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Created March 19, 2020 20:09
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namespace Foo
open Elmish
module Elmish =
/// A function that maps a value to a value of the same type
type Update<'State> = ('State->'State)
/// A message to with instruction to
type Message<'State> = Message of (Update<'State>*Cmd<Message<'State>>)
module Message =
let ofUpdate (u:Update<'State>) : Message<'State> =
let cmd:Cmd<Message<'State>> = Cmd.none
Message (u,cmd)
let ofValue (value:'State) : Message<'State> =
(fun _ -> value) |> ofUpdate
let ofNone =
let cmd:Cmd<Message<'State>> = Cmd.none
Message (id, Cmd.none)
let ofUpdateAndCommand (u:Update<'State>) (cmd:Cmd<Message<'State>>) =
Message (u,cmd)
let ofCommand (cmd:Cmd<Message<'State>>) =
let ofTask action value success =
let cmd = Cmd.OfTask.perform action value success
ofCommand cmd
let ofActionOnThreadPool action success =
let review = fun () ->
async { return action() }
|> Async.StartAsTask
|> Async.AwaitTask
let update v = ofUpdate ( fun x -> success(v);x)
ofCommand (Cmd.OfAsync.perform review () update)
/// A function that transforms an updater from a
/// type lower in the tree to a type higher in
/// the tree.
type UpdateTransformer<'A,'B> = Update<'A>->Update<'B>
type Dispatch<'State> = Message<'State>->unit
module Dispatch =
// Wrap a dispatcher for a lower level
let wrap
(dispatch:Dispatch<'ParentState>) // this dispatcher for the parent level
: Dispatch<'ChildState> = // returns a lower level dispatcher
let rec fn (m:Message<'ChildState>) =
match m with
| Message (update, cmd) ->
let mapper' = mapper update
let cmd' = fn cmd // note this is recursive :)
Message.ofUpdateAndCommand mapper' cmd'
fn >> dispatch
/// A type that holds a value and a dispatcher
/// for updating that value
type Lens<'State> = {
value: 'State
dispatch: Dispatch<'State>
module Lens =
let init value dispatch =
{value=value; dispatch=dispatch}
/// Generate a lens given an item, it's parent state and a way to update that item
let returnM parentLens stateUpdater item =
let updateTransformer itemTransformer = itemTransformer item |> stateUpdater
let dispatch' = Dispatch.wrap updateTransformer parentLens.dispatch
init item dispatch'
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