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Created May 18, 2015 17:42
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  • Save boucher/16de1a70c314b448229c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save boucher/16de1a70c314b448229c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(00.000021) ========================================
(00.000053) Dumping processes (pid: 89)
(00.000055) ========================================
(00.000169) Found anon-shmem device at 4
(00.000179) Reset 95's dirty tracking
(00.000229) ... done
(00.000260) Dirty track supported on kernel
(00.000296) irmap: Searching irmap cache in work dir
(00.000309) irmap: Searching irmap cache in parent
(00.000314) irmap: No irmap cache
(00.000323) cpu: fpu:1 fxsr:1 xsave:1
(00.000465) vdso: Parsing at 7fff0a1b7000 7fff0a1b9000
(00.000471) vdso: PT_LOAD p_vaddr: ffffffffff700000
(00.000474) vdso: DT_HASH: 0xffffffffff700120
(00.000476) vdso: DT_STRTAB: 0xffffffffff700268
(00.000477) vdso: DT_SYMTAB: 0xffffffffff700160
(00.000478) vdso: DT_STRSZ: 94
(00.000480) vdso: DT_SYMENT: 24
(00.000481) vdso: nbucket 3 nchain 11 bucket 0x7fff0a1b7128 chain 0x7fff0a1b7134
(00.000485) vdso: rt [vdso] 7fff0a1b7000-7fff0a1b9000 [vvar] ffffffffffffffff-ffffffffffffffff
(00.000552) Writing image inventory (version 1)
(00.000598) Add pid ns 1 pid 95
(00.000607) Add net ns 2 pid 95
(00.000612) Add ipc ns 3 pid 95
(00.000616) Add uts ns 4 pid 95
(00.000623) Add mnt ns 5 pid 95
(00.000628) Add user ns 6 pid 95
(00.000630) cg: Dumping cgroups for 95
(00.000666) cg: `- New css ID 1
(00.000669) cg: `- [blkio] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd]
(00.000671) cg: `- [cpu] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd]
(00.000672) cg: `- [cpuacct] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd]
(00.000673) cg: `- [cpuset] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd]
(00.000675) cg: `- [devices] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd]
(00.000676) cg: `- [freezer] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd]
(00.000677) cg: `- [hugetlb] -> [/]
(00.000679) cg: `- [memory] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd]
(00.000680) cg: `- [name=systemd] -> [/]
(00.000681) cg: `- [perf_event] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd]
(00.000683) cg: Set 1 is criu one
(00.000885) Seized task 89, state 1
(00.000935) Collected 89 in 1 state
(00.000949) Will take pid namespace in the image
(00.000953) Add pid ns 7 pid 89
(00.000958) Will take net namespace in the image
(00.000959) Add net ns 8 pid 89
(00.000964) Will take ipc namespace in the image
(00.000965) Add ipc ns 9 pid 89
(00.000969) Will take uts namespace in the image
(00.000970) Add uts ns 10 pid 89
(00.000974) Will take mnt namespace in the image
(00.000978) Add mnt ns 11 pid 89
(00.000984) Lock network
(00.000985) Running network-lock scripts
(00.000997) RPC
(00.001340) lockinfo: 1:1 1 0 00:10:11180 0 EOF
(00.001349) lockinfo: 2:2 1 0 00:10:8535 0 EOF
(00.001352) lockinfo: 3:2 1 0 00:10:10052 0 EOF
(00.001422) type tmpfs source none mnt_id 0xa8 s_dev 0x6f /912954038 @ ./ flags 0x200000 options
(00.001431) type proc source proc mnt_id 0xa9 s_dev 0x71 / @ ./proc flags 0x20000e options
(00.001439) type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 0xaa s_dev 0x72 / @ ./dev flags 0x2 options mode=755
(00.001444) type devpts source devpts mnt_id 0xab s_dev 0x73 / @ ./dev/pts flags 0x20000a options gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=666
(00.001471) type tmpfs source shm mnt_id 0xac s_dev 0x74 / @ ./dev/shm flags 0x20000e options size=65536k
(00.001475) type mqueue source mqueue mnt_id 0xad s_dev 0x70 / @ ./dev/mqueue flags 0x20000e options
(00.001479) type sysfs source sysfs mnt_id 0xae s_dev 0x75 / @ ./sys flags 0x20000f options
(00.001483) type proc source proc mnt_id 0x8d s_dev 0x71 /sys @ ./proc/sys flags 0x20000f options
(00.001487) type proc source proc mnt_id 0x8e s_dev 0x71 /sysrq-trigger @ ./proc/sysrq-trigger flags 0x20000f options
(00.001491) type proc source proc mnt_id 0x8f s_dev 0x71 /irq @ ./proc/irq flags 0x20000f options
(00.001494) type proc source proc mnt_id 0x90 s_dev 0x71 /bus @ ./proc/bus flags 0x20000f options
(00.001500) type tmpfs source tmpfs mnt_id 0x91 s_dev 0x72 /null @ ./proc/kcore flags 0x2 options mode=755
(00.001512) Building mountpoints tree
(00.001516) Building plain mount tree
(00.001517) Working on 145->169
(00.001519) Working on 144->169
(00.001520) Working on 143->169
(00.001522) Working on 142->169
(00.001523) Working on 141->169
(00.001524) Working on 174->168
(00.001525) Working on 173->170
(00.001527) Working on 172->170
(00.001528) Working on 171->170
(00.001529) Working on 170->168
(00.001530) Working on 169->168
(00.001531) Working on 168->139
(00.001534) Resorting siblings on 168
(00.001536) Resorting siblings on 174
(00.001537) Resorting siblings on 170
(00.001538) Resorting siblings on 173
(00.001540) Resorting siblings on 172
(00.001541) Resorting siblings on 171
(00.001542) Resorting siblings on 169
(00.001543) Resorting siblings on 145
(00.001545) Resorting siblings on 144
(00.001546) Resorting siblings on 143
(00.001547) Resorting siblings on 142
(00.001549) Resorting siblings on 141
(00.001550) Done:
(00.001551) [./](168->139)
(00.001553) [./sys](174->168)
(00.001554) <--
(00.001555) [./proc](169->168)
(00.001557) [./proc/kcore](145->169)
(00.001558) <--
(00.001559) [./proc/sys](141->169)
(00.001561) <--
(00.001562) [./proc/sysrq-trigger](142->169)
(00.001563) <--
(00.001564) [./proc/irq](143->169)
(00.001566) <--
(00.001567) [./proc/bus](144->169)
(00.001568) <--
(00.001569) <--
(00.001571) [./dev](170->168)
(00.001572) [./dev/mqueue](173->170)
(00.001573) <--
(00.001575) [./dev/pts](171->170)
(00.001576) <--
(00.001577) [./dev/shm](172->170)
(00.001578) <--
(00.001580) <--
(00.001581) <--
(00.001585) Collecting netns 8/89
(00.001587) Switching to 89's net for collecting sockets
(00.010143) Collected: ino 0xee043 peer_ino 0 family 1 type 5 state 7 name (null)
(00.010282) Collect netlink sock 0xed7bf
(00.010286) Collect netlink sock 0xee042
(00.010287) Collect netlink sock 0xed7e3
(00.010289) Collect netlink sock 0xed7c2
(00.010290) Collect netlink sock 0xed7c0
(00.010291) Collect netlink sock 0xed7c1
(00.010437) ========================================
(00.010439) Dumping task (pid: 89)
(00.010441) ========================================
(00.010442) Obtaining task stat ... (00.010480)
(00.010481) Collecting mappings (pid: 89)
(00.010483) ----------------------------------------
(00.010593) vma 68f000 borrows vfi from previous 400000
(00.010638) vma 7f7f9a809000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7f9a808000
(00.010695) vma 7f7f9aa16000 borrows vfi from previous 7f7f9aa15000
(00.010712) Collected, longest area occupies 511 pages
(00.010713) 0x400000-0x490000 (576K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.010718) 0x68f000-0x690000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x8f000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.010720) 0x690000-0x692000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.010722) 0x7f7f9a5b6000-0x7f7f9a609000 (332K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.010724) 0x7f7f9a609000-0x7f7f9a808000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x22 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.010726) 0x7f7f9a808000-0x7f7f9a809000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x52000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.010727) 0x7f7f9a809000-0x7f7f9a80a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x53000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.010729) 0x7f7f9a80a000-0x7f7f9a80f000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.010731) 0x7f7f9a80f000-0x7f7f9a815000 (24K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.010732) 0x7f7f9aa12000-0x7f7f9aa15000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.010734) 0x7f7f9aa15000-0x7f7f9aa16000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x6000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.010736) 0x7f7f9aa16000-0x7f7f9aa17000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x7000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.010737) 0x7fff5f016000-0x7fff5f038000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.010739) 0x7fff5f094000-0x7fff5f096000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 st 0x209 off 0 reg vdso ap shmid: 0
(00.010741) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 st 0x204 off 0 vsys ap shmid: 0
(00.010746) ----------------------------------------
(00.010749) Collecting fds (pid: 89)
(00.010751) ----------------------------------------
(00.010762) Found 3 file descriptors
(00.010764) ----------------------------------------
(00.010774) Dump private signals of 89
(00.010781) Dump shared signals of 89
(00.010793) Parasite syscall_ip at 0x400000
(00.010953) Putting parasite blob into 0x7ff228f6f000->0x7f7f9aa05000
(00.010977) Dumping GP/FPU registers for 89
(00.010984) xsave runtime structure
(00.010985) -----------------------
(00.010986) cwd:37f swd:0 twd:0 fop:0 mxcsr:1f80 mxcsr_mask:ffff
(00.010988) magic1:46505853 extended_size:344 xstate_bv:7 xstate_size:340
(00.010990) xstate_bv: 7
(00.010991) -----------------------
(00.010994) Putting tsock into pid 89
(00.011145) Wait for parasite being daemonized...
(00.011160) Wait for ack 2 on daemon socket
pie: Running daemon thread leader
pie: __sent ack msg: 2 2 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.011241) Fetched ack: 2 2 0
(00.011247) Parasite 89 has been switched to daemon mode
(00.011271) Sent msg to daemon 15 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 15 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 15 15 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.011355) Wait for ack 15 on daemon socket
(00.011362) Fetched ack: 15 15 0
(00.011392) Sent msg to daemon 17 0 0
(00.011395) Wait for ack 17 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 17 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 17 17 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.011468) Fetched ack: 17 17 0
(00.011503) Sent msg to daemon 12 0 0
(00.011506) Wait for ack 12 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 12 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 12 12 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.011578) Fetched ack: 12 12 0
(00.011584) sid=1 pgid=1 pid=1
(00.011627) Dumping opened files (pid: 89)
(00.011630) ----------------------------------------
(00.011653) Sent msg to daemon 14 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 14 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 14 14 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.011712) Wait for ack 14 on daemon socket
(00.011721) Fetched ack: 14 14 0
(00.011761) 89 fdinfo 0: pos: 0x 0 flags: 0/0
(00.011773) Dumping pipe 43 with id 0x1 pipe_id 0xed7ba
(00.011784) Dumping data from pipe 0xed7ba fd 43
(00.011814) fdinfo: type: 0x 2 flags: 0/0 pos: 0x 0 fd: 0
(00.011831) 89 fdinfo 1: pos: 0x 0 flags: 100000/0
(00.011948) Dumping path for 1 fd via self 44 [/dev/null]
(00.011961) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100000/0 pos: 0x 0 fd: 1
(00.011975) 89 fdinfo 2: pos: 0x 0 flags: 100000/0
(00.011981) fdinfo: type: 0x 1 flags: 0100000/0 pos: 0x 0 fd: 2
(00.011988) ----------------------------------------
(00.012013) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.012017) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.012050) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.012060) Dumping pages (type: 59 pid: 89)
(00.012062) ----------------------------------------
(00.012064) Private vmas 511/795 pages
(00.012079) pagemap-cache: created for pid 89 (takes 4096 bytes)
(00.012083) page-pipe: Create page pipe for 795 segs
(00.012088) page-pipe: Will grow page pipe (iov off is 0)
(00.012147) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 400000-490000 (576K) [l:400000 h:600000]
(00.012153) pagemap-cache: 400000-490000 nr:1 cov:589824
(00.012156) pagemap-cache: simple mode [l:400000 h:490000]
(00.012165) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (0 iovs, 0/795 total)
(00.012167) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.012169) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 68f000-690000 (4K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.012172) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (1 iovs, 1/795 total)
(00.012174) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.012175) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 690000-692000 (8K) [l:600000 h:800000]
(00.012179) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.012180) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7f9a5b6000-7f7f9a609000 (332K) [l:7f7f9a400000 h:7f7f9a600000]
(00.012186) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.012188) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7f9a609000-7f7f9a808000 (2044K) [l:7f7f9a600000 h:7f7f9a800000]
(00.012192) pagemap-cache: 7f7f9a609000-7f7f9a808000 nr:1 cov:2093056
(00.012194) pagemap-cache: simple mode [l:7f7f9a609000 h:7f7f9a808000]
(00.012201) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.012202) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7f9a808000-7f7f9a809000 (4K) [l:7f7f9a800000 h:7f7f9aa00000]
(00.012204) pagemap-cache: 7f7f9a808000-7f7f9a809000 nr:1 cov:4096
(00.012205) pagemap-cache: 7f7f9a809000-7f7f9a80a000 nr:2 cov:8192
(00.012207) pagemap-cache: 7f7f9a80a000-7f7f9a80f000 nr:3 cov:28672
(00.012208) pagemap-cache: 7f7f9a80f000-7f7f9a815000 nr:4 cov:53248
(00.012210) pagemap-cache: cache mode [l:7f7f9a808000 h:7f7f9aa00000]
(00.012213) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (2 iovs, 2/795 total)
(00.012227) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.012228) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.012230) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (3 iovs, 3/795 total)
(00.012231) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.012232) Pagemap generated: 0 pages 0 holes
(00.012234) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7f7f9aa12000-7f7f9aa15000 (12K) [l:7f7f9aa00000 h:7f7f9ac00000]
(00.012235) pagemap-cache: 7f7f9aa12000-7f7f9aa15000 nr:1 cov:12288
(00.012237) pagemap-cache: 7f7f9aa15000-7f7f9aa16000 nr:2 cov:16384
(00.012238) pagemap-cache: 7f7f9aa16000-7f7f9aa17000 nr:3 cov:20480
(00.012239) pagemap-cache: cache mode [l:7f7f9aa12000 h:7f7f9ac00000]
(00.012244) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (4 iovs, 4/795 total)
(00.012245) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.012246) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.012248) Pagemap generated: 1 pages 0 holes
(00.012249) pagemap-cache: filling VMA 7fff5f016000-7fff5f038000 (136K) [l:7fff5f000000 h:7fff5f200000]
(00.012250) pagemap-cache: 7fff5f016000-7fff5f038000 nr:1 cov:139264
(00.012252) pagemap-cache: 7fff5f094000-7fff5f096000 nr:2 cov:147456
(00.012253) pagemap-cache: cache mode [l:7fff5f016000 h:7fff5f200000]
(00.012257) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (5 iovs, 5/795 total)
(00.012259) Pagemap generated: 3 pages 0 holes
(00.012262) page-pipe: Grow pipe 10 -> 20
(00.012263) page-pipe: Add iov to page pipe (6 iovs, 6/795 total)
(00.012265) Pagemap generated: 2 pages 0 holes
(00.012266) page-pipe: Page pipe:
(00.012267) page-pipe: * 1 pipes 7/795 iovs:
(00.012269) page-pipe: buf 18 pages, 7 iovs:
(00.012270) page-pipe: 0x400000 1
(00.012272) page-pipe: 0x68f000 3
(00.012273) page-pipe: 0x7f7f9a808000 2
(00.012274) page-pipe: 0x7f7f9a80d000 2
(00.012275) page-pipe: 0x7f7f9aa12000 5
(00.012277) page-pipe: 0x7fff5f035000 3
(00.012278) page-pipe: 0x7fff5f094000 2
(00.012279) page-pipe: * 0 holes:
(00.012280) PPB: 18 pages 7 segs 32 pipe 0 off
(00.012300) Sent msg to daemon 8 0 0
(00.012307) Wait for ack 8 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 8 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 8 8 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.012355) Fetched ack: 8 8 0
(00.012361) Transfering pages:
(00.012363) buf 18/7
(00.012365) p 0x400000 [1]
(00.012377) p 0x68f000 [3]
(00.012389) p 0x7f7f9a808000 [2]
(00.012394) p 0x7f7f9a80d000 [2]
(00.012401) p 0x7f7f9aa12000 [5]
(00.012410) p 0x7fff5f035000 [3]
(00.012416) p 0x7fff5f094000 [2]
(00.012428) page-pipe: Killing page pipe
(00.012435) ----------------------------------------
(00.012457) Sent msg to daemon 7 0 0
(00.012461) Wait for ack 7 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 7 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 7 7 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.012498) Fetched ack: 7 7 0
(00.012523) Sent msg to daemon 9 0 0
(00.012526) Wait for ack 9 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 9 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 9 9 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.012594) Fetched ack: 9 9 0
(00.012628) Sent msg to daemon 10 0 0
(00.012630) Wait for ack 10 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 10 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 10 10 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.012709) Fetched ack: 10 10 0
(00.012735) Sent msg to daemon 11 0 0
(00.012738) Wait for ack 11 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 11 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 11 11 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.012809) Fetched ack: 11 11 0
(00.012817) Dumping core (pid: 89)
(00.012818) ----------------------------------------
(00.012820) Obtaining personality ... (00.012887) 89 has 0 sched policy
(00.012891) dumping 0 nice for 89
(00.012904) cg: Dumping cgroups for 89
(00.012954) cg: `- New css ID 2
(00.012957) cg: `- [blkio] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test]
(00.012959) cg: `- [cpu] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test]
(00.012960) cg: `- [cpuacct] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test]
(00.012962) cg: `- [cpuset] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test]
(00.012963) cg: `- [devices] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test]
(00.012964) cg: `- [freezer] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test]
(00.012966) cg: `- [hugetlb] -> [/]
(00.012967) cg: `- [memory] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test]
(00.012968) cg: `- [name=systemd] -> [/]
(00.012969) cg: `- [perf_event] -> [/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test]
(00.012971) cg: Set 2 is root one
(00.022179) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test
(00.022216) cg: Dumping value 500 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/blkio.weight
(00.022232) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/notify_on_release
(00.034030) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test
(00.034060) cg: Dumping value 1024 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpu.shares
(00.034075) cg: Dumping value 100000 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpu.cfs_period_us
(00.034130) cg: Dumping value -1 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpu.cfs_quota_us
(00.034141) cg: Couldn't open /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpu.rt_period_us. This cgroup property may not exist on this kernel
(00.034148) cg: Couldn't open /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpu.rt_runtime_us. This cgroup property may not exist on this kernel
(00.034161) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/notify_on_release
(00.041964) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test
(00.050066) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test
(00.050115) cg: Dumping value 0-1 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.cpus
(00.050141) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.mems
(00.050164) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.memory_migrate
(00.050185) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.cpu_exclusive
(00.050206) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.mem_exclusive
(00.050251) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.mem_hardwall
(00.050273) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.memory_spread_page
(00.050292) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.memory_spread_slab
(00.050314) cg: Dumping value 1 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.sched_load_balance
(00.050335) cg: Dumping value -1 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/cpuset.sched_relax_domain_level
(00.050355) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/notify_on_release
(00.057951) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test
(00.065864) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test
(00.065899) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/notify_on_release
(00.074067) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43
(00.074158) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/user
(00.074180) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/user/900.user
(00.074195) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/user/900.user/2.session
(00.082333) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test
(00.082365) cg: Dumping value -1 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/memory.limit_in_bytes
(00.082375) cg: Couldn't open /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes. This cgroup property may not exist on this kernel
(00.082390) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/memory.use_hierarchy
(00.082403) cg: Dumping value 0 from /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test/notify_on_release
(00.090079) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43
(00.090102) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/user
(00.090113) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/user/900.user
(00.090123) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/user/900.user/2.session
(00.097969) cg: adding cgroup /proc/self/fd/43/docker/98618cf22040fb7d8cf379e11eb258cb6c8b1fa5be603da5bc426c9fe1c02acd/integration/test
(00.098039) ----------------------------------------
(00.098044) Dumping creds for 89)
(00.098045) ----------------------------------------
(00.098073) Sent msg to daemon 13 0 0
(00.098076) Wait for ack 13 on daemon socket
pie: __fetched msg: 13 0 0
pie: __sent ack msg: 13 13 0
pie: Daemon wais for command
(00.098268) Fetched ack: 13 13 0
(00.098299) Waiting for 89 to trap
(00.098372) Daemon 89 exited trapping
(00.098384) Sent msg to daemon 6 0 0
pie: __fetched msg: 6 0 0
pie: 1: new_sp=0x7f7f9aa0d008 ip 0x7f7f9a5f3c4e
(00.098604) 89 was trapped
(00.098614) `- Expecting exit
(00.098700) 89 was trapped
(00.098709) 89 is going to execute the syscall f
(00.098795) 89 was stopped
(00.098898) 89 was trapped
(00.098906) 89 is going to execute the syscall 1
(00.098996) 89 was trapped
(00.099002) `- Expecting exit
(00.099138) 89 was trapped
(00.099147) 89 is going to execute the syscall b
(00.099233) 89 was stopped
(00.099265) Dumping mm (pid: 89)
(00.099317) ----------------------------------------
(00.099323) 0x400000-0x490000 (576K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.099361) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 32 [/bin/busybox]
(00.099370) 0x68f000-0x690000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x8f000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.099373) 0x690000-0x692000 (8K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.099375) 0x7f7f9a5b6000-0x7f7f9a609000 (332K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.099382) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 34 [/lib/]
(00.099385) 0x7f7f9a609000-0x7f7f9a808000 (2044K) prot 0 flags 0x22 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.099388) 0x7f7f9a808000-0x7f7f9a809000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x52000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.099390) 0x7f7f9a809000-0x7f7f9a80a000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x53000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.099392) 0x7f7f9a80a000-0x7f7f9a80f000 (20K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.099394) 0x7f7f9a80f000-0x7f7f9a815000 (24K) prot 0x5 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.099401) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 36 [/lib/]
(00.099404) 0x7f7f9aa12000-0x7f7f9aa15000 (12K) prot 0x3 flags 0x22 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.099406) 0x7f7f9aa15000-0x7f7f9aa16000 (4K) prot 0x1 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x6000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.099408) 0x7f7f9aa16000-0x7f7f9aa17000 (4K) prot 0x3 flags 0x2 st 0x41 off 0x7000 reg fp shmid: 0
(00.099410) 0x7fff5f016000-0x7fff5f038000 (136K) prot 0x3 flags 0x122 st 0x201 off 0 reg ap shmid: 0
(00.099412) 0x7fff5f094000-0x7fff5f096000 (8K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 st 0x209 off 0 reg vdso ap shmid: 0
(00.099414) 0xffffffffff600000-0xffffffffff601000 (4K) prot 0x5 flags 0x22 st 0x204 off 0 vsys ap shmid: 0
(00.099416) Obtaining task auvx ...
(00.099523) Dumping path for -3 fd via self 30 [/]
(00.099544) Dumping task cwd id 0x6 root id 0x6
(00.099593) Dumping mountpoints
(00.099602) 145: 72:/null @ ./proc/kcore
(00.099607) 144: 71:/bus @ ./proc/bus
(00.099609) 143: 71:/irq @ ./proc/irq
(00.099611) 142: 71:/sysrq-trigger @ ./proc/sysrq-trigger
(00.099613) 141: 71:/sys @ ./proc/sys
(00.099616) 174: 75:/ @ ./sys
(00.099618) 173: 70:/ @ ./dev/mqueue
(00.099633) Path `/dev/mqueue' resolved to `./dev/mqueue' mountpoint
(00.099647) 172: 74:/ @ ./dev/shm
(00.099653) Path `/dev/shm' resolved to `./dev/shm' mountpoint
(00.106026) 171: 73:/ @ ./dev/pts
(00.106037) 170: 72:/ @ ./dev
(00.106039) Something is mounted on top of ./dev
(00.141859) Path `/dev' resolved to `./dev' mountpoint
(00.147769) 169: 71:/ @ ./proc
(00.147785) 168: 6f:/912954038 @ ./
(00.147801) Dumping file-locks
(00.147816) Dumping pstree (pid: 89)
(00.147818) ----------------------------------------
(00.147835) Process: 1(89)
(00.147839) ----------------------------------------
(00.147846) Dumping 1(89)'s namespaces
(00.151996) Dump UTS namespace 10 via 89
(00.154349) Dump IPC namespace 9 via 89
(00.154715) IPC shared memory segments: 0
(00.154734) IPC message queues: 0
(00.154742) IPC semaphore sets: 0
(00.156606) Dump NET namespace info 8 via 89
(00.166011) Mount ns' sysfs in crtools-sys.SeNd5F
(00.182669) Dumping netns links
(00.182733) LD: Got link 1, type 772
(00.182762) Running ip addr save
(00.187069) Running ip route save
(00.190891) Running iptables-save for iptables-save
sh: 1: iptables-save: not found
(00.195124) Error (util.c:580): exited, status=127
(00.195149) Error (net.c:438): iptables-save failed
(00.217919) Error (namespaces.c:802): Namespaces dumping finished with error 65280
(00.218062) Unlock network
(00.218068) Running network-unlock scripts
(00.218079) RPC
(00.218276) Unfreezing tasks into 1
(00.218281) Unseizing 89 into 1
(00.218320) Error (cr-dump.c:1979): Dumping FAILED.
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