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Created December 7, 2009 15:32
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
<title>Test replacing PHP.JS blocks</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This solution had been posted to earlier, but not archived there or at; only found record at
// Fix:
// 1) Get echo() to support output buffering and implement below
// 2) If no procInst in HTML, then use comments--e.g., IE-style?
// 3) Move away from XPath in HTML to DOM traversal?
// To work with echo(), we need a different implementation of echo() which returns the string (and doesn't append to the DOM, since we want to append it)
function echo (str) {
return str;
// Alternatively to echo(), or in addition, we could just define our own underscore (_) function which does this, thus not interfering with PHP
function _ (str) {
return str;
function populatePHPJSBlocks () {
var getXPathNodes = function (xpathText) {
if (document.evaluate) {
var procInsts = [];
var pis = document.evaluate(xpathText, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
var pi = pis.iterateNext();
while(pi) {
pi = pis.iterateNext();
return procInsts;
else {
try {
return document.documentElement.selectNodes(xpathText);
catch(e) {
throw "XPath is not supported by this browser.";
var procInsts = [];
var procInsts = getXPathNodes('//processing-instruction("phpjs")');
// Didn't work in loop below for some reason, so doing feature testing here (more efficient anyways)
if (window.XMLList) {
// We use eval() here to avoid problems with non-E4X browsers
eval("default xml namespace = new Namespace('');");
for (var i=0; i < procInsts.length; i++) {
var evald = eval(procInsts[i].data);
var node;
if (typeof evald === 'xml') {
node = new DOMParser().parseFromString(evald.toXMLString(), 'text/xml').documentElement;
else if (evald instanceof Node) {
node = evald;
else {
node = document.createTextNode(evald);
procInsts[i].parentNode.replaceChild(node, procInsts[i]);
var procInsts = [];
var procInsts = getXPathNodes('//processing-instruction("_")');
for (var i=0; i < procInsts.length; i++) {
var evald = eval(procInsts[i].data);
if (typeof evald === 'xml') {
node = new DOMParser().parseFromString(evald.toXMLString(), 'text/xml').documentElement;
else if (evald instanceof Node) {
node = evald;
else {
node = document.createTextNode(evald);
procInsts[i].parentNode.replaceChild(node, procInsts[i]);
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
}, false);
<p><?_ 'He'+'llo' ?></p>
<p>Static text in between "Hello" and "world!"</p>
<p><?phpjs _('world!'); ?></p>
<p><?phpjs echo('Finished!'); ?></p>
<!-- Comment out the following for Opera or Safari as they will only work in an E4X-compliant browser like Mozilla/Firefox -->
<p><?phpjs <em>Really finished!</em> ?></p>
<p><?_ <strong>Really, really finished at {new Date()}!</strong> ?></p>
<p><?_ var tt = document.createElementNS('', 'tt'); tt.innerHTML = 'abcdef'; tt; ?></p>
<p><?phpjs var tt = document.createElementNS('', 'tt'); tt.innerHTML = 'ghijkl'; tt; ?></p>
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brettz9 commented Mar 29, 2018

Could just use HTML now for this (and eval results if using the above JS approach)

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