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Last active March 31, 2020 03:01
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Control systems helpful function
# percent overshoot to theta angle and zeta ratio calculator
# PD controller calculator
#so far can only find kp value for a PD controller
# numpy is weird it has ln has a log for some reason
from numpy import log as ln
from math import atan, sqrt, pi, degrees
from sympy import symbols, simplify, fraction,solve, pprint, evalf, im, I
from math import isclose
'''takes overshoot (not percentage! ) and gets zeta
to meet that requirement, ex if overshoot is 20%
input 0.2 to the function '''
def zeta_from_os(os):
zeta = -ln(os)/sqrt(pi**2+(ln(os))**2)
return zeta
'''the angle needed to meet the zeta condition, drawn from origin to + pole, and by symmetry can be extended to bottom angle
taken by drawing a line from the origin to the complex conjugate pole ie the -pole'''
def theta_from_zeta(zeta):
x = sqrt(1-zeta**2)/zeta
angle = atan(x)
return angle
def degree_angle_from_os(os):
'''answer is in radins'''
def angle_from_os(os):
'''If you have a feedback, please give the G(s)*H(s) for the open_loop_gain parameter'''
def PD_controller_gains(desired_pole, open_loop_tf):
kp, kd, s = symbols('kp kd s')
PD_controller_tf = kp +kd*s
gain_product = PD_controller_tf*open_loop_tf
closed_tf = gain_product /(gain_product+1)
numerator, char_eq = fraction(simplify(closed_tf))
find_kp(desired_pole, char_eq.subs(kd, 0))
''' gets a closed loop tf with kd = 0, it then iterates and find the value of kp that
makes kp = the desired imaginary part of pole '''
def find_kp(desired_pole, closed_loop_char_equation):
kp = symbols('kp')
desired_complex_part = im(desired_pole)
kp_val = 0
for i in range(100):
eq = solve(closed_loop_char_equation.subs(kp, i))
if(len(eq) == 2):
current_complex_part = im(eq[1]).evalf()
if(isclose(desired_complex_part, current_complex_part, rel_tol=1e-02, abs_tol=0.17)):
kp_val = i
print(str(kp_val) + " found kp")
print(str(current_complex_part)+ " the im(pole) found with that kp")
print(str(desired_complex_part)+ " the desired kp")
return kp_val
# example usage
s = symbols('s')
g = 1/(s**2+s)
pole = 0.8 + 3.89*I
a = PD_controller_gains(pole,g)
# pprint(a, use_unicode = False)kp_val
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