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alexrudd /
Last active November 17, 2023 07:44
OCSP Request in Go

OCSP Request in Go

This came out of debugging the error net/http: TLS handshake timeout which seemed to only be happening for certain endpoints. The thing that these endpoints all had in common was that they used Let's Encrypt as their CA. Some googling lead me to think it might have something to do with OCSP, so I wrote a small application that could make an OCSP request for a specified certificate.

The issue ended up being that the server experience the TLS handshake timeout had port 80 blocked. Port 80 was required to make the OCSP HTTP request to check that the certificate wasn't revoked.

go run ocsp.go ./cert.cer
xinau /
Last active July 1, 2024 07:56
Ansible callback plugin for exposing playbook execution statistics to Prometheus
# (c) 2018 xinau <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
callback: prometheus
callback_type: aggregate
short_description: expose playbook stats to as Prometheus metrics.
milesbxf / monzo-alertmanager-config.yaml
Last active October 5, 2024 00:43
Monzo's Alertmanager Slack templates
## Alertmanager YAML configuration for routing.
## Will route alerts with a code_owner label to the slack-code-owners receiver
## configured above, but will continue processing them to send to both a
## central Slack channel (slack-monitoring) and PagerDuty receivers
## (pd-warning and pd-critical)
eloo / node_exporter.default
Last active December 22, 2023 09:00
Init.d script for prometheus node exporter
# Set the command-line arguments to pass to the server.
ARGS='-web.listen-address=:9100 -collector.diskstats.ignored-devices="^(ram|loop|fd)\\d+$"'
# Prometheus-node-exporter supports the following options:
# -collector.diskstats.ignored-devices="^(ram|loop|fd|(h|s|v|xv)d[a-z])\\d+$": Regexp of devices to ignore for diskstats.
# -collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points="^/(sys|proc|dev)($|/)": Regexp of mount points to ignore for filesystem collector.
# -collector.ipvs.procfs="/proc": procfs mountpoint.
# -collector.megacli.command="megacli": Command to run megacli.
# -collector.ntp.server="": NTP server to use for ntp collector.
#"": Directory to read text files with metrics from.
ms5 /
Last active July 19, 2024 12:19
manipulating log level with python argparse
import argparse
import logging
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=1)
args = parser.parse_args()
args.verbose = 70 - (10*args.verbose) if args.verbose > 0 else 0
logging.basicConfig(level=args.verbose, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
gruber / gist:1063574
Last active April 15, 2024 20:00
Walken in LA: Hot Dogs

By Christopher Walken

Do you enjoy eating hot dogs? I hope you won’t be put off by my frankness when I tell you that I absolutely love them. In fact, I enjoy no food item more than a freshly-boiled hot dog. Now, I’ve done a lot of movies, and it’s true that I’ve worked with quite a few celebrities who did not share this opinion. I’m sorry to say that these people have always angered me.

There are two types of people in this world: those who eat hot dogs whenever it is possible to do so, and those who opt to do other things with their free time. Who do the latter think they are kidding? What pastime could be more rewarding than the consumption of hot dogs? I haven’t yet found one, and I don’t expect to in my lifetime. Unlike other foods, hot dogs can be eaten at any time, in any place, and it is not necessary to cook them. Now, I ask you: Why not eat hot dogs? They are delicious.

I carry a bag of hot dogs with me wherever I go. I eat them from the bag whenever I get the urge, regardless of the circumstances