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Surfing or thinking about surfing

Brandon Weiss brandonweiss

Surfing or thinking about surfing
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What is the system Ruby?

What version of Ruby shipped by default on Mac OS X?

Default Ruby version * Refers to the fully patched version (e.g. 10.5.8, not 10.5.0). Earlier versions may have shipped with different Ruby patchlevels but the RUBY_VERSION has never changed within major Mac OS X releases.
Mac OS X version* Mac OS X release date
bendc / hashmaps.js
Created August 7, 2015 19:30
Objects and maps compared
const arr = [["foo", "bar"], ["hello", "world"]];
// Create object from array of tuples
const obj = {}; arr.forEach(el => obj[el[0]] = el[1]);
const map = new Map(arr);
// Get object size
const objSize = Object.keys(obj).length;
const mapSize = map.size;
cbetta /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Get the latest version of a gem
alias latest='function _latest(){ curl -s "$1/latest.json" | cut -d"\"" -f 4 };_latest'
henrik / esv.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
ESV - Excel generation with the ease of CSV generation.
# ESV - Excel generation with the ease of CSV generation.
# By Henrik Nyh 2015-07-01 under the MIT license.
# Using a lot of code from LivingSocial's Excelinator, also under the MIT license:
require "spreadsheet"
class ESV
def self.generate
instance = new
jimmycuadra / cloud-config.yml
Last active April 19, 2021 03:04
CoreOS cloud-config for DigitalOcean with iptables firewall
# generate a new token for each unique cluster from
# multi-region deployments, multi-cloud deployments, and droplets without
# private networking need to use $public_ipv4
addr: $private_ipv4:4001
peer-addr: $private_ipv4:7001
# config/routes.rb
resources :documents do
scope module: 'documents' do
resources :versions do
post :restore, on: :member
resource :lock
jed /
Last active August 30, 2024 08:37
How to set up stress-free SSL on an OS X development machine

How to set up stress-free SSL on an OS X development machine

One of the best ways to reduce complexity (read: stress) in web development is to minimize the differences between your development and production environments. After being frustrated by attempts to unify the approach to SSL on my local machine and in production, I searched for a workflow that would make the protocol invisible to me between all environments.

Most workflows make the following compromises:

  • Use HTTPS in production but HTTP locally. This is annoying because it makes the environments inconsistent, and the protocol choices leak up into the stack. For example, your web application needs to understand the underlying protocol when using the secure flag for cookies. If you don't get this right, your HTTP development server won't be able to read the cookies it writes, or worse, your HTTPS production server could pass sensitive cookies over an insecure connection.

  • Use production SSL certificates locally. This is annoying

henrik /
Last active May 23, 2022 12:31
Sandi Metz' four rules from Ruby Rogues episode 87. Listen or read the transcript:
  1. Your class can be no longer than 100 lines of code.
  2. Your methods can be no longer than five lines of code.
  3. You can pass no more than four parameters and you can’t just make it one big hash.
  4. When a call comes into your Rails controller, you can only instantiate one object to do whatever it is that needs to be done. And your view can only know about one instance variable.

You can break these rules if you can talk your pair into agreeing with you.

# Just replace the URL (don't forget "/raw")
curl --silent | ruby
swanson / gist:4056578
Created November 11, 2012 22:44
functional-core-imperative-shell/hexagonal-arch notes