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<?php | |
/** | |
* PostGIS to GeoJSON | |
* Query a PostGIS table or view and return the results in GeoJSON format, suitable for use in OpenLayers, Leaflet, etc. | |
* | |
* @param string $geotable The PostGIS layer name *REQUIRED* | |
* @param string $geomfield The PostGIS geometry field *REQUIRED* | |
* @param string $srid The SRID of the returned GeoJSON *OPTIONAL (If omitted, EPSG: 4326 will be used)* | |
* @param string $fields Fields to be returned *OPTIONAL (If omitted, all fields will be returned)* NOTE- Uppercase field names should be wrapped in double quotes | |
* @param string $parameters SQL WHERE clause parameters *OPTIONAL* | |
* @param string $orderby SQL ORDER BY constraint *OPTIONAL* | |
* @param string $sort SQL ORDER BY sort order (ASC or DESC) *OPTIONAL* | |
* @param string $limit Limit number of results returned *OPTIONAL* | |
* @param string $offset Offset used in conjunction with limit *OPTIONAL* | |
* @return string resulting geojson string | |
*/ | |
function escapeJsonString($value) { # list from www.json.org: (\b backspace, \f formfeed) | |
$escapers = array("\\", "/", "\"", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\x08", "\x0c"); | |
$replacements = array("\\\\", "\\/", "\\\"", "\\n", "\\r", "\\t", "\\f", "\\b"); | |
$result = str_replace($escapers, $replacements, $value); | |
return $result; | |
} | |
# Retrive URL variables | |
if (empty($_GET['geotable'])) { | |
echo "missing required parameter: <i>geotable</i>"; | |
exit; | |
} else | |
$geotable = $_GET['geotable']; | |
if (empty($_GET['geomfield'])) { | |
echo "missing required parameter: <i>geomfield</i>"; | |
exit; | |
} else | |
$geomfield = $_GET['geomfield']; | |
if (empty($_GET['srid'])) { | |
$srid = '4326'; | |
} else | |
$srid = $_GET['srid']; | |
if (empty($_GET['fields'])) { | |
$fields = '*'; | |
} else | |
$fields = $_GET['fields']; | |
$parameters = $_GET['parameters']; | |
$orderby = $_GET['orderby']; | |
if (empty($_GET['sort'])) { | |
$sort = 'ASC'; | |
} else | |
$sort = $_GET['sort']; | |
$limit = $_GET['limit']; | |
$offset = $_GET['offset']; | |
# Connect to PostgreSQL database | |
$conn = pg_connect("dbname='mydbname' user='myusername' password='mypassword' host='localhost'"); | |
if (!$conn) { | |
echo "Not connected : " . pg_error(); | |
exit; | |
} | |
# Build SQL SELECT statement and return the geometry as a GeoJSON element in EPSG: 4326 | |
$sql = "SELECT " . pg_escape_string($fields) . ", st_asgeojson(transform(" . pg_escape_string($geomfield) . ",$srid)) AS geojson FROM " . pg_escape_string($geotable); | |
if (strlen(trim($parameters)) > 0) { | |
$sql .= " WHERE " . pg_escape_string($parameters); | |
} | |
if (strlen(trim($orderby)) > 0) { | |
$sql .= " ORDER BY " . pg_escape_string($orderby) . " " . $sort; | |
} | |
if (strlen(trim($limit)) > 0) { | |
$sql .= " LIMIT " . pg_escape_string($limit); | |
} | |
if (strlen(trim($offset)) > 0) { | |
$sql .= " OFFSET " . pg_escape_string($offset); | |
} | |
//echo $sql; | |
# Try query or error | |
$rs = pg_query($conn, $sql); | |
if (!$rs) { | |
echo "An SQL error occured.\n"; | |
exit; | |
} | |
# Build GeoJSON | |
$output = ''; | |
$rowOutput = ''; | |
while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs)) { | |
$rowOutput = (strlen($rowOutput) > 0 ? ',' : '') . '{"type": "Feature", "geometry": ' . $row['geojson'] . ', "properties": {'; | |
$props = ''; | |
$id = ''; | |
foreach ($row as $key => $val) { | |
if ($key != "geojson") { | |
$props .= (strlen($props) > 0 ? ',' : '') . '"' . $key . '":"' . escapeJsonString($val) . '"'; | |
} | |
if ($key == "id") { | |
$id .= ',"id":"' . escapeJsonString($val) . '"'; | |
} | |
} | |
$rowOutput .= $props . '}'; | |
$rowOutput .= $id; | |
$rowOutput .= '}'; | |
$output .= $rowOutput; | |
} | |
$output = '{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ ' . $output . ' ]}'; | |
echo $output; | |
?> |
Nice! I think you mean ST_Transform and not transform on line 68, however?
Yes, should be ST_Transform. Wish I had read @sosso comment before I figured it out for myself.
How do you enter a Where parameter that would normally be the following in postgresql: name='bob'. I get an error when quotes are used. A query like name IS NOT NULL works.
I thought pg_escape_string($parameters) would just escape the quotes by adding extra ones before each quote. I also tried with double quotes but made no difference.
Very, very good! Many thanks!
Is there any method to do the same using jsp?
very, very good!
Thanks, this is a really helpful!
Hi all! I am new to open layers and kindly need some help. I have geojson strings saved in postgresql database table and i need to access them and add new property labels .
{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[77.06033706665039,16.95387840270996]},"properties":{"name":"Location 1","id":0}},{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[77.09518432617188,16.960229873657227]},"properties":{"name":"Location 2","id":1}},{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[77.10479736328125,16.9808292388916]},"properties":{"name":"Location 3","id":2}},{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[77.10599899291992,16.99507713317871]},"properties":{"name":"Location 4","id":3}}]}
As the property already contains name and id fields,i want to add a new property status and remark.
You can do away with the string concatenation and directly create the feature collection with the DB query:
'type', 'FeatureCollection',
'features', json_agg(ST_AsGeoJSON(t.*)::json)
my_table AS t
Very good, thanks!