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pixeltrix / mapping.rb
Created April 11, 2024 06:54
Utility functions for converting between OSGB36 and WGS84 co-ordinates
module Mapping
module Utilities
module NationalGrid
# All the values and formula are from the Ordnance Survey publication:
# A guide to coordinate systems in Great Britain
# Scale factor on the central meridian for the Transverse Mercator projection
F0 = 0.9996012717
pixeltrix / truffleruby-logo.svg
Last active July 27, 2021 07:30
Truffle logo in SVG with outline shadow layer
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pixeltrix / activations_controller.rb
Last active May 26, 2020 10:15
Example of a 'service' object
class ActivationsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :json
def create
new_password = params[:user] && params[:user][:password]
token = params[:confirmation_token]
if !new_password
render_errors({"password"=>["can't be blank"]}.to_json)
pixeltrix / anpr.rb
Created May 13, 2020 10:21
Match one of three number plate patterns
formats = [
pattern = /\A#{formats.join("|")}\z/
candidates = %w[
pixeltrix / welsh-constituencies.topojson
Created May 11, 2020 16:09
Welsh Electoral Constituencies (TopoJSON Format)
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pixeltrix / welsh-regions.topojson
Created May 11, 2020 16:06
Welsh Electoral Regions (TopoJSON Format)
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pixeltrix / welsh-constituencies.geojson
Created May 11, 2020 16:03
Welsh Electoral Constituencies
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pixeltrix / welsh-regions.geojson
Last active May 11, 2020 16:00
Welsh Electoral Regions
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pixeltrix / sonar.rb
Last active May 9, 2020 21:53
Ruby implementation of the NHS contact tracing app's messages and how they're decrypted
require "openssl"
require "securerandom"
### iOS/Android Device ###
# Installation id - returned by the registration request
uuid = "E1D160C7-F6E8-48BC-8687-63C696D910CB"
uuid_bytes = uuid.scan(/[0-9A-Z]{2}/).map { |s| s.to_i(16) }.pack("C*")
pixeltrix / markdown_helper.rb
Last active April 13, 2020 11:19
Stub out requests to GOV.UK Notify, convert them into Mail::Message instances and stash them into ActionMailer::Base.deliveries
# app/helpers/markdown_helper.rb
require "redcarpet/render_strip"
module MarkdownHelper
escape_html: false, filter_html: false,
hard_wrap: true, xhtml: true, safe_links_only: true,
no_styles: true, no_images: true, no_links: false,
with_toc_data: false, prettify: false, link_attributes: {}