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Created April 16, 2012 16:35
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Accurate cross-browser viewport width
/* -----------------------------------------------
* Accurate Cross-Browser Viewport Width
* -----------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2012, Brett Jankord.
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* ------------------------------------------------*/
function viewportWidth(){
var vpw;
var webkit = (!(window.webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage == null));
// Webkit:
if ( webkit ) {
var vpwtest = document.createElement( "div" );
// Sets test div to width 100%, !important overrides any other misc. box model styles that may be set in the CSS = "width:100% !important; margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; border:none !important;";
document.documentElement.insertBefore( vpwtest, document.documentElement.firstChild );
vpw = vpwtest.offsetWidth;
document.documentElement.removeChild( vpwtest );
// IE 6-8:
else if ( window.innerWidth === undefined ) {
vpw = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
// Other:
vpw = window.innerWidth;
return (vpw);
// Sample Usage:
var vpw = viewportWidth();
// Notes:
// Webkit handles media query widths differntly than most other browsers - read more below
// Inspired by the Scott Jehl's expriemnt with getting the visible viewport dimensions
// If using respond.js in IE9, the viewport width returned from the code above is no longer accurate
// Be sure to wrap respond.js in conditional comments so it's only used in IE8 and lower as it should be
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bjankord commented Jan 9, 2013

Decided to turn this gist into a full repo. Repos seem to be more discover-able than gists.

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