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Scrape American Presidency Project Approval Data
Truman <- read_html("")
Truman %>%
html_table(fill=T) -> Truman
Truman[[11]] -> Truman
Truman %>%
select(X1:X3, X5:X7) %>%
slice(7:n()) -> Truman
for (i in 34:45) {
url <- paste0("",i)
url %>%
read_html() %>%
html_table(fill=TRUE) -> holdme
holdme[[11]] -> holdme
holdme %>%
select(X1:X3, X5:X7) %>%
slice(7:n()) -> holdme
Truman <- rbind(Truman, holdme)
Truman %>%
setNames(., c("potus", "stdate", "enddate", "approve", "disapprove", "unsure")) %>%
mutate(stdate = mdy(stdate),
enddate = mdy(enddate),
potus = ifelse(potus == "", NA, potus),
approve = as.integer(approve),
disapprove = as.integer(disapprove),
unsure = as.integer(unsure),
netapprove = approve - disapprove) %>%
tidyr::fill(potus) %>% arrange(stdate) -> Approval
write_csv(Approval, "potus-approval.csv")
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