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Last active March 25, 2019 09:24
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  • Save bmcbride/9689580 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bmcbride/9689580 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to convert a RouteShoot generated .kml file into an .srt subtitle file for overlaying info on the video. Add the following tag to the YouTube video to force showing the captions when the video plays: yt:cc=on.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
metric = 0
kml = raw_input('Enter the KML file path and name: ')
srt = kml.replace('.kml', '.srt');
file = open(srt, 'w')
if metric == 1:
speedUnits = '(km/h)'
altitudeUnits = '(m)'
distanceUnits = '(km)'
if metric == 0:
speedUnits = '(mi/h)'
altitudeUnits = '(ft)'
distanceUnits = '(mi)'
tree = ET.parse(kml)
root = tree.getroot()
def formatSrtTime(secTime):
'''Convert a time in decimal seconds to srt time format.'''
sec, micro = str(secTime).split('.')
m, s = divmod(int(sec), 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return "{:02}:{:02}:{:02},{}".format(h,m,s,micro)
for child in root.findall('./Document/Placemark/ExtendedData/SchemaData'):
fid = child[0].text
lat = child[1].text
lon = child[2].text
bearing = '%.2f' % float(child[3].text)
speed = '%.2f' % ((float(child[4].text)*3600)/1000)
uid = child[5].text
altitude = '%.2f' % float(child[6].text)
date = child[7].text
time = child[8].text
distance = '%.3f' % (float(child[9].text)*0.001)
start = str(int(fid) - 1) + '.00'
stop = str(fid) + '.00'
if metric == 0:
speed = '%.2f' % (float(speed)*0.621371)
altitude = '%.2f' % (float(altitude)*3.28084)
distance = '%.3f' % (float(distance)*0.621371)
file.write(fid + '\n')
file.write(formatSrtTime(start) + ' --> ' + formatSrtTime(stop) + '\n')
file.write('sp: ' + speed + ' ' + speedUnits + ' | dist: ' + distance + ' ' + distanceUnits + ' | elev: ' + altitude + ' ' + altitudeUnits + ' | bearing: ' + bearing + '\n')
file.write(date + ' | ' + time + ' | lat: ' + lat + ' | lon: ' + lon + '\n')
print 'done!'
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