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William Jacoby bonelifer

View GitHub Profile

Polycom SoundStation IP 6000

The phone has a TM3260 processor (Philips Nexperia PNX1500 Media Processor SoC) (250 MHz, 130 nm) from 2002.

Factory reset

Entirely resetting the device is surprisingly complicated and requires an FTP server.

bse666 / rip_dvd
Created December 8, 2019 19:08 — forked from postmodern/rip_dvd
Script to automate ripping DVDs using Handbrake-CLI and mkvmerge
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: postmodern
# Description:
# Rips a DVD to a H.264 MKV file, with chapters and tags. Ignores any
# bad blocks or sectors on the DVD.
# Dependencies:
# * gddrescue
# * handbrake-cli
# * mkvtoolnix
dedeibel /
Created October 25, 2019 21:05
Update audio albums cover art
# delete all images and other stuff - make sure you check the filter
find . -type f -not -iname "*.mp3" -delete
# do some name cleaning
find . -name "*MP3" -exec rename "s/(.*)\.MP3$/\$1.mp3/" "{}" \;
# find new cover art
sacad_r . 300 AlbumArt.jpg 2>&1 | tee /tmp/coverlog.txt
# remove old embedded images
RNCTX / ssl_renew
Created September 28, 2019 20:49
DD-WRT letsencrypt renewal script.
export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:$PATH
mount -o remount,rw /opt
rm -f /tmp/root/acme.log
/opt/etc/init.d/S80nginx stop --renew --ca-path /opt/etc/ssl/certs --cert-home /opt/etc/ssl --home /opt/root/.acme --log /tmp/root/acme.log -d '*.DOMAIN.NET' --dns dns_aws --ecc --install-cert --ca-path /opt/etc/ssl/certs --cert-home /opt/etc/ssl --home /opt/root/.acme --log /tmp/root/acme.log -d '*.DOMAIN.NET' --ecc \
--cert-file '/opt/etc/ssl/pem/*.DOMAIN.NET/cert.pem' \
--key-file '/opt/etc/ssl/pem/*.DOMAIN.NET/key.pem' \
--fullchain-file '/opt/etc/ssl/pem/*.DOMAIN.NET/fullchain.pem'
LorenzBung /
Last active June 28, 2021 17:15
A short shell script to be executed after installing a new ubuntu system.
# Install programs
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -y curl git gnome-tweak-tool vim xfce4-terminal htop wine-stable zathura python3 python3-pip openjdk-8-jre;
# Add IntelliJ IDEA PPA and install it
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:mmk2410/intellij-idea
sudo apt update
frenck / doorbell.yaml
Last active March 31, 2024 13:29
Blog: For just $2, convert any existing wired doorbell into a smart doorbell; using ESPHome and Home Assistant:
name: doorbell
platform: ESP8266
board: esp01_1m
# WiFi connection, correct these
# with values for your WiFi.
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid

Making a deb, the no-nonsense way

Let's say we want to package /usr/bin/foo and /usr/bin/bar.


sudo apt-get -y install equivs

touch foo bar
zinglax /
Created July 2, 2019 16:14
Install Google Fonts to Ubuntu
# Installs google fonts to system
# oooooooooooo oooo oooooooooooo .
# `888' `8 `888 `888' `8 .o8
# 888 oooo d8b .ooooo. .oooo.o 888 .oo. 888 .ooooo. ooo. .oo. .o888oo .oooo.o
# 888oooo8 `888""8P d88' `88b d88( "8 888P"Y88b 888oooo8 d88' `88b `888P"Y88b 888 d88( "8
# 888 " 888 888ooo888 `"Y88b. 888 888 888 " 888 888 888 888 888 `"Y88b.
# 888 888 888 .o o. )88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 . o. )88b
# o888o d888b `Y8bod8P' 8""888P' o888o o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o "888" 8""888P'
cengiz-io / 99-disable-wireless-when-wired
Last active October 9, 2023 16:36
Script should be placed under `/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/` with a name like `99-disable-wireless-when-wired`. Make sure 1) root owns it 2) it's mod is 755
ntfy () {
sudo -u cengiz \
DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus \
notify-send "$1" "$2"
imthenachoman / README.rst
Last active July 26, 2023 05:47 — forked from dupuy/README.rst
Common markup for Markdown and reStructuredText

GitHub supports several lightweight markup languages for documentation; the most popular ones (generally, not just at GitHub) are Markdown and reStructuredText. Markdown is sometimes considered easier to use, and is often preferred when the purpose is simply to generate HTML. On the other hand, reStructuredText is more extensible and powerful, with native support (not just embedded HTML) for tables, as well as