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  • I am branliu ( on keybase.
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branliu0 / queries.cs
Last active December 30, 2016 07:56
Comparing deferred execution for IQueryable, IEnumerable, and IList
void Main()
IQueryable<C_Patient> queryable = C_Patient.AsQueryable();
IEnumerable<C_Patient> enumerable = C_Patient.AsEnumerable();
// Expensive execution triggered here.
IList<C_Patient> list = C_Patient.ToList();
// Cheap SQL query: Does the Count in SQL.
Class Create Many Without Validations Or Callbacks (11.9ms) INSERT INTO `wiki_views` (`id`,`timestamp`,`source`,`count`,`parent_id`,`parent_type`,`created_at`,`updated_at`,`partial`) VALUES (NULL,'2015-06-29 00:00:00.000000','wiki_media',866,452,'Movie','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526133','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526167',0),(NULL,'2015-06-29 00:00:00.000000','wiki_media',2821,457,'Movie','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526133','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526167',0),(NULL,'2015-06-29 00:00:00.000000','wiki_media',1382,459,'Movie','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526133','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526167',0),(NULL,'2015-06-29 00:00:00.000000','wiki_media',20153,925,'Movie','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526133','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526167',0),(NULL,'2015-06-29 00:00:00.000000','wiki_media',620,945,'Movie','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526133','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526167',0),(NULL,'2015-06-29 00:00:00.000000','wiki_media',939,949,'Movie','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526133','2015-07-01 16:24:33.526167',0),(NULL,'2015-06-29 00:00:00.000000','wiki_media',578,950,'Movie','2015-07-01 1

CS 285: Final Project Proposals

by Brandon Liu November 12, 2013

Proposal: Distributed Hitting Time

(a) Motivation

One part of the course discussed trust, reputation, and sybil-proofness. My independent thesis research has been on this topic, and much of my research has


  • Do you want to go the 100m acquisition route, or do you want to go big? Dan: We want to be the second wave of ETF innovation
  • In that case, always stay independent, and do not tie your brand to any other brand. Do not issue ETFs in close collaboration with a Blackrock or Prudential -- once you do that you're tied into their network and it will be very hard to get acquired. Doing such a deal would bring in faster revenue, but would also place you at the mercy of their restrictions and constraints. Doing it yourself will be more work, but will allow you to keep much much more upside.
  • Similar with Markit -- don't mix in your brand with them too much. Try to get a revshare from them, but don't give them a revshare for us. Try to keep our platform separate.
  • On focus: Roger literally says this: "Lack of focus will kill this company. People will have opinions about this, but I am right." He says to stay laser focused on the technology and the current product, and don't worry ab

Founder Bio

I am a 3rd-year undergraduate studying Computer Science at Harvard University, and a recognized leader in CS and tech entrepreneurship at school. I come from a strong quantitative background in the natural sciences and theoretical computer science, and I also have substantial technical engineering experience with numerous consulting, teaching, and internship experiences around software engineering and tech startups. I also have leadership experience starting organizations, building teams, and realizing visions in technology and business.

My passion is to rally ambitious and intelligent people to tackle some of the world's most pressing problems, in a way that combines my experience and expertise in computer science and organizational leadership.

Company Bio

Tech in the World is a national organization providing global health fellowships to top computer science students. We identify the best and brightest computer science students, in both technical talent and leadership capacity, form te


Narrative conception of the self is Aristotelian -- it is teleological a) the narrative conception presupposes a certain conception of the good life as a whole b) MacIntyre's conception of the good life involves following the narrative of life. In the process of determing how I ought to act, it would be wrong to step back from the particulars of my situation -- I need to look at my current situation nal Exam 20 MC questions -- broadly thematic 2 essays


branliu0 / gist:3229723
Created August 1, 2012 18:47
Asana Learning Lunch: Arduino 08/01/2012

Learning Lunch: Arduino

Overview of Arduino

  • interaction with physical world
  • microcontroller board
  • development environment
  • open-source!

Comparison vs other microcontroller platforms

  • Inexpensive (relatively)
This example shows how to fade an LED on pin 9
using the analogWrite() function.
This example code is in the public domain.
int brightness = 0; // how bright the LED is