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August 29, 2015 14:02
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Speech synthesis in Mediaiwiki; Need to put into an extension format, but easily customizable already by dropping into Common.js; replace 'gumax-nav' with ID into which to append (may also need to change element type if not a list item); also "mw-content-text" ID could be changed if not on Mediawiki or targeting something else than the main body…
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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/*global speechSynthesis, SpeechSynthesisUtterance*/ | |
/*jslint vars:true, browser:true, devel:true*/ | |
(function () {'use strict'; | |
if (window.SpeechSynthesisUtterance) { | |
/* | |
Other properties/events: | |
speechSynthesis properties: pending, speaking, paused | |
msg events: onstart, onend, onerror, onpause, onresume, onmark, onboundary | |
where the event has charIndex, elapsedTime, name | |
*/ | |
/** | |
* Chunkify | |
* Google Chrome Speech Synthesis Chunking Pattern | |
* Fixes inconsistencies with speaking long texts in speechUtterance objects | |
* Licensed under the MIT License | |
* | |
* Peter Woolley and Brett Zamir | |
*/ | |
var speechUtteranceChunker = function (utt, settings, callback) { | |
settings = settings || {}; | |
var newUtt; | |
var txt = (settings && settings.offset !== undefined ? utt.text.substring(settings.offset) : utt.text); | |
if (utt.voice && utt.voice.voiceURI === 'native') { // Not part of the spec | |
newUtt = utt; | |
newUtt.text = txt; | |
newUtt.addEventListener('end', function () { | |
if (speechUtteranceChunker.cancel) { | |
speechUtteranceChunker.cancel = false; | |
} | |
if (callback !== undefined) { | |
callback(); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
else { | |
var chunkLength = (settings && settings.chunkLength) || 160; | |
var pattRegex = new RegExp('^[\\s\\S]{' + Math.floor(chunkLength / 2) + ',' + chunkLength + '}[.!?,]{1}|^[\\s\\S]{1,' + chunkLength + '}$|^[\\s\\S]{1,' + chunkLength + '} '); | |
var chunkArr = txt.match(pattRegex); | |
if (chunkArr[0] === undefined || chunkArr[0].length <= 2) { | |
//call once all text has been spoken... | |
if (callback !== undefined) { | |
callback(); | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
var chunk = chunkArr[0]; | |
newUtt = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(chunk); | |
var x; | |
for (x in utt) { | |
if (utt.hasOwnProperty(x) && x !== 'text') { | |
newUtt[x] = utt[x]; | |
} | |
} | |
newUtt.addEventListener('end', function () { | |
if (speechUtteranceChunker.cancel) { | |
speechUtteranceChunker.cancel = false; | |
return; | |
} | |
settings.offset = settings.offset || 0; | |
settings.offset += chunk.length - 1; | |
speechUtteranceChunker(utt, settings, callback); | |
}); | |
} | |
if (settings.modifier) { | |
settings.modifier(newUtt); | |
} | |
console.log(newUtt); //IMPORTANT!! Do not remove: Logging the object out fixes some onend firing issues. | |
//placing the speak invocation inside a callback fixes ordering and onend issues. | |
setTimeout(function () { | |
speechSynthesis.speak(newUtt); | |
}, 0); | |
}; | |
// Need an interval till ready per | |
var speechPrefix = 'speechsynthesis-'; | |
var watch = setInterval(function() { | |
var voices = speechSynthesis.getVoices(); | |
if (!voices.length) { | |
return; | |
} | |
clearInterval(watch); | |
// Start form | |
var li = document.createElement('li'); | |
var container = document.createElement('div'); | | = 'none'; | |
var a = document.createElement('a'); | |
a.href = '#'; | |
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Speak')); | |
li.appendChild(a); | |
li.appendChild(container); | | = '#1057A7'; | | = '12px'; | |
a.addEventListener('click', function (e) { // Toggle | |
var style =; | |
style.display = style.display === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none'; | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
}); | |
// Voice choices | |
var select = document.createElement('select'); | |
select.addEventListener('click', function (e) { | |
var target =; | |
document.getElementById(speechPrefix + 'lang').value = target.options[target.selectedIndex].dataset.lang; | |
}); | |
container.appendChild(select); | |
voices.forEach(function(voice, i) { // voiceURI, name, lang, localService, default | |
var option = document.createElement('option'); | |
option.value = i; | |
option.dataset.lang = voice.lang || 'en-US'; | |
option.text = + ['default', 'localService'].reduce(function (str, boolProperty) { | |
return str + (voice[boolProperty] ? ' (' + boolProperty + ')' : ''); | |
}, '') + ['lang', 'voiceURI'].reduce(function (str, stringProperty) { | |
var val = voice[stringProperty]; | |
return str + (val && val !== ? ' (' + stringProperty + ': ' + val + ')' : ''); | |
}, ''); | |
select.appendChild(option); | |
}); | |
container.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); | |
// Numeric | |
[['volume', 0, 1, 1], ['rate', 0.1, 10, 1], ['pitch', 0, 2, 2]].forEach(function (inputInfo) { | |
var inputType = inputInfo[0]; | |
var label = document.createElement('label'); | |
label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(inputType)); | |
var input = document.createElement('input'); | | = speechPrefix + inputType; | |
input.type = 'number'; | |
input.step = 0.1; | |
input.min = inputInfo[1]; | |
input.max = inputInfo[2]; | |
input.value = inputInfo[3]; | |
label.appendChild(input); | |
container.appendChild(label); | |
}); | |
container.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); | |
[['lang', 'Language Code', 'en-US']/*, ['voiceURI', 'Voice URI', 'native']*/].forEach(function (inputInfo) { | |
var inputType = inputInfo[0]; | |
var inputText = inputInfo[1]; | |
var defaultValue = inputInfo[2]; | |
var label = document.createElement('label'); | |
label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(inputText)); | |
var input = document.createElement('input'); | | = speechPrefix + inputType; | |
input.value = defaultValue; | |
input.placeholder = defaultValue; | |
label.appendChild(input); | |
container.appendChild(label); | |
}); | |
var getContent = function () { | |
return document.getElementById('mw-content-text').textContent; | |
}; | |
var getSelectionOrContent = function () { | |
return String(window.getSelection()) || getContent(); | |
}; | |
var updateSlider = function (text, initialValue) { | |
var len = text.length; | |
var oldSlider = document.getElementById(speechPrefix + 'slider'); | |
if (oldSlider && oldSlider.max === String(len)) { | |
return; | |
} | |
var label = document.createElement('label'); | |
label.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Initial position')); | |
var slider = document.createElement('input'); | | = speechPrefix + 'slider'; | |
slider.type = 'range'; | |
slider.step = String(len/100); | |
slider.min = '0'; | |
slider.max = String(len); | |
slider.value = String(initialValue || 0); | |
if (oldSlider) { | |
oldSlider.parentNode.replaceChild(slider, oldSlider); | |
} | |
else { | |
label.appendChild(slider); | |
container.appendChild(label); | |
} | |
}; | |
var toggleStyles = function (addStylesType) { | |
var button = document.getElementById(speechPrefix + 'play'); | |
button.textContent = ['start', 'resume'].indexOf(addStylesType) > -1 ? 'Pause' : 'Play'; | |
if (addStylesType === 'pause') { | | = 'red'; | |
} | |
else { | | = ''; | |
} | |
}; | |
// Events | |
var speak = function (txt) { | |
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); | |
msg.voice = voices[select.value]; // Note: some voices don't support altering params // Todo: no voice in spec and using voiceURI does not work! | |
// msg.voiceURI = select.value; | |
['lang'].forEach(function (property) { | |
msg[property] = document.getElementById(speechPrefix + property).value; | |
}); | |
['volume', 'rate', 'pitch'].forEach(function (property) { | |
msg[property] = parseFloat(document.getElementById(speechPrefix + property).value); | |
}); | |
var text = txt || getSelectionOrContent(); | |
var slider = document.getElementById(speechPrefix + 'slider'); | |
var sliderVal = slider && slider.value; | |
msg.text = sliderVal ? text.slice(sliderVal) : text; | |
speechSynthesis.cancel(); | |
msg = speechUtteranceChunker(msg, { | |
chunkLength: 200, | |
modifier: function (msg) { | |
// msg.onstart, onend, onerror, onpause, onresume, onmark, onboundary | |
// speechSynthesis properties: pending, speaking, paused | |
// boundary event apparently not working in chrome | |
// Also, there are no properties that can be queried to find the | |
// current charIndex position, so no use with an interval like | |
// the following now | |
// var advanceSlider = setInterval(function () {}, 60); | |
['start', 'end', 'pause', 'resume'].forEach(function (eventType) { | |
msg.addEventListener(eventType, (function (eventType) { | |
return function () { | |
toggleStyles(eventType); | |
}; | |
}(eventType))); | |
}); | |
/* | |
// Keeps resetting the slider and does not set it in the middle | |
msg.addEventListener('boundary', function (e) { // The event doesn't go every character, so we increment at boundaries. | |
var slider = document.getElementById(speechPrefix + 'slider'); | |
slider.value = e.charIndex; | |
}); | |
*/ | |
msg.addEventListener('error', function (e) { | |
var span = document.createElement('span'); | | = 'red'; | |
span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)); | |
container.appendChild(span); | |
setTimeout(function () { | |
container.removeChild(span); | |
}, 5000); | |
}); | |
} | |
}, function () { | |
// Some code to execute when done | |
}); | |
}; | |
container.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); | |
['play', 'cancel'].forEach(function (buttonType) { | |
var button = document.createElement('button'); | | = speechPrefix + buttonType; | |
button.addEventListener('click', buttonType === 'play' ? function () { | |
if (speechSynthesis.paused) { | |
speechSynthesis.resume(); | |
} | |
else if (speechSynthesis.speaking) { | |
speechSynthesis.pause(); | |
} | |
else { | |
speak(); | |
} | |
} : (function (buttonType) { | |
return function () { | |
if (speechSynthesis.paused) { // We have to resume and then cancel | |
speechSynthesis.resume(); | |
} | |
speechUtteranceChunker.cancel = true; | |
speechSynthesis[buttonType](); | |
}; | |
}(buttonType))); | |
button.appendChild(document.createTextNode(buttonType.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + buttonType.slice(1))); | |
container.appendChild(button); | |
}); | |
document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', function () { | |
updateSlider(getSelectionOrContent()); // Make sure updated for next time | |
}); | |
updateSlider(getContent()); | |
//document.getElementById('ca-unwatch').parentNode.appendChild(li); | |
document.getElementById('gumax-nav').appendChild(li); | |
var locationHashChanged = function () { | |
var play = location.hash.match(/^#play-(.*)$/); | |
if (play) { | |
var elem = document.getElementById(play[1]); | |
elem.scrollIntoView(); | |
var range = document.createRange(); | |
range.setStartBefore(elem); | |
range.setEndAfter(document.body.lastChild); | |
var postIDText = range.cloneContents().textContent; | |
if (postIDText) { | |
speak(postIDText); | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
document.getElementById(location.hash.slice(1)).scrollIntoView(); | |
} | |
}; | |
if ('onhashchange' in window) { | |
window.onhashchange = locationHashChanged; | |
} | |
if (location.hash) { | |
locationHashChanged(); | |
} | |
}, 1); | |
} | |
}()); |
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