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# config/routes.rb
resources :documents do
scope module: 'documents' do
resources :versions do
post :restore, on: :member
resource :lock
# app/controllers/documents_controller.rb
class DocumentsController < ApplicationController
include ProjectScoped
def index
@documents = @project.documents
def show
@document = @project.documents.find(params[:id])
def new
@document =
def create
@document = @project.documents.create! document_params.merge(creator: current_person)
# app/controllers/documents/locks_controller.rb
module Documents
class LocksController < ApplicationController
include DocumentScoped, ProjectScoped
def update
def destroy
# app/controllers/documents/versions_controller.rb
module Documents
class VersionsController < ApplicationController
include DocumentScoped, ProjectScoped
before_action :set_version
def show
def restore
def set_version
@version = @document.versions.find(params[:id])
# app/controllers/concerns/document_scoped.rb
module DocumentScoped
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
before_action :set_document
def set_document
@document = @project.documents.find(params[:document_id])
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It's possible to add ProjectScoped ?

I found this way clear.

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Tonkpils commented Apr 7, 2014

Wouldn't including DocumentScoped set that before action already?

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dhh commented Apr 7, 2014

@BGuimberteau, I simplified a bit for this example. In Basecamp, we actually have BucketScoped, since many things can be a child of either a Calendar or a Project. But the base concept is the same.

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dhh commented Apr 7, 2014

@Tonkpils, yes, updated.

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zamith commented Apr 7, 2014

@dhh What about restore? What's the reasoning for creating a new controller or adding a non CRUD action?

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ntl commented Apr 7, 2014

Sometimes CRUD isn't the best vocabulary to describe what your app is doing. What else do you do in this case? "Create a restoration?" Rails apps that overly commit to CRUD 100% of the time usually have really disgusting routes, imo.

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dhh commented Apr 7, 2014

@zamith, whether there's enough there, and whether it's likely to lead to proliferation. #restore in this case could have been turned into a Documents::VersionRestorationController, but it wouldn't have lead to further clarification over what we have now.

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Isn't this just an interface segregation principle applied to controllers?

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@dhh thanks for explanation.

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atrauzzi commented Apr 7, 2014

This is a nice and concise example. I do wonder if there would be situations where you'd want logic encapsulated outside request scope (ie: via service objects). This is in contrast to having functionality bound to a specific request+response context by way of being inside controllers.

Best use for this so far I've encountered is when I have a web app that also hosts it's own API, the only time I'd want my business objects being touched by controllers at that point is for output.

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dhh commented Apr 7, 2014

@atrauzzi, I've yet to see a compelling "make action a service object" example in the wild. Maybe they exist somewhere, though. Then again, maybe unicorns are real too.

If your controller action is shared between browser and API, just use respond_to for the API. Don't make it a separate controller.

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atrauzzi commented Apr 7, 2014

That makes sense and can definitely stay clean provided the surface area of both the web site and the API are identical.

Although an API that mimics the routes of a web site may not always be the nicest to use and the needs sometimes will not be 1:1. When that divergence happens, there is some risk of duplication.

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@dhh thanks for this. Since we are comparing one form to another, it would be nice to see what the controller looks like with all the actions stuffed in there. Is there a separate gist with that?

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nambrot commented Apr 7, 2014

I assume ProjectScoped works similarly to DocumentScoped. In that case, does it matter in which order you include DocumentScoped/ProjectScoped?

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dhh commented Apr 7, 2014

@nambrot, yeah, same concept. It matters because ProjectScoped must be loaded first, since DocumentScoped depends on it. It's a Ruby quirk that #include loads things in reverse order, so "include DocumentScoped, ProjectScoped" will load ProjectScoped first, then DocumentScoped.

@mcmorgan, our code in Basecamp started this way, so don't have the before. Wouldn't be hard to recreate though.

@atrauzzi, when they diverge, you can't reuse the logic anyway. Per definition.

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@dhh you can simplify the routes by wrapping the nested resources with a scope, e.g:

resources :documents do
  scope module: 'documents' do
    resources :versions do
      post :restore, on: :member

    resource :lock

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kenn commented Apr 7, 2014

@dhh Re: DocumentScoped / ProjectScoped order, is it a Ruby quirk or ActiveSupport::Concern's? I thought ActiveSupport::Concern saves dependencies in an Array and we could reverse it if that's what we want. Was there any reason that we don't do it that way?

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dhh commented Apr 16, 2014

@pixeltrix, yes of course. I've updated the gist to reflect that. Definitely nicer!

@kenn, that's a Ruby quirk. Concern is a module itself, it doesn't change how #include operates.

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@dhh Wouldn't including ProjectScoped in DocumentScoped make the module dependency explicit, and thus allow you to remove ProjectScoped's inclusion from Documents::VersionsController and Documents::LocksController, avoiding the module ordering quirk entirely?

Also, any particular reason why you call here, instead of

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@dhh would you then apply this namespacing also for models?

So document's versions would go to document folder as version.rb with class Document::Version? Same thing with locks to lock.rb to document folder with class Document::Lock.

Final tree structure would be then


class Document::Version
   # code here

or wrap those classes in plural module?


module Documents
  class Version
    # code here

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