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Last active April 13, 2016 21:21
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Brain Dead HTTP server in Scala
package grizzled.testutil
import{PrintWriter, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Try
/** Brain dead HTTP server, solely for testing. I could use an external
* package, but doing it this way reduces external dependencies, since I'm
* only using a lightweight HTTP server in ScalaTest tests.
* Restrictions:
* - Only handles text/plain, because that's all the tests need.
* - Doesn't scale (and doesn't really need to).
* - Only sends 200 (OK) and 404 (Not Found).
* - Doesn't bother with client-friendly headers like "Last-Modified".
* - EXTREMELY minimalist.
object BrainDeadHTTP {
/** Given an instantiated, but not running, Brain Dead HTTP server, execute
* the specified code (which presumably queries the server), and shut the
* server down.
* @param server The not-running server.
* @param code The code to run before shutting the server down.
def withHTTPServer(server: Server)(code: => Unit): Unit = {
try {
finally {
/** Defines a handler for a request.
* @param path the path, minus any leading "/"
* @param handle the handler. Takes a Request and returns a Response.
case class Handler(path: String, handle: Request => Response)
/** The incoming request. Minimalist.
* @param ipAddress the client's IP address
case class Request(ipAddress: InetAddress)
/** HTTP result, from a handler
* @param code the code
* @param content the text content, if any
case class Response(code: ResultCode.Value, content: Option[String] = None)
/** Minimalist. Only the ones we're using.
object ResultCode extends Enumeration {
type ResultCode = Value
val OK = Value("200 OK")
val NotFound = Value("404 Not Found")
import ResultCode._
/** The actual server, which operates purely at the socket level.
* @param bindPort Bind to the specified TCP port
* @param handlers Sequence of handlers to process requests
class Server(bindPort: Int, handlers: Seq[Handler]) {
/** Create a server with only a single handler.
* @param bindPort the port on which to listen
* @param handler the handler
def this(bindPort: Int, handler: Handler) = this(bindPort, Vector(handler))
private val loopback = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress
private val socket = new ServerSocket(bindPort, 5, loopback)
/** Start the server.
def start(): Unit = {
new Thread() {
override def run(): Unit = {
try {
while (! socket.isClosed) {
catch {
case _: SocketException =>
/** Stop the server.
def stop(): Unit = {
private def acceptAndHandle(socket: ServerSocket): Unit = {
val connection = socket.accept()
handle(connection).andThen { case t: Try[Unit] => connection.close }
private val GetRequest = """^GET\s+(\S+)\s+HTTP/1.\d\s*$""".r
private def handle(connection: Socket): Future[Unit] = {
Future {
val out = new PrintWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream)
.toList match {
case GetRequest(path) :: Nil =>
processGet(path, connection.getInetAddress, out)
case _ => issue404(out)
private def issue404(w: PrintWriter): Unit = {
sendResponse(w, new Response(NotFound, None))
private def processGet(path: String,
clientIP: InetAddress,
w: PrintWriter): Unit = {
val handler = handlers.find { h => s"/${h.path}" == path }
if (handler.isDefined) {
sendResponse(w, handler.get.handle(Request(clientIP)))
else {
private val df = new SimpleDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz")
private def sendResponse(w: PrintWriter, result: Response): Unit = {
val contentLength =
s"""|HTTP/1.1 ${result.code}
|Server: BrainDeadHTTP/0.0.1
|Date: ${df.format(new Date)}
|Content-Type: text/plain
|Content-Length: $contentLength
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bmc commented Apr 10, 2016

I needed a really lightweight, simple HTTP server for use in some ScalaTest tests. There are lightweight servers already out there (e.g., http4s), but I don't need a fully fleshed out HTTP server, and I don't want to haul in a whole host of dependencies just to run a few tests.

This is a quick-and-dirty, pure Socket-based HTTP server suitable for my testing needs.

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