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Created January 5, 2014 18:34
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Encoding of GADTs in SML/NJ
(* This is a demonstration of the use of the SML module system to
encode (Generalized Algebraic Datatypes) GADTs via Church
encodings. The basic idea is to use the Church encoding of GADTs in
System Fomega and translate the System Fomega type into the module
system. As I demonstrate below, this allows things like the
singleton type of booleans, and the equality type, to be
This was inspired by Jon Sterling's blog post about encoding proofs
in the SML module system:
The implementation below actually implements the boolean and
equality elimination rules postulated in that post, and fixes a
problem with the definition of the boolean eliminator.
1. Each GADT is defined as structures containing its parameters,
and its eliminator, as would be expected for a Church encoding.
2. It isn't possible to directly copy the Fomega definitions into
SML, because SML lacks higher-kinded polymorphism in the core
language. The encoding presented here relies on the fact that the
SML module system (with SML/NJ extensions) allows for some of
System F omega to be encoded. See the link below to Rossberg, Russo
and Dreyer's paper on encoding modules into System F omega.
3. As hinted in the last point, this is not standard Standard
ML. The encoding relies on being able to put functors inside
modules, which AFAIK is an SML/NJ extension. This code doesn't work
in, e.g., PolyML.
4. This encoding is effectively useless for writing actual SML
programs, unless you use an ML system with first-class module
support. Values of each of the defined GADTs are built up by using
structures and functor applications, which can only happen at
compile-time. Thus we cannot construct or eliminate values of GADTs
at runtime.
In OCaml, which does have support for first-class modules, we can
reflect the module types defined below as value types, as so
construct them, pass them around, and eliminate them, at
runtime. In OCaml:
type ('a,'b) = (module Eq with type a = 'a and type b = 'b)
let refl = (module Refl)
3. Each of the eliminators is defined in terms of eliminating to a
value type (e.g., 'a f in the signature BoolIndData). In each of
the proof examples below, this is eventually wrapped up into a new
structure of the right signature. Unforunately, this means that
proofs are often constructed in a roundabout
continuation-passing-style (see the proof of NotNotX_eq_X
Ideally, I would've liked to define eliminators in terms of
elimination into a given signature with a type parameter. However,
I'm pretty sure that this would require the ability to abstract
over signatures, which SML(/NJ) does cater for, and OCaml only has
limited support.
In a system with first-class module support, this problem is
eliminated (lol) because we can lower everything into the value
language. (Although OCaml's lack of real higher-kinded type
variables eventually causes pain).
4. Neither SML(/NJ) nor OCaml have support for defining type-level
functions that aren't just either synoyms or fresh datatype
definitions. Therefore, to simulate type-level functions, I copied
Jon Sterling's approach and simply postulated the defining
equations of the functions I needed.
5. One might reasonably worry whether or not the GADTs defined
below are really the genuine thing. An answer to this is provided
by (a) an encoding of the SML module system in Fomega by Rossberg,
Russo and Dreyer's "F-ing modules":
and (b) by my paper that constructs a relationally parametric
module of System F omega and proves that the Church encodings of
GADTs are adequate:
These together do not form a fully formal proof in this specific
case however, since neither paper deals with the extra features of
SML. In particular, the effect of effects on relational
parametricity has not yet, to my knowledge, been studied on
conjunction with higher kinds. *)
(* Encoding of the singleton boolean GADT.
In Haskell:
data Bool :: * -> * where
TT :: Bool TT
FF :: Bool FF
In System F omega, Church-encoded:
Bool b = forall f : * -> *. f tt -> f ff -> f b
(* Type-level representations of the bool constructors. *)
type tt = unit
type ff = unit
(* A generic bool-elimination job description. *)
signature BoolIndData =
type 'a f
val case_tt : tt f
val case_ff : ff f
signature Bool =
type v
functor Elim (I : BoolIndData) : sig val proof : v I.f end
structure TT : Bool where type v = tt =
type v = tt
functor Elim (I : BoolIndData) =
val proof = I.case_tt
structure FF : Bool where type v = ff =
type v = ff
functor Elim (I : BoolIndData) =
val proof = I.case_ff
(* Encoding of the equality type as 'the least reflexive relation':
In Haskell:
data Eq :: * -> * -> * where
Refl :: Eq a a
In System F omega:
Eq a b = forall f : * -> * -> *. (forall x. f x x) -> f a b
Alternative encoding ("Leibniz equality"):
Eq a b = forall c : * -> *. c a -> c b *)
signature EqIndData =
type ('a,'b) f
val case_refl : ('a,'a) f
signature Eq =
type a
type b
functor Elim (I : EqIndData) : sig val proof : (a,b) I.f end
functor Refl (T : sig type t end) : Eq where type a = T.t and type b = T.t =
type a = T.t
type b = T.t
functor Elim (I : EqIndData) =
val proof = I.case_refl
(* Symmetry, transitivity, and congruence can be derived: *)
(* Equality is symmetric. *)
functor Symm (E : Eq) : Eq where type a = E.b and type b = E.a =
type a = E.b
type b = E.a
functor Elim (I : EqIndData) =
structure P = E.Elim (struct type ('a,'b) f = ('b,'a) I.f
val case_refl = I.case_refl
val proof = P.proof
(* Equality is transitive. *)
functor Trans (E1 : Eq) (E2 : Eq where type a = E1.b) : Eq where type a = E1.a and type b = E2.b =
type a = E1.a
type b = E2.b
functor Elim (I : EqIndData) =
structure P1 = E1.Elim
(struct type ('a,'b) f = ('b,E2.b) I.f -> ('a,E2.b) I.f
val case_refl = fn x => x
structure P2 = E2.Elim
(struct type ('a,'b) f = ('a,'b) I.f
val case_refl = I.case_refl
(* P1.proof : (E1.b,E2.b) I.f -> (E1.a,E2.b) I.f (where E1.b = E2.a) *)
(* P2.proof : (E2.a,E2.b) I.f *)
val proof = P1.proof P2.proof
(* Equality is a congruence. *)
functor Cong (E : Eq) (F : sig type 'a t end) : Eq where type a = E.a F.t and type b = E.b F.t =
type a = E.a F.t
type b = E.b F.t
functor Elim (I : EqIndData) =
structure P = E.Elim
(struct type ('a,'b) f = ('a F.t, 'b F.t) I.f
val case_refl = I.case_refl
val proof = P.proof
(* I postulate the existence of certain type-level functions by
assuming their defining equations. In this case I postulate the
existence of a type-level function 'not' with the two obvious
In Haskell/GHC, we could've used a type family to define 'real'
type-level functions:
type family Not b :: *
type instance Not TT = FF
type instance Not FF = TT
and the type checker would then hold definitionally for us, and we
wouldn't have to directly use these equations in the proof of
involution below.
Note that System F omega doesn't allow for type-level functions to
be defined by pattern matching on objects of kind * either (and
neither does Coq or Agda). The 'proper' way to do this would be to
define a new kind of type-level booleans, which come with a
(non-dependent) elimination principle. *)
signature NOT =
type 'a not
structure not_tt : Eq where type a = tt not and type b = ff
structure not_ff : Eq where type a = ff not and type b = tt
(* Proof that any 'not' satisfying NOT is involutive over the
booleans. *)
functor Proofs (NotImpl : NOT) =
open NotImpl
structure Lem1 : Eq where type a = tt not not and type b = tt =
Trans (Cong (not_tt) (type 'a t = 'a not)) (not_ff)
structure Lem2 : Eq where type a = ff not not and type b = ff =
Trans (Cong (not_ff) (type 'a t = 'a not)) (not_tt)
functor NotNotX_eq_X (B : Bool) : Eq where type a = B.v not not and type b = B.v =
type a = B.v not not
type b = B.v
functor Elim (I : EqIndData) =
structure P1 = Lem1.Elim (I)
structure P2 = Lem2.Elim (I)
structure P = B.Elim
type 'a f = ('a not not, 'a) I.f
val case_tt = P1.proof
val case_ff = P2.proof
val proof = P.proof
(* Encoding of the singleton natural numbers GADT:
Nat x =
forall f : * -> *. f zero -> (forall n. f n -> f (succ n)) -> f x
type zero = unit
type 'a succ = unit
signature NatIndData =
type 'a f
val case_zero : zero f
val case_succ : 'a f -> 'a succ f
signature Nat =
type v
functor Elim (I : NatIndData) : sig val proof : v I.f end
structure Zero : Nat where type v = zero =
type v = zero
functor Elim (I : NatIndData) =
val proof = I.case_zero
functor Succ (N : Nat) : Nat where type v = N.v succ =
type v = N.v succ
functor Elim (I : NatIndData) =
structure P = N.Elim (I)
val proof = I.case_succ P.proof
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