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Save branneman/951825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pyinfo(). License: MIT
def application(environ, start_response):
import sys
if path not in sys.path:
from pyinfo import pyinfo
output = pyinfo()
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/html')])
return [output]
import os, sys, platform, cgi, socket
def pyinfo():
output = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
output += '<html>'
output += '<head>'
output += '<title>pyinfo()</title>'
output += '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow,noarchive,nosnippet">'
output += styles()
output += '</head>'
output += '<body>'
output += '<div class="center">'
output += section_title()
output += '<h2>System</h2>'
output += section_system()
output += '<h2>Python Internals</h2>'
output += section_py_internals()
output += '<h2>OS Internals</h2>'
output += section_os_internals()
output += '<h2>WSGI Environment</h2>'
output += section_environ()
output += '<h2>Database support</h2>'
output += section_database()
output += '<h2>Compression and archiving</h2>'
output += section_compression()
if sys.modules.has_key('ldap'):
output += '<h2>LDAP support</h2>'
output += section_ldap()
if sys.modules.has_key('socket'):
output += '<h2>Socket</h2>'
output += section_socket()
output += '<h2>Multimedia support</h2>'
output += section_multimedia()
output += '<h2>Copyright</h2>'
output += section_copyright()
output += '</div>'
output += '</body>'
output += '</html>'
return output
def styles():
css = '<style type="text/css">'
css += 'body{background-color:#fff;color:#000}'
css += 'body,td,th,h1,h2{font-family:sans-serif}'
css += 'pre{margin:0px;font-family:monospace}'
css += 'a:link{color:#009;text-decoration:none;background-color:#fff}'
css += 'a:hover{text-decoration:underline}'
css += 'table{border-collapse:collapse}'
css += '.center{text-align:center}'
css += '.center table{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:left}'
css += '.center th{text-align:center !important}'
css += 'td,th{border:1px solid #999999;font-size:75%;vertical-align:baseline}'
css += 'h1{font-size:150%}'
css += 'h2{font-size:125%}'
css += '.p{text-align:left}'
css += '.e{width:30%;background-color:#ffffcc;font-weight:bold;color:#000}'
css += '.h{background:url(\'\') repeat-x;font-weight:bold;color:#000}'
css += '.v{background-color:#f2f2f2;color:#000}'
css += '.vr{background-color:#cccccc;text-align:right;color:#000}'
css += 'img{float:right;border:0px;}'
css += 'hr{width:600px;background-color:#ccc;border:0px;height:1px;color:#000}'
css += '</style>'
return css
def table(html):
return '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">%s</table><br>' % html
def makecells(data):
html = ''
while data:
html += '<tr><td class="e">%s</td><td class="v">%s</td></tr>' % (data.pop(0), data.pop(0))
return table(html)
def imported(module):
if sys.modules.has_key(module):
return 'enabled'
return 'disabled'
def section_title():
html = '<tr class="h"><td>'
html += '<a href=""><img border="0" src=""></a>'
html += '<h1 class="p">Python %s</h1>' % platform.python_version()
html += '</td></tr>'
return table(html)
def section_system():
data = []
if hasattr(sys, 'subversion'): data += 'Python Subversion', ', '.join(sys.subversion)
if platform.dist()[0] != '' and platform.dist()[1] != '':
data += 'OS Version', '%s %s (%s %s)' % (platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.dist()[0].capitalize(), platform.dist()[1])
data += 'OS Version', '%s %s' % (platform.system(), platform.release())
if hasattr(sys, 'executable'): data += 'Executable', sys.executable
data += 'Build Date', platform.python_build()[1]
data += 'Compiler', platform.python_compiler()
if hasattr(sys, 'api_version'): data += 'Python API', sys.api_version
return makecells(data)
def section_py_internals():
data = []
if hasattr(sys, 'builtin_module_names'):
data += 'Built-in Modules', ', '.join(sys.builtin_module_names)
data += 'Byte Order', sys.byteorder + ' endian'
if hasattr(sys, 'getcheckinterval'):
data += 'Check Interval', sys.getcheckinterval()
if hasattr(sys, 'getfilesystemencoding'):
data += 'File System Encoding', sys.getfilesystemencoding()
data += 'Maximum Integer Size', str(sys.maxint) + ' (%s)' % str(hex(sys.maxint)).upper().replace("X", "x")
if hasattr(sys, 'getrecursionlimit'):
data += 'Maximum Recursion Depth', sys.getrecursionlimit()
if hasattr(sys, 'tracebacklimit'):
tabdatale += 'Maximum Traceback Limit', sys.tracebacklimit
data += 'Maximum Traceback Limit', '1000'
data += 'Maximum Unicode Code Point', sys.maxunicode
return makecells(data)
def section_os_internals():
data = []
if hasattr(os, 'getcwd'): data += 'Current Working Directory', os.getcwd()
if hasattr(os, 'getegid'): data += 'Effective Group ID', os.getegid()
if hasattr(os, 'geteuid'): data += 'Effective User ID', os.geteuid()
if hasattr(os, 'getgid'): data += 'Group ID', os.getgid()
if hasattr(os, 'getgroups'): data += 'Group Membership', ', '.join(map(str, os.getgroups()))
if hasattr(os, 'linesep'): data += 'Line Seperator', repr(os.linesep)[1:-1]
if hasattr(os, 'getloadavg'): data += 'Load Average', ', '.join(map(str, map(lambda x: round(x, 2), os.getloadavg())))
if hasattr(os, 'pathsep'): data += 'Path Seperator', os.pathsep
if hasattr(os, 'getpid') and hasattr(os, 'getppid'):
data += 'Process ID', ('%s (parent: %s)' % (os.getpid(), os.getppid()))
except: pass
if hasattr(os, 'getuid'): data += 'User ID', os.getuid()
return makecells(data)
def section_environ():
envvars = os.environ.keys()
data = []
for envvar in envvars:
data += envvar, cgi.escape(str(os.environ[envvar]))
return makecells(data)
def section_database():
data = []
data += 'DB2/Informix (ibm_db)', imported('ibm_db')
data += 'MSSQL (adodbapi)', imported('adodbapi')
data += 'MySQL (MySQL-Python)', imported('MySQLdb')
data += 'ODBC (mxODBC)', imported('mxODBC')
data += 'Oracle (cx_Oracle)', imported('cx_Oracle')
data += 'PostgreSQL (PyGreSQL)', imported('pgdb')
data += 'Python Data Objects (PyDO)', imported('PyDO')
data += 'SAP DB (sapdbapi)', imported('sapdbapi')
data += 'SQLite3', imported('sqlite3')
return makecells(data)
def section_compression():
data = []
data += 'Bzip2 Support', imported('bz2')
data += 'Gzip Support', imported('gzip')
data += 'Tar Support', imported('tarfile')
data += 'Zip Support', imported('zipfile')
data += 'Zlib Support', imported('zlib')
return makecells(data)
def section_ldap():
data = []
data += 'Python-LDAP Version' % urls['Python-LDAP'], ldap.__version__
data += 'API Version', ldap.API_VERSION
data += 'Default Protocol Version', ldap.VERSION
data += 'Minimum Protocol Version', ldap.VERSION_MIN
data += 'Maximum Protocol Version', ldap.VERSION_MAX
data += 'SASL Support (Cyrus-SASL)', ldap.SASL_AVAIL
data += 'TLS Support (OpenSSL)', ldap.TLS_AVAIL
data += 'Vendor Version', ldap.VENDOR_VERSION
return makecells(data)
def section_socket():
data = []
data += 'Hostname', socket.gethostname()
data += 'Hostname (fully qualified)', socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
data += 'IP Address', socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
except: pass
data += 'IPv6 Support', getattr(socket, 'has_ipv6', False)
data += 'SSL Support', hasattr(socket, 'ssl')
return makecells(data)
def section_multimedia():
data = []
data += 'AIFF Support', imported('aifc')
data += 'Color System Conversion Support', imported('colorsys')
data += 'curses Support', imported('curses')
data += 'IFF Chunk Support', imported('chunk')
data += 'Image Header Support', imported('imghdr')
data += 'OSS Audio Device Support', imported('ossaudiodev')
data += 'Raw Audio Support', imported('audioop')
data += 'Raw Image Support', imported('imageop')
data += 'SGI RGB Support', imported('rgbimg')
data += 'Sound Header Support', imported('sndhdr')
data += 'Sun Audio Device Support', imported('sunaudiodev')
data += 'Sun AU Support', imported('sunau')
data += 'Wave Support', imported('wave')
return makecells(data)
def section_copyright():
html = '<tr class="v"><td>%s</td></tr>' % sys.copyright.replace('\n\n', '<br>').replace('\r\n', '<br />').replace('(c)', '&copy;')
return table(html)
optional_modules_list = [
'zlib', 'gzip', 'bz2', 'zipfile', 'tarfile',
'audioop', 'curses', 'imageop', 'aifc', 'sunau', 'wave', 'chunk', 'colorsys', 'rgbimg', 'imghdr', 'sndhdr', 'ossaudiodev', 'sunaudiodev',
'adodbapi', 'cx_Oracle', 'ibm_db', 'mxODBC', 'MySQLdb', 'pgdb', 'PyDO', 'sapdbapi', 'sqlite3'
for i in optional_modules_list:
module = __import__(i)
sys.modules[i] = module
globals()[i] = module
except: pass
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OscardR commented Oct 23, 2014

Thank you for this, it was very useful ;)

Just a note: the line 178 throws an exception on my server, since the urls var is not defined anywhere. Maybe that changes across different setups, so checking its existence prior to using it might be a good idea.

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eamars commented Nov 3, 2015

I made a slight modification for the following code to make it work in Python3

import os, sys, platform, cgi, socket

def pyinfo():
    output  = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
    output += '<html>'
    output +=  '<head>'
    output +=   '<title>pyinfo()</title>'
    output +=   '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow,noarchive,nosnippet">'
    output +=    styles()
    output +=  '</head>'
    output +=  '<body>'
    output +=   '<div class="center">'
    output +=     section_title()

    output +=     '<h2>System</h2>'
    output +=     section_system()

    output +=     '<h2>Python Internals</h2>'
    output +=     section_py_internals()

    output +=     '<h2>OS Internals</h2>'
    output +=     section_os_internals()

    output +=     '<h2>WSGI Environment</h2>'
    output +=     section_environ()

    output +=     '<h2>Database support</h2>'
    output +=     section_database()

    output +=     '<h2>Compression and archiving</h2>'
    output +=     section_compression()

    if 'ldap' in sys.modules:
        output += '<h2>LDAP support</h2>'
        output += section_ldap()

    if 'socket' in sys.modules:
        output += '<h2>Socket</h2>'
        output += section_socket()

    output +=     '<h2>Multimedia support</h2>'
    output +=     section_multimedia()

    output +=     '<h2>Copyright</h2>'
    output +=     section_copyright()

    output +=   '</div>'
    output +=  '</body>'
    output += '</html>'
    return output

def styles():
    css  = '<style type="text/css">'
    css +=  'body{background-color:#fff;color:#000}'
    css +=  'body,td,th,h1,h2{font-family:sans-serif}'
    css +=  'pre{margin:0px;font-family:monospace}'
    css +=  'a:link{color:#009;text-decoration:none;background-color:#fff}'
    css +=  'a:hover{text-decoration:underline}'
    css +=  'table{border-collapse:collapse}'
    css +=  '.center{text-align:center}'
    css +=  '.center table{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:left}'
    css +=  '.center th{text-align:center !important}'
    css +=  'td,th{border:1px solid #999999;font-size:75%;vertical-align:baseline}'
    css +=  'h1{font-size:150%}'
    css +=  'h2{font-size:125%}'
    css +=  '.p{text-align:left}'
    css +=  '.e{width:30%;background-color:#ffffcc;font-weight:bold;color:#000}'
    css +=  '.h{background:url(\'\') repeat-x;font-weight:bold;color:#000}'
    css +=  '.v{background-color:#f2f2f2;color:#000}'
    css +=  '.vr{background-color:#cccccc;text-align:right;color:#000}'
    css +=  'img{float:right;border:0px;}'
    css +=  'hr{width:600px;background-color:#ccc;border:0px;height:1px;color:#000}'
    css += '</style>'
    return css

def table(html):
    return '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">%s</table><br>' % html

def makecells(data):
    html = ''
    while data:
        html += '<tr><td class="e">%s</td><td class="v">%s</td></tr>' % (data.pop(0), data.pop(0))
    return table(html)

def imported(module):
    if module in sys.modules:
        return 'enabled'
    return 'disabled'

def section_title():
    html  = '<tr class="h"><td>'
    html +=  '<a href=""><img border="0" src=""></a>'
    html +=  '<h1 class="p">Python %s</h1>' % platform.python_version()
    html += '</td></tr>'
    return table(html)

def section_system():
    data = []
    if hasattr(sys, 'subversion'): data += 'Python Subversion', ', '.join(sys.subversion)
    if platform.dist()[0] != '' and platform.dist()[1] != '':
        data += 'OS Version', '%s %s (%s %s)' % (platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.dist()[0].capitalize(), platform.dist()[1])
        data += 'OS Version', '%s %s' % (platform.system(), platform.release())
    if hasattr(sys, 'executable'): data += 'Executable', sys.executable
    data += 'Build Date', platform.python_build()[1]
    data += 'Compiler', platform.python_compiler()
    if hasattr(sys, 'api_version'): data += 'Python API', sys.api_version
    return makecells(data)

def section_py_internals():
    data = []
    if hasattr(sys, 'builtin_module_names'):
        data += 'Built-in Modules', ', '.join(sys.builtin_module_names)
    data += 'Byte Order', sys.byteorder + ' endian'
    if hasattr(sys, 'getcheckinterval'):
        data += 'Check Interval', sys.getcheckinterval()
    if hasattr(sys, 'getfilesystemencoding'):
        data += 'File System Encoding', sys.getfilesystemencoding()
    if hasattr(sys, 'getrecursionlimit'):
        data += 'Maximum Recursion Depth', sys.getrecursionlimit()
    if hasattr(sys, 'tracebacklimit'):
        tabdatale += 'Maximum Traceback Limit', sys.tracebacklimit
        data += 'Maximum Traceback Limit', '1000'
    data += 'Maximum Unicode Code Point', sys.maxunicode
    return makecells(data)

def section_os_internals():
    data = []
    if hasattr(os, 'getcwd'):     data += 'Current Working Directory', os.getcwd()
    if hasattr(os, 'getegid'):    data += 'Effective Group ID', os.getegid()
    if hasattr(os, 'geteuid'):    data += 'Effective User ID', os.geteuid()
    if hasattr(os, 'getgid'):     data += 'Group ID', os.getgid()
    if hasattr(os, 'getgroups'):  data += 'Group Membership', ', '.join(map(str, os.getgroups()))
    if hasattr(os, 'linesep'):    data += 'Line Seperator', repr(os.linesep)[1:-1]
    if hasattr(os, 'getloadavg'): data += 'Load Average', ', '.join(map(str, map(lambda x: round(x, 2), os.getloadavg())))
    if hasattr(os, 'pathsep'):    data += 'Path Seperator', os.pathsep
        if hasattr(os, 'getpid') and hasattr(os, 'getppid'):
            data += 'Process ID', ('%s (parent: %s)' % (os.getpid(), os.getppid()))
    except: pass
    if hasattr(os, 'getuid'): data += 'User ID', os.getuid()
    return makecells(data)

def section_environ():
    envvars = os.environ.keys()
    data = []
    for envvar in envvars:
        data += envvar, cgi.escape(str(os.environ[envvar]))
    return makecells(data)

def section_database():
    data  = []
    data += 'DB2/Informix (ibm_db)',      imported('ibm_db')
    data += 'MSSQL (adodbapi)',           imported('adodbapi')
    data += 'MySQL (MySQL-Python)',       imported('MySQLdb')
    data += 'ODBC (mxODBC)',              imported('mxODBC')
    data += 'Oracle (cx_Oracle)',         imported('cx_Oracle')
    data += 'PostgreSQL (PyGreSQL)',      imported('pgdb')
    data += 'Python Data Objects (PyDO)', imported('PyDO')
    data += 'SAP DB (sapdbapi)',          imported('sapdbapi')
    data += 'SQLite3',                    imported('sqlite3')
    return makecells(data)

def section_compression():
    data  = []
    data += 'Bzip2 Support', imported('bz2')
    data += 'Gzip Support',  imported('gzip')
    data += 'Tar Support',   imported('tarfile')
    data += 'Zip Support',   imported('zipfile')
    data += 'Zlib Support',  imported('zlib')
    return makecells(data)

def section_ldap():
    data = []
    data += 'Python-LDAP Version' % urls['Python-LDAP'], ldap.__version__
    data += 'API Version',                               ldap.API_VERSION
    data += 'Default Protocol Version',                  ldap.VERSION
    data += 'Minimum Protocol Version',                  ldap.VERSION_MIN
    data += 'Maximum Protocol Version',                  ldap.VERSION_MAX
    data += 'SASL Support (Cyrus-SASL)',                 ldap.SASL_AVAIL
    data += 'TLS Support (OpenSSL)',                     ldap.TLS_AVAIL
    data += 'Vendor Version',                            ldap.VENDOR_VERSION
    return makecells(data)

def section_socket():
    data  = []
    data += 'Hostname', socket.gethostname()
    data += 'Hostname (fully qualified)', socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
        data += 'IP Address', socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
    except: pass
    data += 'IPv6 Support', getattr(socket, 'has_ipv6', False)
    data += 'SSL Support', hasattr(socket, 'ssl')
    return makecells(data)

def section_multimedia():
    data  = []
    data += 'AIFF Support',                    imported('aifc')
    data += 'Color System Conversion Support', imported('colorsys')
    data += 'curses Support',                  imported('curses')
    data += 'IFF Chunk Support',               imported('chunk')
    data += 'Image Header Support',            imported('imghdr')
    data += 'OSS Audio Device Support',        imported('ossaudiodev')
    data += 'Raw Audio Support',               imported('audioop')
    data += 'Raw Image Support',               imported('imageop')
    data += 'SGI RGB Support',                 imported('rgbimg')
    data += 'Sound Header Support',            imported('sndhdr')
    data += 'Sun Audio Device Support',        imported('sunaudiodev')
    data += 'Sun AU Support',                  imported('sunau')
    data += 'Wave Support',                    imported('wave')
    return makecells(data)

def section_copyright():
    html = '<tr class="v"><td>%s</td></tr>' % sys.copyright.replace('\n\n', '<br>').replace('\r\n', '<br />').replace('(c)', '&copy;')
    return table(html)

optional_modules_list = [
    'zlib', 'gzip', 'bz2', 'zipfile', 'tarfile',
    'audioop', 'curses', 'imageop', 'aifc', 'sunau', 'wave', 'chunk', 'colorsys', 'rgbimg', 'imghdr', 'sndhdr', 'ossaudiodev', 'sunaudiodev',
    'adodbapi', 'cx_Oracle', 'ibm_db', 'mxODBC', 'MySQLdb', 'pgdb', 'PyDO', 'sapdbapi', 'sqlite3'
for i in optional_modules_list:
        module = __import__(i)
        sys.modules[i] = module
        globals()[i] = module
    except: pass

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kpietru commented Apr 22, 2016

Very useful.
Please add a license.
It is important.

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