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Last active October 6, 2023 17:32
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TypeScript in Node.js: Compatibility Notes

TypeScript in Node.js: Compatibility Notes

I tested some different packages with different TS configurations, and you won't believe what happened next.

Matrix of Failure

The top row of this table lists providers--modules which export type definitions. The left-hand column lists consumers--modules which import type definitions from the providers.

Each consumer header cell will contain three (3) values:

  1. CommonJS (CJS) or ECMAScript Module (ESM) format
  2. TypeScript's module compiler option
  3. TypeScript's moduleResolution compiler option

✔️ means "compiled successfully" and ❌ means "failed to compile".

Provider: CJS Provider: ESM Provider: ESM / No types export
Consumer: CJS / node16 / node16 ✔️
Consumer: CJS / commonjs / node ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Consumer: ESM / node16 / node16 ✔️ ✔️ ❌*
Consumer: ESM / esnext / node ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

*: In this case, the the types.d.ts file was not found--the types field was ignored--so the import of the "additional type" failed, but would have otherwise succeeded; see below.

Note: I'm pretty sure nodenext can be used interchangeably with node16 for both module and moduleResolution options, but I haven't tested it.

Setup & Caveats

This is only a test of compilation--not runtime.


I used TS v5.2.2.


The module and moduleResolution settings of the provider do not matter; the compiler output is the same regardless.

Each provider has an entry point and a types.d.ts file. The entry point exposes a named export only. The types.d.ts file re-exports everything from the entry point and one additional type.

No CJS providers had exports fields in package.json. All providers had a types field in package.json.

Providers are all written in TypeScript.


The module and moduleResolution options are important for consumers.

Each consumer imports the named export from the provider and the additional type from the types.d.ts file.

Consumers are all written in JavaScript with JSDoc-style types.


Getting this out of the way: I don't care how the hell you configure your TypeScript and you will need to evaluate the tradeoffs for yourself. I'm just over here trying to understand why my build is failing.

That being said, here are some (hopefully worthwhile) observations:

  • If a provider has an exports field at all, the consumer should use node16/node16, because this is how Node.js will resolve it. That means it's on the consumer to understand their dependencies and configure TS accordingly. It may be possible for a CJS consumer to just use the types from an ESM package via the commonjs/node combo, but I haven't tested it.
  • It looks like a CJS consumer could erroneously consume an ESM provider using commonjs/node--compilation may succeed but it will fail at runtime. I'm not sure.
  • Providers concerned with compat should always have a types field. Older versions of TS (pre-v4.6) don't support node16 module resolution. Putting it another way, the types export conditional(s) will be ignored by anything that isn't node16/nodenext.
  • I direct the reader to observe the cascade of green checks in the "Provider: CJS" column above. Just sayin'.
  • A types conditional export is not needed if the provider ships declarations alongside its .js files (i.e., don't use declarationDir).

TIL: the module option node16 causes TS to look at package.json to determine what kind of module system the compiler should target. This way, both CJS and ESM packages can use the same tsconfig.json.

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