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Created May 26, 2016 02:48
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Build a warberry for RiPi2:
# This is the Raspberry Pi2 Kali ARM build script -
# A trusted Kali Linux image created by Offensive Security -
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo "Please pass version number, e.g. $0 2.0"
exit 0
# Package installations for various sections.
# This will build a minimal XFCE Kali system with the top 10 tools.
# This is the section to edit if you would like to add more packages.
# See for meta packages you can
# use. You can also install packages, using just the package name, but keep in
# mind that not all packages work on ARM! If you specify one of those, the
# script will throw an error, but will still continue on, and create an unusable
# image, keep that in mind.
arm="abootimg cgpt fake-hwclock ntpdate u-boot-tools vboot-utils vboot-kernel-utils"
base="e2fsprogs initramfs-tools kali-defaults kali-menu parted sudo usbutils"
desktop="fonts-croscore fonts-crosextra-caladea fonts-crosextra-carlito gnome-theme-kali gtk3-engines-xfce kali-desktop-xfce kali-root-login lightdm network-manager network-manager-gnome xfce4 xserver-xorg-video-fbdev"
tools="aircrack-ng ethtool hydra john libnfc-bin mfoc nmap passing-the-hash sqlmap usbutils winexe wireshark"
services="apache2 openssh-server"
extras="iceweasel xfce4-terminal wpasupplicant"
warberry="nbtscan python-scapy tcpdump ppp sg3-utils netdiscover macchanger onesixtyone nikto w3af-console commix python-impacket iw"
# kernel sauces take up space yo.
size=7000 # Size of image in megabytes
packages="${arm} ${base} ${desktop} ${tools} ${services} ${extras} ${warberry}"
# If you have your own preferred mirrors, set them here.
# After generating the rootfs, we set the sources.list to the default settings.
# Set this to use an http proxy, like apt-cacher-ng, and uncomment further down
# to unset it.
#export http_proxy="http://localhost:3142/"
mkdir -p ${basedir}
cd ${basedir}
# create the rootfs - not much to modify here, except maybe the hostname.
debootstrap --foreign --arch $architecture kali-rolling kali-$architecture http://$mirror/kali
cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static kali-$architecture/usr/bin/
LANG=C chroot kali-$architecture /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
cat << EOF > kali-$architecture/etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://$mirror/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
# Set hostname
echo "warberry" > kali-$architecture/etc/hostname
# So X doesn't complain, we add warberry to hosts
cat << EOF > kali-$architecture/etc/hosts warberry localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
cat << EOF > kali-$architecture/etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
cat << EOF > kali-$architecture/etc/resolv.conf
export MALLOC_CHECK_=0 # workaround for LP: #520465
export LC_ALL=C
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
mount -t proc proc kali-$architecture/proc
mount -o bind /dev/ kali-$architecture/dev/
mount -o bind /dev/pts kali-$architecture/dev/pts
cat << EOF > kali-$architecture/debconf.set
console-common console-data/keymap/policy select Select keymap from full list
console-common console-data/keymap/full select en-latin1-nodeadkeys
cat << EOF > kali-$architecture/third-stage
dpkg-divert --add --local --divert /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.chroot --rename /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d
cp /bin/true /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101" > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
# Add defaul user pi for warberry
useradd -m pi -G sudo -s /bin/bash
echo "pi:raspberry" | chpasswd
apt-get update
apt-get --yes --force-yes install locales-all
debconf-set-selections /debconf.set
rm -f /debconf.set
apt-get update
apt-get -y install git-core binutils ca-certificates initramfs-tools u-boot-tools
apt-get -y install locales console-common less nano git
echo "root:toor" | chpasswd
sed -i -e 's/KERNEL\!=\"eth\*|/KERNEL\!=\"/' /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules
rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get --yes --force-yes install $packages
apt-get --yes --force-yes dist-upgrade
apt-get --yes --force-yes autoremove
# Warberry: folder
mkdir -p /home/pi/WarBerry/Tools /home/pi/WarBerry/Results
# Warberry: Where to put it?
git clone /opt/warberry
# Because copying in authorized_keys is hard for people to do, let's make the
# image insecure and enable root login with a password.
echo "Making the image insecure"
sed -i -e 's/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
update-rc.d ssh enable
rm -f /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
rm -f /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d
dpkg-divert --remove --rename /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d
rm -f /third-stage
chmod +x kali-$architecture/third-stage
LANG=C chroot kali-$architecture /third-stage
cat << EOF > kali-$architecture/cleanup
rm -rf /root/.bash_history
apt-get update
apt-get clean
rm -f /0
rm -f /hs_err*
rm -f cleanup
rm -f /usr/bin/qemu*
chmod +x kali-$architecture/cleanup
LANG=C chroot kali-$architecture /cleanup
umount kali-$architecture/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
umount kali-$architecture/dev/pts
umount kali-$architecture/dev/
umount kali-$architecture/proc
# Create the disk and partition it
echo "Creating image file for Raspberry Pi2"
dd if=/dev/zero of=${basedir}/kali-$1-rpi2.img bs=1M count=$size
parted kali-$1-rpi2.img --script -- mklabel msdos
parted kali-$1-rpi2.img --script -- mkpart primary fat32 0 64
parted kali-$1-rpi2.img --script -- mkpart primary ext4 64 -1
# Set the partition variables
loopdevice=`losetup -f --show ${basedir}/kali-$1-rpi2.img`
device=`kpartx -va $loopdevice| sed -E 's/.*(loop[0-9])p.*/\1/g' | head -1`
sleep 5
# Create file systems
mkfs.vfat $bootp
mkfs.ext4 $rootp
# Create the dirs for the partitions and mount them
mkdir -p ${basedir}/bootp ${basedir}/root
mount $bootp ${basedir}/bootp
mount $rootp ${basedir}/root
echo "Rsyncing rootfs into image file"
rsync -HPavz -q ${basedir}/kali-$architecture/ ${basedir}/root/
# Enable login over serial
echo "T0:23:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100" >> ${basedir}/root/etc/inittab
cat << EOF > ${basedir}/root/etc/apt/sources.list
deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib
# Uncomment this if you use apt-cacher-ng otherwise git clones will fail.
#unset http_proxy
# Kernel section. If you want to use a custom kernel, or configuration, replace
# them in this section.
git clone --depth 1 -b rpi-4.1.y ${basedir}/root/usr/src/kernel
cd ${basedir}/root/usr/src/kernel
git rev-parse HEAD > ../kernel-at-commit
patch -p1 --no-backup-if-mismatch < ${basedir}/../patches/kali-wifi-injection-4.1.patch
touch .scmversion
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
cp ${basedir}/../kernel-configs/rpi2-4.1.config .config
cp ${basedir}/../kernel-configs/rpi2-4.1.config ../rpi2-4.1.config
make -j $(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${basedir}/root
git clone --depth 1 rpi-firmware
cp -rf rpi-firmware/boot/* ${basedir}/bootp/
# ARGH. Device tree support requires we run this *sigh*
perl scripts/mkknlimg --dtok arch/arm/boot/zImage ${basedir}/bootp/kernel7.img
#cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ${basedir}/bootp/kernel7.img
cp arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm*.dtb ${basedir}/bootp/
cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/*overlay*.dtb ${basedir}/bootp/overlays/
rm -rf ${basedir}/root/lib/firmware
cd ${basedir}/root/lib
git clone --depth 1 firmware
rm -rf ${basedir}/root/lib/firmware/.git
cd ${basedir}/root/usr/src/kernel
make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${basedir}/root firmware_install
make mrproper
cp ../rpi2-4.1.config .config
make modules_prepare
rm -rf rpi-firmware
cd ${basedir}
# Create cmdline.txt file
cat << EOF > ${basedir}/bootp/cmdline.txt
dwc_otg.fiq_fix_enable=2 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait rootflags=noload net.ifnames=0
# systemd doesn't seem to be generating the fstab properly for some people, so
# let's create one.
cat << EOF > ${basedir}/root/etc/fstab
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p2 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# Change this if you add a swap partition or file
#/dev/SWAP none swap sw 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat noauto 0 0
# Firmware needed for rpi3 wifi/bt
mkdir -p ${basedir}/root/lib/firmware/brcm/
cp ${basedir}/../misc/rpi3/brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt ${basedir}/root/lib/firmware/brcm/
cp ${basedir}/../misc/rpi3/brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin ${basedir}/root/lib/firmware/brcm/
cd ${basedir}
cp ${basedir}/../misc/zram ${basedir}/root/etc/init.d/zram
chmod +x ${basedir}/root/etc/init.d/zram
# Unmount partitions
umount $bootp
umount $rootp
kpartx -dv $loopdevice
losetup -d $loopdevice
# Clean up all the temporary build stuff and remove the directories.
# Comment this out to keep things around if you want to see what may have gone
# wrong.
echo "Cleaning up the temporary build files..."
rm -rf ${basedir}/kernel ${basedir}/bootp ${basedir}/root ${basedir}/kali-$architecture ${basedir}/boot ${basedir}/patches
# If you're building an image for yourself, comment all of this out, as you
# don't need the sha1sum or to compress the image, since you will be testing it
# soon.
echo "Generating sha1sum for kali-$1-rpi2.img"
sha1sum kali-$1-rpi2.img > ${basedir}/kali-$1-rpi2.img.sha1sum
# Don't pixz on 32bit, there isn't enough memory to compress the images.
MACHINE_TYPE=`uname -m`
if [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} == 'x86_64' ]; then
echo "Compressing kali-$1-rpi2.img"
pixz ${basedir}/kali-$1-rpi2.img ${basedir}/kali-$1-rpi2.img.xz
rm ${basedir}/kali-$1-rpi2.img
echo "Generating sha1sum for kali-$1-rpi2.img.xz"
sha1sum kali-$1-rpi2.img.xz > ${basedir}/kali-$1-rpi2.img.xz.sha1sum
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