - Fun to play, graphics are awesome, some nice humour too! The interface is pretty and convenient. Asteroid Tycoon

  • A Glorious Escape for A Lich King (FLASH) - A very good Tower Defence game, with a good interpretation of the theme "Beneath the surface". Graphics are nice too! Lich King