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Created February 27, 2024 10:08
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"A Quick Introduction to Denotational Semantics using Agda" notes for talk given at TUPLE 2024 (
{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}
module tuple where
-- A Quick Introduction to Denotational Semantics
-- (perhaps using Agda?)
-- Robert Atkey <>
-- Mathematically Structured Programming group
-- Computer and Information Sciences
-- University of Strathclyde
-- Talk given at TUPLE 2024
-- I'll be using the Agda Standard Library:
open import Data.List using ([]; [_]; _++_; List; sum)
open import Data.List.Properties using (sum-++-commute)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; _+_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-identityʳ)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂; _,_)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_; refl; module ≡-Reasoning; cong; cong₂)
-- If we write a program in a programming language what will it do
-- when we run it?
-- 1. It does what it does. (will it do the same thing next time?
-- what if we use a different compiler?)
-- 2. We all know what it does, it says so there in the code. You
-- just read it.
-- 3. There is a big thick language specification that tells you.
-- 4. There is a mathematical description
-- - Operational semantics (as a transition system)
-- - Denotational semantics ...
-- Denotational Semantics
-- Key idea: we understand the meaning of the program by composing
-- meanings of the parts.
-- - Often matches our intuitive model of the language
-- - “functions” _are_ functions
-- - Get to use lots of beautiful mathematics to construct
-- denotational semantics for different purposes, and to relate
-- them.
-- Also: using Agda as a mathematical workbench for playing around.
-- The smallest thing that you could call a programming language
-- (thanks to Graham Hutton)
data Type : Set where
Nat : Type
data Term : Type → Set where
literal : (n : ℕ)
→ Term Nat
_`+_ : Term Nat
→ Term Nat
→ Term Nat
-- Standard Semantics
⟦_⟧ : ∀ {T} → Term T → ℕ
⟦ literal n ⟧ = n
⟦ t `+ u ⟧ = ⟦ t ⟧ + ⟦ u ⟧
-- ⟦_⟧ turns _syntax_ into _semantics_
-- “re-notational pedantics”
-- Normalisation (by Evaluation)
-- Instead of seeing a program as denoting a natural number, let's
-- _normalise_ by the law of associativity:
-- ((1 + 4) + 5) + 6 becomes 1 + (4 + (5 + 6))
-- Could write this as a source-to-source translation.
-- Or... we could treat this as a non-standard semantics...
-- Normalising Semantics
-- Idea: replace the interpretation of numbers with one that
-- represents numbers as expressions in normal form, and interpret the
-- two basic operations as manipulations of the normal form expressions.
NFNat : Set
NFNat = List ℕ -- [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] represents 1 + (2 + (3 + 0))
⟦_⟧NF : NFNat → ℕ
⟦ summands ⟧NF = sum summands
-- Normalisation as a semantics
-- literals 'n' are represented as 'n + 0'
literalNF : ℕ → NFNat
literalNF n = [ n ]
-- could have
-- literalNF 0 = []
-- Interpret addition as concatenation
-- Concatenation essentially implements the rewriting by associativity
addNF : NFNat → NFNat → NFNat
addNF x y = x ++ y
⟦_⟧norm : ∀ {T} → Term T → NFNat
⟦ literal n ⟧norm = literalNF n
⟦ t `+ u ⟧norm = addNF ⟦ t ⟧norm ⟦ u ⟧norm
-- Correctness of the normalising semantics
⟦_⟧norm-ok : ∀ {T} (t : Term T) → ⟦ ⟦ t ⟧norm ⟧NF ≡ ⟦ t ⟧
⟦ literal n ⟧norm-ok =
+-identityʳ n
⟦ t `+ u ⟧norm-ok =
⟦ addNF ⟦ t ⟧norm ⟦ u ⟧norm ⟧NF ≡⟨⟩
⟦ ⟦ t ⟧norm ++ ⟦ u ⟧norm ⟧NF ≡⟨⟩
sum (⟦ t ⟧norm ++ ⟦ u ⟧norm) ≡⟨ sum-++-commute ⟦ t ⟧norm ⟦ u ⟧norm ⟩
sum (⟦ t ⟧norm) + sum (⟦ u ⟧norm) ≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ ⟦ t ⟧norm-ok ⟦ u ⟧norm-ok ⟩
⟦ t ⟧ + ⟦ u ⟧
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
-- Correctness as another interpretation
-- Instead of proving correctness afterwards, we can define a
-- normalising semantics that is correct by construction.
-- We interpret the Nat type as a triple:
record NFCNat : Set where
value : ℕ -- standard semantics
nf : NFNat -- normalised version
nf-ok : ⟦ nf ⟧NF ≡ value -- they agree
open NFCNat
-- Key point: if we can interpret every construct of the language in
-- terms of NFCNat, then we get a correct normaliser “for free”.
literalNFC : ℕ → NFCNat
literalNFC n .value = n
literalNFC n .nf = literalNF n
literalNFC n .nf-ok = +-identityʳ n
addNFC : NFCNat → NFCNat → NFCNat
addNFC x y .value = x .value + y .value
addNFC x y .nf = x .nf ++ y .nf
addNFC x y .nf-ok =
⟦ x .nf ++ y .nf ⟧NF ≡⟨ sum-++-commute (x .nf) (y .nf) ⟩
⟦ x .nf ⟧NF + ⟦ y .nf ⟧NF ≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ (x .nf-ok) (y .nf-ok) ⟩
x .value + y .value
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
-- Correct-by-Construction normalisation semantics
⟦_⟧NFC : ∀ {T} → Term T → NFCNat
⟦ literal n ⟧NFC = literalNFC n
⟦ t `+ u ⟧NFC = addNFC ⟦ t ⟧NFC ⟦ u ⟧NFC
-- Three derived things:
⟦_⟧std : ∀ {T} → Term T → ℕ
⟦ t ⟧std = ⟦ t ⟧NFC .value
⟦_⟧nf : ∀ {T} → Term T → NFNat
⟦ t ⟧nf = ⟦ t ⟧NFC .nf
⟦_⟧correct : ∀ {T} (t : Term T) → ⟦ ⟦ t ⟧nf ⟧NF ≡ ⟦ t ⟧std
⟦ t ⟧correct = ⟦ t ⟧NFC .nf-ok
-- Compilation as a semantics
-- We can see compilation as an alternative semantics.
-- The meaning of a program is the code that implements it.
-- The meaning of a program is the *correct* code that implements it.
module StackMachine where
-- Stack shapes
data StackShape : Set where
empty : StackShape
_◁_ : Type → StackShape → StackShape
infixr 4 _◁_
-- Instructions, indexed by stack shapes
data Instr : StackShape → StackShape → Set where
PUSH : ∀ {σ} → ℕ →
Instr σ (Nat ◁ σ)
ADD : ∀ {σ} → Instr (Nat ◁ Nat ◁ σ) (Nat ◁ σ)
-- Programs are lists of instructions
data Prog : StackShape → StackShape → Set where
ε : ∀ {σ} →
Prog σ σ
_⍮_ : ∀ {σ₁ σ₂ σ₃} → Instr σ₁ σ₂
→ Prog σ₂ σ₃
→ Prog σ₁ σ₃
infixr 21 _⍮_
-- Stacks are indexed by shapes
data Stack : StackShape → Set where
empty : Stack empty
_◁_ : ∀ {σ} → ℕ → Stack σ → Stack (Nat ◁ σ)
-- Execution
exec-instr : ∀ {σ₁ σ₂} → Instr σ₁ σ₂ → Stack σ₁ → Stack σ₂
exec-instr (PUSH x) stk = x ◁ stk
exec-instr ADD (n₁ ◁ n₂ ◁ stk) = (n₁ + n₂) ◁ stk
exec : ∀ {σ₁ σ₂} → Prog σ₁ σ₂ → Stack σ₁ → Stack σ₂
exec ε stk = stk
exec (i ⍮ p) stk = exec p (exec-instr i stk)
-- Sticking programs together end-to-end
_⍮*_ : ∀ {σ₁ σ₂ σ₃} → Prog σ₁ σ₂ → Prog σ₂ σ₃ → Prog σ₁ σ₃
ε ⍮* q = q
(x ⍮ p) ⍮* q = x ⍮ (p ⍮* q)
infixr 20 _⍮*_
exec* : ∀ {σ₁ σ₂ σ₃} →
(p : Prog σ₁ σ₂)(q : Prog σ₂ σ₃) →
∀ stk → exec (p ⍮* q) stk ≡ exec q (exec p stk)
exec* ε q stk = refl
exec* (i ⍮ p) q stk = exec* p q (exec-instr i stk)
-- A correct-by-construction compiler
-- An 'ImplementedNat' consists of:
-- - an actual natural number (the spec)
-- - a program (the implementation / “realiser”)
-- - a proof that they agree (correctness)
record ImplementedNat : Set where
value : ℕ
prog : ∀ {σ} → Prog σ (Nat ◁ σ)
prog-ok : ∀ {σ} (stk : Stack σ) → exec prog stk ≡ (value ◁ stk)
open ImplementedNat
-- Correct-by-construction compiled literals
literalImpl : ℕ → ImplementedNat
literalImpl n .value = n
literalImpl n .prog = PUSH n ⍮ ε
literalImpl n .prog-ok stk = refl
-- Correct-by-construction compiled addition
addImpl : ImplementedNat → ImplementedNat → ImplementedNat
addImpl x y .value = x .value + y .value
addImpl x y .prog = y .prog ⍮* x .prog ⍮* ADD ⍮ ε
addImpl x y .prog-ok stk =
exec (y .prog ⍮* (x .prog ⍮* (ADD ⍮ ε))) stk ≡⟨ exec* (y .prog) (x .prog ⍮* (ADD ⍮ ε)) stk ⟩
exec (x .prog ⍮* (ADD ⍮ ε)) (exec (y .prog) stk) ≡⟨ exec* (x .prog) (ADD ⍮ ε) _ ⟩
exec (ADD ⍮ ε) (exec (x .prog) (exec (y .prog) stk)) ≡⟨ cong (λ □ → exec (ADD ⍮ ε) (exec (x .prog) □))
(y .prog-ok stk) ⟩
exec (ADD ⍮ ε) (exec (x .prog) (y .value ◁ stk)) ≡⟨ cong (λ □ → exec (ADD ⍮ ε) □) (x .prog-ok _) ⟩
exec (ADD ⍮ ε) (x .value ◁ y .value ◁ stk) ≡⟨⟩
x .value + y .value ◁ stk
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
-- Correct-by-construction compiler
⟦_⟧Compiler : ∀ {T} → Term T → ImplementedNat
⟦ literal n ⟧Compiler = literalImpl n
⟦ t `+ u ⟧Compiler = addImpl ⟦ t ⟧Compiler ⟦ u ⟧Compiler
-- _ = {!⟦ literal 1 `+ literal 2 ⟧Compiler!}
-- Languages with variables, towards categories
-- The language above is somewhat boring because every program always
-- computes the same thing. Let's make it more interesting by adding
-- variables to the language.
-- Contexts, where variables live
data Context : Set where
ε : Context
_▷_ : Context → Type → Context
infix 5 _▷_
-- Referencing variables in a context
data _∋_ : Context → Type → Set where
here : ∀ {Γ T}
→ Γ ▷ T ∋ T
there : ∀ {Γ S T} → Γ ∋ T
→ Γ ▷ S ∋ T
infix 4 _∋_
-- Terms with variables, in context
data _⊢_ : Context → Type → Set where
var : ∀ {Γ} → Γ ∋ Nat
→ Γ ⊢ Nat
literal : ∀ {Γ} (n : ℕ)
→ Γ ⊢ Nat
_`+_ : ∀ {Γ} → Γ ⊢ Nat
→ Γ ⊢ Nat
→ Γ ⊢ Nat
infix 4 _⊢_
-- The “Standard” semantics
-- A program-in-context is modelled as a _function_ from the values of
-- its variables to its value.
-- Implicitly: types are modelled as Sets, Nat is modelled as the set
-- of naturals, contexts are modelled as nested tuples.
module standard-semantics where
⟦_⟧ty : Type → Set
⟦ Nat ⟧ty = ℕ
⟦_⟧ctxt : Context → Set
⟦ ε ⟧ctxt = ⊤
⟦ Γ ▷ T ⟧ctxt = ⟦ Γ ⟧ctxt × ⟦ T ⟧ty
⟦_⟧var : ∀ {Γ T} → Γ ∋ T → ⟦ Γ ⟧ctxt → ⟦ T ⟧ty
⟦ here ⟧var = proj₂
⟦ there x ⟧var = λ γ → ⟦ x ⟧var (proj₁ γ)
⟦_⟧term : ∀ {Γ T} → Γ ⊢ T → ⟦ Γ ⟧ctxt → ⟦ T ⟧ty
⟦ var x ⟧term = ⟦ x ⟧var
⟦ literal n ⟧term = λ γ → n
⟦ t `+ u ⟧term = λ γ → ⟦ t ⟧term γ + ⟦ u ⟧term γ
-- Abstract semantics
-- We want to give many different semantics for this language, but
-- there's a lot going on!
-- In the language without variables, we had to model one type and two
-- operations.
-- Here, we need a lot more bookkeeping. Let's put everything we need
-- into a big record:
record Sem : Set₂ where
Obj : Set₁ -- Interpretations of types
_==>_ : Obj → Obj → Set -- Interpretations of judgements
𝟙 : Obj -- Empty context
_⟨×⟩_ : Obj → Obj → Obj -- Pairing contexts
-- Composition
_∘_ : ∀ {X Y Z} → Y ==> Z → X ==> Y → X ==> Z
-- Operations on pairs
project₁ : ∀ {X Y} → (X ⟨×⟩ Y) ==> X
project₂ : ∀ {X Y} → (X ⟨×⟩ Y) ==> Y
⟨_,_⟩ : ∀ {X Y Z} → (X ==> Y) → (X ==> Z) → X ==> (Y ⟨×⟩ Z)
-- Language specific things
NatObj : Obj
literalArrow : ∀ {X} → ℕ → X ==> NatObj
addArrow : (NatObj ⟨×⟩ NatObj) ==> NatObj
-- Is this enough? We will see that it is...
-- Generic semantics
-- Given a 'Sem', we get an interpretation of the language as a
-- morphisms from (interpretation of) contexts to (interpretation of)
-- the result type.
module Interpretation (𝒜 : Sem) where
open Sem 𝒜
⟦_⟧ty : Type → Obj
⟦ Nat ⟧ty = NatObj
⟦_⟧ctxt : Context → Obj
⟦ ε ⟧ctxt = 𝟙
⟦ Γ ▷ T ⟧ctxt = ⟦ Γ ⟧ctxt ⟨×⟩ ⟦ T ⟧ty
⟦_⟧var : ∀ {Γ T} → Γ ∋ T → ⟦ Γ ⟧ctxt ==> ⟦ T ⟧ty
⟦ here ⟧var = project₂
⟦ there x ⟧var = ⟦ x ⟧var ∘ project₁
⟦_⟧term : ∀ {Γ T} → Γ ⊢ T → ⟦ Γ ⟧ctxt ==> ⟦ T ⟧ty
⟦ var x ⟧term = ⟦ x ⟧var
⟦ literal n ⟧term = literalArrow n
⟦ t `+ u ⟧term = addArrow ∘ ⟨ ⟦ t ⟧term , ⟦ u ⟧term ⟩
-- Standard Semantics
open Sem
Standard : Sem
Standard .Obj = Set
Standard ._==>_ X Y = X → Y
Standard .𝟙 = ⊤
Standard ._⟨×⟩_ = _×_
Standard ._∘_ = λ f g x → f (g x)
Standard .project₁ = proj₁
Standard .project₂ = proj₂
Standard .⟨_,_⟩ = λ f g x → f x , g x
Standard .NatObj = ℕ
Standard .literalArrow n _ = n
Standard .addArrow (m , n) = m + n
⟦_⟧standard : ε ▷ Nat ⊢ Nat → ℕ → ℕ
⟦ t ⟧standard n = ⟦ t ⟧term (tt , n)
where open Interpretation Standard
-- A Normalising Semantics
-- Normal forms:
-- 10 + (x + (y + (z + x)))
-- • Variables are rearranged by associativity
-- • Arithmetic on numbers
-- Crucial thing to work out: what context do the variables live in.
-- Would this work?
NormType⟨wrong⟩ : Set₁
NormType⟨wrong⟩ = Set
-- NormNat⟨wrong⟩ : NormType⟨wrong⟩
-- NormNat⟨wrong⟩ = Σ[ Γ ∈ Context ] ℕ × List {!Γ ∋ Nat!}
-- A Normalising Semantics (towards presheaves)
-- Types are now interpreted relative to a context
NormType : Set₁
NormType = Context → Set
NormMor : NormType → NormType → Set
NormMor X Y = ∀ Γ → X Γ → Y Γ
_∘N_ : ∀ {X Y Z} → NormMor Y Z → NormMor X Y → NormMor X Z
f ∘N g = λ Γ z → f Γ (g Γ z)
𝟙N : NormType
𝟙N Γ = ⊤
_×N_ : NormType → NormType → NormType
(X ×N Y) Γ = X Γ × Y Γ
normProj₁ : ∀ {X Y} → NormMor (X ×N Y) X
normProj₁ = λ Γ → proj₁
normProj₂ : ∀ {X Y} → NormMor (X ×N Y) Y
normProj₂ = λ Γ → proj₂
normPair : ∀ {X Y Z} → NormMor X Y → NormMor X Z → NormMor X (Y ×N Z)
normPair f g = λ Γ z → f Γ z , g Γ z
-- Normalisation
NormNat : NormType
NormNat Γ = ℕ × List (Γ ∋ Nat)
normLit : ∀ {X} → ℕ → NormMor X NormNat
normLit n Γ _ = n , []
normAdd : NormMor (NormNat ×N NormNat) NormNat
normAdd Γ ((n₁ , vs₁) , (n₂ , vs₂)) = (n₁ + n₂) , (vs₁ ++ vs₂)
NormSem : Sem
NormSem .Obj = NormType
NormSem ._==>_ = NormMor
NormSem .𝟙 = 𝟙N
NormSem ._⟨×⟩_ = _×N_
NormSem ._∘_ = _∘N_
NormSem .project₁ = normProj₁
NormSem .project₂ = normProj₂
NormSem .⟨_,_⟩ = normPair
NormSem .NatObj = NormNat
NormSem .literalArrow = normLit
NormSem .addArrow = normAdd
normalise : ε ▷ Nat ⊢ Nat → ℕ × List (ε ▷ Nat ∋ Nat)
normalise t = ⟦ t ⟧term (ε ▷ Nat) (tt , (0 , [ here ]))
where open Interpretation NormSem
-- A Quick Introduction to Denotational Semantics
-- Denotational semantics is the definition of the meaning of programs
-- in terms of their subparts (“compositionally”)
-- Surprisingly many properties of a language can be deduced by
-- choosing well designed semantics
-- Lots of places to go:
-- polymorphic and dependent types? Fibrations, CwFs, ...
-- substructural types? monoidal categories, comonads, ...
-- infinite data or behaviour? Domain theory, topos of trees
-- connecting to program reasoning? Categorical Logic, temporal logics
-- concurrency, state, non-determinism, probability, distribution, ..., monads
-- Reusable tools: categories, fibrations, (pre)sheaves, glueing, ...
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