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Created April 11, 2024 06:54
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Utility functions for converting between OSGB36 and WGS84 co-ordinates
module Mapping
module Utilities
module NationalGrid
# All the values and formula are from the Ordnance Survey publication:
# A guide to coordinate systems in Great Britain
# Scale factor on the central meridian for the Transverse Mercator projection
F0 = 0.9996012717
# True origin of the National Grid projection (from section A.2)
LAT0 = 0.8552113334772214
LNG0 = -0.03490658503988659
# Map coordinates of the true origin (from section A.2)
E0 = 400000.0
N0 = -100000.0
# Precision for iterative calculations
# Helmert transformation parameters (from section 6.6)
WGS84_TO_OSGB36 = {
tx: -446.4480, ty: 125.1570, tz: -542.0600,
rx: -0.1502, ry: -0.2470, rz: -0.8421,
s: 20.4894
OSGB36_TO_WGS84 = {
tx: 446.4480, ty: -125.1570, tz: 542.0600,
rx: 0.1502, ry: 0.2470, rz: 0.8421,
s: -20.4894
# Ellipsoid dimensions
WGS84 = [6378137.0, 6356752.3142]
OSGB36 = [6377563.396, 6356256.909]
include Math
# Based on the formula in C.2
def os_ng_to_wgs84(easting, northing)
a, b = OSGB36
e2 = (a**2 - b**2) / a**2
n = (a - b) / (a + b)
lat = (northing - N0) / a * F0 + LAT0
m = mercator(lat, n, b)
10.times do
lat = (northing - N0 - m) / a * F0 + lat
m = mercator(lat, n, b)
break if (northing - N0 - m) < PRECISION
sin_lat = sin(lat)
sec_lat = 1.0 / cos(lat)
tan_lat = tan(lat)
v = a * F0 * (1 - e2 * sin_lat**2)**-0.5
rho = a * F0 * (1 - e2) * (1 - e2 * sin_lat**2)**-1.5
n2 = v / rho - 1.0
c7 = tan_lat / (2.0 * rho * v)
c8 = tan_lat / (24.0 * rho * v**3.0) * (5 + 3.0 * tan_lat**2.0 + n2 - 9.0 * (tan_lat**2.0) * n2)
c9 = tan_lat / (720.0 * rho * v**5.0) * (61 + 90.0 * tan_lat**2.0 + 45.0 * tan_lat**4.0)
c10 = sec_lat / v
c11 = (sec_lat / (6.0 * v**3.0)) * (v / rho + 2.0 * tan_lat**2.0)
c12 = (sec_lat / (120.0 * v**5.0)) * (5.0 + 28.0 * tan_lat**2.0 + 24.0 * tan_lat**4.0)
c12a = (sec_lat / (5040.0 * v**7.0)) * (61.0 + 662.0 * tan_lat**2.0 + 1320.0 * tan_lat**4.0 + 720.0 * tan_lat**6.0)
delta = easting - E0
lat = lat - c7 * delta**2.0 + c8 * delta**4.0 - c9 * delta**6.0
lng = LNG0 + c10 * delta - c11 * delta**3.0 + c12 * delta**5.0 - c12a * delta**7.0
lng, lat = osgb36_to_wgs84(lng, lat)
[rad_to_deg(lng).round(6), rad_to_deg(lat).round(6)]
# Based on the formula in C.1
def wgs84_to_os_ng(lng, lat)
lng, lat = wgs84_to_osgb36(deg_to_rad(lng), deg_to_rad(lat))
a, b = OSGB36
e2 = (a**2 - b**2) / a**2
n = (a - b) / (a + b)
v = a * F0 * (1 - e2 * sin(lat)**2)**-0.5
rho = a * F0 * (1 - e2) * (1 - e2 * sin(lat)**2)**-1.5
n2 = v / rho - 1.0
m = mercator(lat, n, b)
tan_lat = tan(lat)
sin_lat = sin(lat)
cos_lat = cos(lat)
c1 = m + N0
c2 = v / 2.0 * sin_lat * cos_lat
c3 = v / 24.0 * sin_lat * cos_lat**3.0 * (5.0 - tan_lat**2.0 + 9 * n2)
c3a = v / 720.0 * sin_lat * cos_lat**5.0 * (61.0 - 58.0 * tan_lat**2.0 + tan_lat**4.0)
c4 = v * cos_lat
c5 = v / 6.0 * cos_lat**3.0 * (v / rho - tan_lat**2.0)
c6 = v / 120.0 * cos_lat**5.0 * (5 - 18.0 * tan_lat**2.0 + tan_lat**4.0 + 14.0 * n2 - 58.0 * (tan_lat**2.0) * n2)
delta = lng - LNG0
northing = c1 + c2 * delta**2.0 + c3 * delta**4.0 + c3a * delta**6.0
easting = E0 + c4 * delta + c5 * delta**3.0 + c6 * delta**5.0
[easting.round(3), northing.round(3)]
def wgs84_to_osgb36(lng, lat, height = 0)
coords = spherical_to_cartesian(lng, lat, height, WGS84)
coords = transform(coords, WGS84_TO_OSGB36)
cartesian_to_spherical(*coords, OSGB36)[0..1]
def osgb36_to_wgs84(lng, lat, height = 0)
coords = spherical_to_cartesian(lng, lat, height, OSGB36)
coords = transform(coords, OSGB36_TO_WGS84)
cartesian_to_spherical(*coords, WGS84)[0..1]
# From 'A guide to coordinate systems in Great Britain - B.1'
def spherical_to_cartesian(lng, lat, height, ellipsoid)
a, b = ellipsoid
e2 = (a**2 - b**2) / a**2
v = a / sqrt(1 - (e2 * sin(lat)**2.0))
x = (v + height) * cos(lat) * cos(lng)
y = (v + height) * cos(lat) * sin(lng)
z = ((1 - e2) * v + height) * sin(lat)
[x, y, z]
# From 'A guide to coordinate systems in Great Britain - B.2'
def cartesian_to_spherical(x, y, z, ellipsoid)
a, b = ellipsoid
e2 = (a**2 - b**2) / a**2
p = sqrt(x**2.0 + y**2.0)
lat = atan(z / p * (1 - e2))
v = a / sqrt(1 - (e2 * sin(lat)**2.0))
# Although the algorithm says to loop until the delta is within the
# desired precision we put a hard limit of 10 iterations to prevent
# the application process from going into an infinite loop.
10.times do
lat1 = atan((z + e2 * v * sin(lat)) / p)
v = a / sqrt(1 - (e2 * sin(lat1)**2.0))
break if (lat1 - lat).abs < PRECISION
lat = lat1
lng = atan(y / x)
height = p / cos(lat) - v
[lng, lat, height]
def transform(coords, matrix)
x1, y1, z1 = coords
tx, ty, tz = matrix.values_at(:tx, :ty, :tz)
# Helmert values are in arc seconds so convert to radians
rx, ry, rz = matrix.values_at(:rx, :ry, :rz).map(&method(:sec_to_rad))
# Normalize from ppm
s1 = matrix[:s] / 1e6 + 1
# Transformation matrix from section 6.2 (3)
x2 = tx + x1 * s1 - y1 * rz + z1 * ry
y2 = ty + x1 * rz + y1 * s1 - z1 * rx
z2 = tz - x1 * ry + y1 * rx + z1 * s1
[x2, y2, z2]
def sec_to_rad(seconds)
seconds / 3600.0 * PI / 180.0
def deg_to_rad(degrees)
degrees * PI / 180.0
def rad_to_deg(radians)
radians * 180.0 / PI
def mercator(lat, n, b)
b * F0 * (merc_1(lat, n) - merc_2(lat, n) + merc_3(lat, n) - merc_4(lat, n))
def merc_1(lat, n)
(1 + n + 1.2 * n**2 + 1.2 * n**3) * (lat - LAT0)
def merc_2(lat, n)
(3 * n + 3 * n**2 + 2.625 * n**3) * sin(lat - LAT0) * cos(lat + LAT0)
def merc_3(lat, n)
(1.875 * n**2 + 1.875 * n**3) * sin(2 * (lat - LAT0)) * cos(2 * (lat + LAT0))
def merc_4(lat, n)
(35.0 * n**3 / 24.0) * sin(3 * (lat - LAT0)) * cos(3 * (lat + LAT0))
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