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Created September 13, 2018 11:54
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Preparing Elevation Data for Visualisation with rayshader


Using the DEM available here which the source states is using the LV03 (a.k.a. EPSG 21781) coordinate reference system:

dem.200m.rast <- raster('~/Downloads/data/DHM200.asc')

crs(dem.200m.rast) <- crs('+init=epsg:21781')

Visualising the elevation raster with raster::plot

plot(dem.200m.rast, col = viridis(n = 1e3))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

My extraction of the data from the raster to a matrix results in a distorted image:

dem.200m.mat <- raster::as.matrix(dem.200m.rast)

apply(X = dem.200m.mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = rev) %>%
  t() %>%
    graphics::image(x = ., col = viridis(n = 1e3))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

So I guess what we're seeing here is that raster::plot is adjusting the aspect ratio of the plot in accordance with the coordinate reference system while there is no such information associated with the matrix for image or rayshader to use (though I don't think either of these have the functionality to estimate such an adjustment from the CRS).

dem.200m.mat.t <- t(dem.200m.mat)

  rayshader::sphere_shade(dem.200m.mat.t, texture = 'bw') %>%

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

##    user  system elapsed 
##   3.192   0.108   3.300
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Can you possibly share the data, or a link to it? I might be able to explain a bit more with it, and I'd like to see it!

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Cheers! I tried to link to the data above it's freely available here:

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That's the one. I picked it to make this example reproducible. I have access to a 5m DEM that I'm not allowed share which uses the same CRS and has the projection info included in the file, visualising that (probably aggregated lightly) is the end goal for me at the moment.

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brfitzpatrick commented Sep 13, 2018

sorry this is my first time using gistr I can authenticate to create new gists but not to edit an existing gist apparently. I've tried your suggestions here:

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