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Created September 12, 2017 00:40
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Billboard Modifier
namespace Mapbox.Unity.MeshGeneration.Modifiers
using Mapbox.Unity.MeshGeneration.Components;
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Mapbox/Modifiers/Wall Billboard Modifier")]
public class WallBillboardModifier : GameObjectModifier
public Material[] mat;
private float _minWallLength = 10;
private float _minWallHeight = 10;
bool _enableAutomatically;
string _layer;
public float SizeX = .5f;
public float SizeY = .5f;
public float PosX = .5f;
public float PosY = .5f;
public override void Run(FeatureBehaviour fb)
if (fb.Data == null)
var scale = fb.transform.lossyScale.x;
var pointList = fb.Data.Points;
var ad = fb.gameObject.AddComponent<AnchorData>();
var height = 3f;
var verts = fb.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
foreach (var item in verts)
if (height < item.y)
height = item.y;
foreach (var points in pointList)
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
var v1 = points[i];
var v2 = points[(i + 1) % points.Count];
var dif = v2 - v1;
if (dif.magnitude > _minWallLength && height > _minWallHeight)
var minx = PosX - SizeX / 2;
var maxx = PosX + SizeX / 2;
var miny = PosY - SizeY / 2;
var maxy = PosY + SizeY / 2;
var dir = new Vector3(-dif.z, 0, dif.x).normalized * .1f;
ad.Vertices.Add((dir + Vector3.Lerp(v1, v2, minx) + new Vector3(0, height * maxy, 0)));
ad.Vertices.Add((dir + Vector3.Lerp(v1, v2, maxx) + new Vector3(0, height * maxy, 0)));
ad.Vertices.Add((dir + Vector3.Lerp(v1, v2, maxx) + new Vector3(0, height * miny, 0)));
ad.Vertices.Add((dir + Vector3.Lerp(v1, v2, minx) + new Vector3(0, height * miny, 0)));
ad.Layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(_layer);
ad.Materials = mat;
if (_enableAutomatically)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class AnchorData : MonoBehaviour, ITouchable
public int Layer;
public Material[] Materials;
public List<Vector3> Vertices = new List<Vector3>();
List<GameObject> _visibleObjects = new List<GameObject>();
float _currentAlpha;
Coroutine _fadeRoutine;
public string Description
return "";
public void Activate()
foreach (var go in _visibleObjects)
public void CreateGameObject(bool enabledAutomatically)
for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i += 4)
var pos = transform.position + transform.lossyScale.x * (transform.rotation * (Vertices[i] + Vertices[i + 1] + Vertices[i + 2] + Vertices[i + 3]) / 4);
var norm = transform.rotation * Vector3.Cross(Vertices[i + 1] - Vertices[i], Vertices[i + 2] - Vertices[i + 1]);
var go = new GameObject();
go.layer = Layer;
go.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
go.transform.position = pos;
go.transform.LookAt(pos + norm);
var width = (Vertices[i + 1] - Vertices[i]).magnitude;
var height = (Vertices[i + 2] - Vertices[i + 1]).magnitude;
//var min = Mathf.Min(width / 100, height / 100);
//go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(min, min);
(go.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, height);
IEnumerator FadeIn()
var materials = new List<Material>();
foreach (var mesh in _visibleObjects)
while (_currentAlpha < 1f)
_currentAlpha += .04f;
foreach (var material in materials)
var color = material.color;
color.a = _currentAlpha;
material.color = color;
yield return null;
_fadeRoutine = null;
IEnumerator FadeOut()
var materials = new List<Material>();
foreach (var mesh in _visibleObjects)
while (_currentAlpha > 0f)
_currentAlpha -= .04f;
foreach (var material in materials)
var color = material.color;
color.a = _currentAlpha;
material.color = color;
yield return null;
_fadeRoutine = null;
public void Deactivate()
if (_fadeRoutine != null)
_fadeRoutine = StartCoroutine(FadeOut());
public void Focus(Vector3 cameraForward)
if (_visibleObjects == null || _visibleObjects.Count < 1)
if (_fadeRoutine != null)
_fadeRoutine = StartCoroutine(FadeIn());
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