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Created November 1, 2011 17:26
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Hershey Roman Simplex font using packed data for Codea
-- This works, but is obsolete - go to for the newest version
-- Just a "Main" tab for Codea to demo the class
function setup()
   offset = 0
   iparameter("stroke_width", 1, 5, stroke_width)
   parameter("speed", 0, 8, speed)
   text = "Why do you necessarily have to be wrong just because "
       .. "a few million people think you are?     "
    bannerscale= 2
    parameter("bannerscale", 0, 10, bannerscale)
   bannerlength = f:stringwidth(text, bannerscale)
   spintxt = "Bananas!"
   spinscale = 1.5
   spinwidth = f:stringwidth(spintxt, spinscale)
   rf = 0.03 -- rainbow frequency
function draw()
   background(0, 0, 0, 255)
   frame = frame + 1 -- used by lots of things
   stroke(226, 235, 234, 255)
   f:drawstring("Hershey Roman Simplex " .. frame, 150, 200)
   -- smooth scroll
   stroke(140, 147, 215, 255)
   local bl = f:drawstring(text .. text,
                           x - offset, HEIGHT/2,
   offset = offset + speed
   if (offset > bl) then offset = 0 end
   -- changing size
   fps = string.format("%.2f", frame / ElapsedTime)
   f:drawstring(fps .. " fps", 500, 600, math.sin(frame / 94))
   -- rainbow!
   stroke(math.sin(rf*frame)*127 + 128,
          math.sin(rf*frame + 2)*127 + 128,
          math.sin(rf*frame + 4)*127 + 128, 255)
    f:drawstring("Daddy loves Gracie and Maddy", 200, 20)
   -- spinner (using external positioning)
   translate(200, 550)
   translate(0-spinwidth/2, -10)
   stroke(255, 252, 0, 255)
   f:drawstring(spintxt, 0, 0, spinscale)
-- This works, but is obsolete - go to for the newest version
Font = class()
-- The Hershey Fonts were originally created by Dr.
-- A. V. Hershey while working at the
-- U. S. National Bureau of Standards.
-- Useful Links:
-- Re-encoding of font information and other shenanigans
-- by Tom Bortels November 2011
-- all rights reversed (Hail Eris!)
-- "If I have seen a little further it is by standing
-- on the shoulders of Giants."
function Font:init()
   -- font data - 2 decimal character # of points,
   -- followed by 2*points of point data
   -- 9->-9, 8-<-8, ... 1->-1, 0->0, A->1, B->2, ... Z->26
   self.code = "9876543210ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
   -- this is the Hershey Roman Simplex font for ascii 32-127
   self.fontdata =
   .. "PCNAK0D01119DUD011DUQU11DKLK11D0Q00818DUD011DUQU11DKLK2221RP"
   .. "D011D0P01124DUD011DUL011TUL011TUT00822DUD011DUR011RUR02122IU"
   .. "0518AUI011QUI01124BUG011LUG011LUQ011VUQ00520CUQ011QUC00618AU"
   .. "IKI011QUIK0820QUC011CUQU11C0Q01114DYD711EYE711DYKY11D7K70214"
   .. "0UN31114IYI711JYJ711CYJY11C7J71016FOHRJO11CLHQML11HQH0021602"
   .. "NNH01122CNG011KNG011KNO011SNO00517CNN011NNC00916BNH011NNH0F4"
   .. "RFTGUJUL"
   local i=1
   local c=32
   self.font = {}
   while (i < string.len(self.fontdata)) do
      local cs = string.char(c)
      self.font[cs] = {}
      local points = string.sub(self.fontdata, i, i+1)
      self.font[cs].points = points
      self.font[cs].char = cs
      self.font[cs].ascii = c
      self.font[cs].width = string.sub(self.fontdata, i+2, i+3)
      self.font[cs].data = string.sub(self.fontdata, i, i+points*2)
      i = i + points*2
      c = c + 1
   self.decode = {}
   for c in self.code:gmatch"." do 
function Font:stringwidth(s, sc)
    sc = sc or 1
    local x, l, i = 0, string.len(s)
    for i=1, l do
        x = x + (self.font[s:sub(i, i)].width * sc)
    return x
function Font:drawstring(s, x, y, sc)
   sc = sc or 1
    local ox=x
   local l, i
   l = string.len(s)
   for i = 1, l do
      local c = s:sub(i, i)
      local w = self.font[c].width * sc
      if ((x + w) >= 0) then
         x = x + (self:drawchar(c, x, y, sc))
         x = x + w
      if (x > WIDTH) then break end -- skip offscreen
   return x - ox
function Font:drawchar(c, x, y, sc)
   sc = sc or 1
   local ax, ay, bx, by, minx, maxx = -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
   local p, plot
   local ch = self.font[c]
   for p=1, ch.points do
      bx=self.decode[*2-1, p*2-1)]
      by=self.decode[*2, p*2)]
      if ((ax==-1) and (ay==-1)) then plot=false end
      if ((bx==-1) and (by==-1)) then plot=false end
      if (plot) then  
         line(x+ax*sc, y+ay*sc, x+bx*sc, y+by*sc)
   return ch.width * sc -- for drawstring
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