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Created December 11, 2012 11:19
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Maybe<T> Implementation in C#
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
namespace FunctionalExtensions
#region Maybe
public delegate Maybe<TOutput> Converter<in TInput, out TOutput>(TInput input);
public delegate TOutput ElseDelegate<out TOutput>();
public delegate Maybe<TOutput> ElseDelegate2<out TOutput>();
public interface Maybe<out TResult> : IEnumerable <TResult>
Maybe<B> Bind<B>(Converter<TResult, B> f);
TResult Value();
bool IsSome();
public static class Maybe
public static Maybe<T> None<T>(){
return new NoneImpl<T>();
public interface None<out TResult> : Maybe<TResult>
public interface Some<out TResult> : Maybe<TResult>
public static class MaybeMixins
public static IEnumerable<T> WhereIsSome<T>(this IEnumerable<Maybe<T>> This){
return This.SelectMany(x => x, (x,y)=>y);
public static IObservable<T> WhereIsSome<T>(this IObservable<Maybe<T>> This){
return This.SelectMany(x => x, (x,y)=>y);
public static T Else<T>(this Maybe<T> This, T defaultValue){
if (This.IsSome())
return This.Value();
return defaultValue;
public static T Else<T>(this Maybe<T> This, ElseDelegate<T> del){
if (This.IsSome())
return This.Value();
return del();
public static Maybe<T> Else<T>(this Maybe<T> This, ElseDelegate2<T> del){
if (This.IsSome())
return This;
return del();
public static T Else<TException, T>(this Maybe<T> This)
where TException : Exception, new()
if (This.IsSome())
return This.Value();
throw new TException();
public static Maybe<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(this Maybe<TSource> m, Func<TSource, TResult> f)
return m.Bind(x => f(x).ToMaybe());
public static Maybe<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TResult>(this Maybe<TSource> m, Func<TSource, Maybe<TResult>> f)
return m.Bind(x => f(x));
public static Maybe<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TMaybe, TResult>(this Maybe<TSource> m, Func<TSource, Maybe<TMaybe>> f, Func<TSource, TMaybe, TResult> g)
return m.Bind(x => f(x).Bind(y => g(x, y).ToMaybe()));
public static Maybe<T> Where<T>(this Maybe<T> This, Predicate<T> p){
return This.Bind((x) => (p(x) ? x.ToMaybe() : Maybe.None<T>()));
public static Maybe<TSource> ToMaybe<TSource>(this TSource This)
if (This == null)
return new NoneImpl<TSource>();
return new SomeImpl<TSource>(This);
internal class NoneImpl<TResult> : None<TResult>{
public NoneImpl()
public IEnumerator<TResult> GetEnumerator()
{ yield break; }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
{ yield break; }
public virtual bool IsSome() { return false; }
public Maybe<TOutput> Bind<TOutput>(Converter<TResult, TOutput> f)
return new NoneImpl<TOutput>();
public virtual TResult Value()
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("None has no value");
internal class SomeImpl<TResult> : Some<TResult>
private TResult _Value;
public SomeImpl(TResult value)
_Value = value;
public IEnumerator<TResult> GetEnumerator()
{ yield return _Value; }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
{ yield return _Value; }
public virtual bool IsSome() { return true; }
public Maybe<TOutput> Bind<TOutput>(Converter<TResult, TOutput> f)
return f(_Value);
public virtual TResult Value()
return this._Value;
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