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Created March 6, 2015 02:42
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Copyright 2014 Microsoft
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Yammer auditing tool that looks for active Yammer accounts that
are either disabled or missing from AD DS.
Takes User.csv file from Yammer Data Export as the input file.
Compares all Active Yammer accounts in the input file to user
lookup in AD. User is searched by both email and proxyAddresses.
If a user is not Enabled (either Disabled on Not Found) in ALL of
the specified domain services, a row is written to the output csv
file. A user found to be Enabled in at least one domain service is
considered safe to remain in Yammer.
The users listed in the output file may be Suspended via the Yammer
bulk update tool. Suspension is preferred over Deletion because
suspended accounts can be re-activated if necessary. Deleted accounts
can not be restored.
NOTE: The error file that is output can be used as the input file
when re-running this script. This makes it easy to rerun the process
if there were connection errors, etc.
Outputs -
Results File (accounts you should suspend in Yammer) = "Results_[dateStamp].csv"
$log_path = "log_[dateStamp].txt"
$error_path = "error_[dateStamp].csv"
Params -
Root path to input file - example: C:\utils\yammeraudit
Users.csv file name - example: Users.csv or error_[dateStamp].csv
$path = $args[0]
$inputFile = $args[1]
$input_path = "$path\$inputFile"
$count = 0
$errorCount = 0
#List of domain services to search (depending on environment, port may or may not be needed)
$ADServices = ""#, "" , ""
$dateStamp = (Get-Date -format s) -replace ":", "-"
$output_path = "$path\Results_$dateStamp.csv"
$log_path = "$path\log_$dateStamp.txt"
$error_path = "$path\error_$dateStamp.csv"
echo '=========='
echo $input_path
echo $output_path
echo $log_path
echo $error_path
echo '=========='
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] Starting Yammer User Audit..."
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] Input File: $input_path"
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] Calculating total active Yammer accounts..."
#Run through entire csv file initially to get total count (used later for showing progress percent complete)
Import-Csv -Path $input_path | Where-Object {$_.state -eq "active"} | ForEach-Object `
write-progress -activity "Counting Active Yammer Accounts in CSV File" -status "$count"
$totalActive = $count
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] Total active Yammer accounts = $totalActive"
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] Comparing each active Yammer account to AD... "
$90logged = $FALSE
$80logged = $FALSE
$70logged = $FALSE
$60logged = $FALSE
$50logged = $FALSE
$40logged = $FALSE
$40logged = $FALSE
$30logged = $FALSE
$20logged = $FALSE
$10logged = $FALSE
$count = 0
Import-Csv -Path $input_path | Where-Object {$_.state -eq "active"} | ForEach-Object `
#Use this code to enter specific accounts to skip (for example, VIP's and other key accounts that should NEVER get suspended)
if (([string]::Compare($, "", $True) -eq 0) `
-or ([string]::Compare($, "", $True) -eq 0))
$percentComplete = [int](($count/$totalActive)*100)
#logic for showing periodic percent complete update in the log file
switch -Regex ($percentComplete)
if (!$90logged)
$90logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if (!$80logged)
$80logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if (!$70logged)
$70logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if (!$60logged)
$60logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if (!$50logged)
$50logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if (!$40logged)
$40logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if (!$30logged)
$30logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if (!$20logged)
$20logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if (!$10logged)
$10logged = $TRUE
$logPercent = $TRUE
if ($logPercent)
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] $percentComplete percent complete"
$logPercent = $FALSE
write-progress -activity "Comparing each active Yammer account to AD" -status "Progress->" -percentcomplete $percentComplete -CurrentOperation "$percentComplete percent complete"
$acctEnabled = $FALSE
$errorOccurred = $FALSE
#initialize hash table
$properties = @{
'YammerId'= $;
'YammerEmail' = $;
'YammerState' = $_.state;
'YammerApiUrl' = $_.api_url;
$email = $
$proxyEmail = "smtp:" + $email
#check all domain services specified. Only flag an account for Yammer Suspension if NOT enabled in ALL of the services.
Foreach ($service in $ADServices)
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter {(mail -eq $email) -or (proxyAddresses -eq $proxyEmail)} -Properties mail, proxyAddresses -Server $service
if (!$user)
$properties.Add($service, "not found")
if ($user -and ($user.Enabled))
#User is enabled in at least one domain service, keep the user in Yammer
$acctEnabled = $TRUE
$properties.Add($service, "disabled")
#Log the exception alongside the account in the error file
$errorOccurred = $TRUE
$errorProperties = @{
'id'= $properties.Get_Item("YammerId");
'email' = $properties.Get_Item("YammerEmail");
'state' = $properties.Get_Item("YammerState");
'api_url' = $properties.Get_Item("YammerApiUrl");
'Domain' = $service;
'Error' = $($Error | Out-String);
'Timestamp' = $(Get-Date -format g)
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $errorProperties | Export-Csv $error_path -Append
Write-Host "ERROR"
Write-Host ($errorProperties | Format-Table | Out-String)
#Only add user to the suspension list if the user is NOT enabled in ALL domain services AND there was not an error
if (!$acctEnabled -and !$errorOccurred)
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties | Export-Csv $output_path -Append
} #Import-Csv ... ForEach-Object
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] 100 percent complete"
if ($errorCount -gt 0)
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] Audit process has completed WITH ERRORS. The list of accounts to suspend in Yammer are in the file - $output_path. Errors are listed in $error_path. If there was an error auditing an account, it will not be listed in the suspend list."
Write-Host "Audit process has completed WITH ERRORS. The list of accounts to suspend in Yammer are in the file - $output_path. Errors are listed in $error_path. If there was an error auditing an account, it will not be listed in the suspend list."
Add-content $log_path -value "[$(Get-Date -format g)] Audit process has completed. The list of accounts to suspend in Yammer are in the file - $output_path"
Write-Host "Audit process has completed. The list of accounts to suspend in Yammer are in the file - $output_path"
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