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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Save boneskull/e0dcbade0c6dc2d4740f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
decorate AngularJS' $log service to send data to Loggly
/* jshint -W117 */
(function (window, document, angular, _) {
'use strict';
* URL to remote Loggly tracker
* @type {string}
var URL = '//',
* Script tag to hold Loggly tracker script.
* @type {Tag|*}
script = document.createElement('script');
// if you want to emit uncaught errors before AngularJS loads, just
// ditch this crap and include the file in a <script> tag.
script.setAttribute('async', true);
script.setAttribute('src', URL);
// append Loggly script to head tag
* Loggly Tracker object instance.
* @type {Array|*|Window._LTracker}
window._LTracker = window._LTracker || [];
logglyKey: 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
sendConsoleErrors: true
// create console.debug() if it doesn't exist.
window.console.debug = window.console.debug || window.console.log;
angular.module('loggly', [])
.config(['$provide', function ($provide) {
var levels = ['debug', 'log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'],
* This decorates AngularJS' `$log` service to write data to Loggly.
* @param {ng.$LogProvider} $delegate
* @param {window} $window
* @returns {*}
$logDecorator = function $logDecorator($delegate, $window) {
var $log,
tracker = $window._LTracker,
stopWatches = [];
if (angular.isUndefined(tracker)) {
console.warn('Loggly tracker is not present');
return $delegate;
if (angular.isUndefined(_)) {
console.warn('LoDash is not present');
return $delegate;
$log = _.object(levels,, function (level) {
return $delegate[level];
_.each(levels, function (level) {
* When you use `$`, you use this function.
* It sends information to Loggly for visualization and reporting.
* @param {string} id Log entry identifier. This should be unique
* to the "type" of log entry, not the log entry itself. If the
* `id` ends with "_BEGIN", the service will start a timer. Once
* a corresponding `id` is received ending in "_END", then the timer
* is stopped, and a `ms` value is calculated and passed to Loggly.
* @param {(...string|Object)} [desc] Description of log entry,
* plus any string replacement parameters, if necessary. If an
* Object, considered to be the `data` parameter, and the `id` will
* also be used for the description.
* @param {Object} [data] Extra data to pass.
* @returns {*} Whatever the AngularJS log.* functions return.
* @example
* // log an error with id "INVALID_CONFIG", description
* // "Invalid report configuration", and add the serialized config
* // object.
* $log.error('INVALID_CONFIG', 'Invalid report configuration',
* config.serialize());
* // the same as above with a description parameter
* $log.error('INVALID_CONFIG', 'Invalid report configuration "%s"',
*, config.serialize());
* // log an error with id "UNKNOWN" and description "UNKNOWN" with
* // no extra data. probably not very helpful.
* $log.error('UNKNOWN');
* // log an informational message. note the log level is passed to
* // loggly.
* $'Crosstab with id "%s" deleted by user "%d",,
$delegate[level] = function logglyLog(id, desc, data) {
var offset, args, msgArgs, logglyObj, hasData, matches, msg;
if (id instanceof Error) {
data = {
cause: id.cause,
message: id.message,
stack: id.stack
msgArgs = arguments;
// this allows you to search for uncaught errors with key == UNCAUGHT
id = 'UNCAUGHT';
else if (!_.isString(id)) {
console.warn('first parameter to $log.%s() must be a string ' +
'or Error for transmission to Loggly', level);
return $log[level].apply($delegate, arguments);
else {
if (_.isObject(desc)) {
data = desc;
msgArgs = [id];
else {
args = _.toArray(arguments);
hasData = _.isObject(_.last(args));
msgArgs =
args.slice(1, hasData ? args.length - 1 : args.length);
data = hasData ? _.last(args) : data;
msg = _.format.apply(_, msgArgs);
if ((matches = id.match(/^(.+)_BEGIN$/))) {
stopWatches[matches[1]] = _.stopWatch();
else if ((matches =
id.match(/^(.+)_END$/)) && stopWatches[matches[1]]) {
offset = stopWatches[matches[1]].stop();
_.extend(data, {
ms: offset
msg += _.format(' (%d)', offset);
delete stopWatches[matches[1]];
* This is the object we send to Loggly. `data` is optional.
* @type {{level: string, id: string, desc: string, data: Object}}
logglyObj = {
level: level,
id: id,
desc: msg,
data: data
// delegate to AngularJS' logger.
return $log[level].apply($delegate, msgArgs);
return $delegate;
$logDecorator.$inject = ['$delegate', '$window'];
$provide.decorator('$log', $logDecorator);
})(window, window.document, window.angular, window._);
(function(_, moment) {
* Offset since Epoch
* @typedef {number} offset
* Starts a StopWatch (used for benchmarking)
* @see _.stopWatch
* @constructor
var StopWatch = function StopWatch() {
StopWatch.prototype = {
* Split the StopWatch, but don't stop it.
* @returns {offset}
split: function split() {
return moment().diff(this._now);
* Stop the StopWatch, return the offset, and restart it.
* @returns {offset}
stop: function stop() {
var ms = this.split();
return ms;
* Restart the StopWatch
* @returns {StopWatch}
restart: function restart() {
this._now = moment();
return this;
stopWatch: function() {
return new StopWatch();
}, { chain: false });
}(window._, window.moment);
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this requires LoDash, but you can probably pull it out

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If you don't need benchmarks, pull out the stopWatch() stuff. it requires momentjs

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