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Forked from aaronpk/ServiceHelper.php
Created October 4, 2012 15:54
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class ServiceHelper {
// @text is the full tweet text
// @shortCode is the code part of the shortlink, like nXXX0
public function shortenForTwitter($text, $shortCode=FALSE, $shortDomain=FALSE) {
$placeholders = array();
$rawTweet = $text;
// Catch anything that Twitter might think is a link and wrap in a placeholder
while(preg_match('|(https?://)?[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z]{2,10}/?([^ ]+)?|i', $rawTweet, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
// Count these entities as 20-characters.
// Generate placeholder text, a sequence of characters unlikely to be used in body text
$placeholder = ':::'.substr(sha1($match[0].rand(1000000,9999999)), 0, 17);
$rawTweet = substr_replace($rawTweet, $placeholder, $match[0][1], strlen($match[0][0]));
$placeholders[$placeholder] = $match[0][0];
#echo "Raw: " . $rawTweet . "\n";
$citationLinkTemplate = '';
$citationLinkTemplate = '';
$shortText = $this->shortenToLengthWithCitation($rawTweet, 140, $shortCode, $shortDomain, $citationLinkTemplate);
// Re-expand the placeholders before sending to Twitter
foreach($placeholders as $key=>$val) {
$shortText = str_replace($key, $val, $shortText);
#echo "Tweet: " . $shortText . "\n";
return $shortText;
public function shortenForAppDotNet($text, $shortCode=FALSE, $shortDomain=FALSE) {
$citationLinkTemplate = $shortDomain.'/'.$shortCode;
$citationLinkTemplate = '';
$shortText = $this->shortenToLengthWithCitation($text, 256, $shortCode, $shortDomain, $citationLinkTemplate);
return $shortText;
public $citationLinkPosition;
public $citationLinkLength;
public $citationLinkText;
private function shortenToLengthWithCitation($text, $length, $shortCode=FALSE, $shortDomain=FALSE, $citationLinkTemplate='') {
// Save 17 characters ' ( xxxxx)' for the end
$shortText = $text;
$words = explode(' ', $shortText);
$hashtags = array();
$shortened = FALSE;
// Shorten the text to fit in 140-n chars
$citation = ' (' . $citationLinkTemplate . ')';
$citation = '';
while(strlen($shortText) > ($length-strlen($citation))) {
// Preserve hashtags. Find the last word that is not a hashtag and remove it.
$found = FALSE;
for($i=count($words)-1; $i>=0 && $found==FALSE; $i--) {
// Catch hashtags and save them
if(!preg_match('/#[^ ]+/', $words[$i])) {
array_splice($words, $i, 1);
$found = TRUE;
} else {
$hashtags[] = $words[$i];
array_splice($words, $i, 1);
// Generate a sample shortText with the new arrays. This is not the final text that will be returned.
$shortText = implode(' ', array_merge($words, $hashtags));
$shortened = TRUE;
// If the text was shortened to fit the permalink, then re-shorten the tweet to include the linked permalink and ellipses
if($shortened) {
$shortText = $text;
$words = explode(' ', $shortText);
$hashtags = array();
$citation = '... '.$citationLinkTemplate;
$citation = '...';
while(strlen($shortText) > ($length-strlen($citation))) {
$found = FALSE;
for($i=count($words)-1; $i>=0 && $found==FALSE; $i--) {
if(!preg_match('/#[^ ]+/', $words[$i])) {
array_splice($words, $i, 1);
$found = TRUE;
} else {
$hashtags[] = $words[$i];
array_splice($words, $i, 1);
// Generate a sample shortText with the new arrays. This is not the final text that will be returned.
$shortText = implode(' ', array_merge($words, $hashtags));
// Put the words back together with the hashtags at the end
if($shortened) {
// Trim off punctuation. This actually makes the tweet possibly slightly under the limit.
$shortText = trim(implode(' ', $words), ',.:;') . '... ' . implode(' ', $hashtags);
#echo "Short: $shortText\n";
#echo "Length: " . strlen($shortText) . "\n";
// Add the citation to the end
if($shortCode) {
if($shortened) {
$this->citationLinkPosition = strlen(trim($shortText) . ' ');
if(preg_match('/^http/', $citationLinkTemplate))
$this->citationLinkText = 'http://' . $shortDomain . '/' . $shortCode;
$this->citationLinkText = $shortDomain . '/' . $shortCode;
$this->citationLinkLength = strlen($this->citationLinkText);
$shortText = trim($shortText) . ' ' . $this->citationLinkText;
} else {
$this->citationLinkPosition = strlen(trim($shortText) . ' (');
if(preg_match('/^http/', $citationLinkTemplate))
$this->citationLinkText = 'http://' . $shortDomain . '/' . $shortCode;
$this->citationLinkText = $shortDomain . '/' . $shortCode;
$this->citationLinkLength = strlen($this->citationLinkText);
$shortText = trim($shortText) . ' (' . $this->citationLinkText . ')';
return $shortText;
/** ******************************************** **/
$sample = array(
'The real test. Posting from the xtendr iPhone app to my site, syndicating to Twitter, and PuSH. #indieweb',
'Random post with short link and a full link and some text after, probably too long to post to Twitter as is',
'Naturally the Twitter syndication failed, because it caught my 7-character "" and turned it into a 20-character "" URL....',
'Testing my new posting API. This one should use link annotations. #indieweb',
'I thought I was going to stop using Twitter because of their ToS changes. Turns out it\'s because of this:',
'This is the first good argument for that I\'ve heard:',
'I had a dream last night where I was an XCode project. Every time the alarm went off, that was running "Build and Run." If I would fail to compile, I\'d have to fix the errors and try again. The next time the alarm went off, I\'d attempt to "run" again, and I kept failing to compile a few times when I kept hitting "snooze." The last thing I did before I actually woke up was fix a missing semicolon which finally allowed me to compile and then I was awake. #programming',
'Just got in the world\'s dumbest bike accident on the waterfront. This adorable kid tried to give me a high five as I biked by, but I overcompensated with my front brake and flipped over my handlebars. I had no idea it was that easy to flip over.',
foreach($sample as $text) {
echo $text . "\n";
echo "Original Length: " . strlen($text) . "\n";
$helper = new ServiceHelper();
#$short = $helper->shortenForAppDotNet($text, 'nXXX0', '');
$short = $helper->shortenForTwitter($text, 'nXXX0', '');
echo $short . "\n";
echo "Length: " . strlen($short) . "\n";
echo "\n";
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