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Elon Tang blackcater

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blackcater / keybindings.jsonc
Last active March 31, 2024 12:57
VSCode VIM Settings
// Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults
/// ============================================
/// Common Keybindings
/// ============================================
"key": "shift+cmd+t",
"command": "-workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor"
blackcater / NPM_ENV
Created March 14, 2023 14:38
npm 下载一些镜像常用的环境变量
# electron
blackcater / .npmrc
Last active September 1, 2024 02:47
.npmrc configuration
# global config
# init config
init-author-name = blackcater
init-author-email =
init-author-url =
# git tag message
message = "chore: version bump to v%s"
blackcater / core_util_lang.js
Last active September 28, 2021 12:56
Vue@2 源码中解析模板为 AST 的核心参考库。
* unicode letters used for parsing html tags, component names and property paths.
* using
* skipping \u10000-\uEFFFF due to it freezing up PhantomJS
export const unicodeRegExp = /a-zA-Z\u00B7\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u203F-\u2040\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD/
blackcater / MulanPSL v2.0
Last active July 8, 2020 03:56
MulanPSL v2.0
木兰宽松许可证, 第2版
木兰宽松许可证, 第2版
0. 定义

tmux cheatsheet

As configured in my dotfiles.

start new:


start new with session name:

blackcater / 📊 Weekly development breakdown
Last active October 29, 2020 00:09
Weekly development breakdown
Vue.js 13 hrs 44 mins ████████▏░░░░░░░░░░░░ 38.7%
JavaScript 11 hrs 53 mins ███████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 33.5%
JSON 3 hrs 43 mins ██▏░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 10.5%
C++ 2 hrs 25 mins █▍░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 6.8%
TypeScript 50 mins ▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 2.4%
blackcater /
Last active November 27, 2019 01:47
# Please install bass
# > omf install bass
function nvm
bass source /usr/local/opt/nvm/ --no-use ';' nvm $argv
blackcater / minikube-start.txt
Created August 22, 2019 15:42
minikube for chinese people.
minikube start --image-mirror-country="cn" --registry-mirror=""
blackcater / Mojave Theme Colors.scss
Created January 13, 2019 12:38
Mojave Theme Colors
// When color definition differs for dark and light variant,
// it gets @if ed depending on $variant
// Base colors
$base_color: if($variant =='light', #ffffff, #242424);
$text_color: if($variant == 'light', #363636, #dadada);
$bg_color: if($variant =='light', #f5f5f5, #333333);
$fg_color: if($variant =='light', #242424, #dedede);
$alt_fg_color: if($variant=='light', #383838, #3d3d3d);