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Created February 25, 2024 23:13
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using Catlab
# Define the category of sets
C = Category()
# Define the presheaf to represent the data
data = Presheaf(C)
# Define the presheaf to represent the latent variables
latent_variables = Presheaf(C)
# Define the presheaf to represent the neural network
neural_network = Presheaf(C)
# Define the presheaf to represent the dependency between the neural network and the data
dependency = Presheaf(C)
# Define the presheaf to represent the composition of morphisms
composition = Presheaf(C)
# Define the presheaf to represent the active variables
active_variables = Presheaf(C)
# Define the presheaf to represent the stopped variables
stopped_variables = Presheaf(C)
# Define the morphisms to represent the encoding and decoding processes
encoding = Morphism(data, latent_variables)
decoding = Morphism(latent_variables, data)
# Define the natural transformation to represent the specific neural network we are using
specific_neural_network = NaturalTransformation(neural_network, neural_network)
# Define the operad to represent the composition of morphisms
operad = Operad(C)
# Define the composition operation for the operad
composition_operation = Operation(operad)
# Define the subcategory to represent the active variables
active_variables_subcategory = Subcategory(C)
# Define the quotient category to represent the stopped variables
stopped_variables_quotient_category = QuotientCategory(C)
# Ensure that certain matrices are lower triangular
for m in matrices
m = lower_triangular(m)
# Use identity morphisms where appropriate
for i in 1:length(morphisms)
if morphisms[i] == identity_morphism
morphisms[i] = IdentityMorphism(C)
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