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Last active January 19, 2021 13:13
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hyperhtml wrapper (not currently put to use or tested)
/* globals hyperHTML, jml, Interpolator */
// Relies on getInterpolator of Jamilih:
'use strict';
window.hyperJamilih = (() => {
const map = new Map();
const {bind: hyper} = hyperHTML;
const {uuid, args, dynamic, plugin} = Interpolator.default();
* @callback HyperJMLCallback
* @param {...JamilihArray} jamilihArgs
* @returns {Element}
return {
* @example
* hyperJML('.modal-confirm .modal-body p')(
* 'span', [
* 'Are you sure you want to delete your account?'
* ]
* );
* @param {string|Element} elem
* @returns {HyperJMLCallback}
hyperJML (elem) {
if (typeof elem === 'string') {
elem = document.querySelector(elem);
const j = jml.jml.bind(null, {$plugins: [plugin]});
return function (...jamilihArgs) {
const ret = j(...jamilihArgs);
const elementsAsString = ret.outerHTML; //new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(ret);
// Wasteful part is here in rebuilding array each time vs. directly sending HTML strings to template array
// Might add `convert` to `Tagger` prototype from hyperHTML which instead of doing the joining at
// , instead did so here (Jamilih
// plugin might use its same UUID even and build an array of tokens, albeit requiring a Map here to avoid
// resending the same array if wish native template advantages)
return hyper(elem)(elementsAsString.split(uuid), ...args);
export default {
$document: {
$DOCTYPE: {name: 'html'},
head: [
['script', {
src: '/node_modules/jamilih/dist/jml.js'
['script', {
src: '/node_modules/hyperhtml/index.js'
['script', {
src: '/node_modules/jamilih/dist/getInterpolator.js'
['script', {
src: '/js/hyperJML.js'
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