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brv00 / dragon_curve.ipynb
Last active March 23, 2020 04:52
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;;; IFSによるドラゴンカーブの描画。 (Simple Scheme)
(define top 2.0) (define bottom -1.0) (define left -1.0) (define right 2.0)
(define center-x (/ (image-width (empty-scene)) 2))
(define center-y (/ (* (image-height (empty-scene)) 65) 148))
(define mag
(* 2 (min (/ center-x (- right left)) (/ center-y (- top bottom)))))
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;;; Simple Scheme 用 Bézier 曲線描画手続き
(define (binomial-coefficients n)
(if (= 0 n) '(1)
(let* ((d1 (append (binomial-coefficients (-- n)) '(0))) (d2 (cons 0 d1)))
(build-list (++ n) (lambda (i) (+ (list-ref d1 i) (list-ref d2 i)))))))
(define (add-bezier-curve scn xs ys color)
(let* ((n (length xs)) (n-1 (-- n)) (cs (binomial-coefficients n-1))
; IFS (Simple Scheme 用)
;; C-曲線
(define top 1.2) (define bottom -1.0) (define left -1.5) (define right 1.5)
(define affine-transformations
'(((1/2 1/2 -1/2 1/2) (-1/2 0))
((1/2 -1/2 1/2 1/2) ( 1/2 0))))
brv00 / swap.scm
Last active March 30, 2018 10:07
; swap (JScheme)
(use-module "elf/iterate.scm")
(define (%drf-h ptr)
(values (lambda () (car ptr)) (lambda (val) (set-car! ptr val))))
(define (%drf-t ptr)
(values (lambda () (cdr ptr)) (lambda (val) (set-cdr! ptr val))))
;; ファイステルネットワーク (JScheme)
(define-method (swap (x Long))
(+ (>>> x 32) (<< x 32)))
(define-method (round (plain Long) f subkey)
(^ plain (<< (f (& plain Integer.MAX_VALUE$) subkey) 32)))
(define-method (feistel (plain Long) f subkeys)
(let lp ((p (round plain f (car subkeys))) (subkeys (cdr subkeys)))
;;; list constructors
(use-module "elf/iterate.scm")
(define (scanL xs how so-far)
(foldL xs (lambda (x so-far)
`(,(how x (car so-far)) . ,so-far))
(use-module "elf/util.scm") ; dotimes
(define (vector-swap! vec i1 i2) ; srfi-133
(let ((t (vector-ref vec i1)))
(vector-set! vec i1 (vector-ref vec i2))
(vector-set! vec i2 t)))
;; ベクターをシャッフルする。
(define-method (random-shuffle! vec (r Random))
(dotimes (i (vector-length vec)) (vector-swap! vec i (.nextInt r (+ i 1))))
(use-module "elf/util.scm") ; dotimes
(use-module "elf/iterate.scm") ; map*
(use-module "")
;; またはこの URL をダウンロードして
;; この式を(use-module "/storage/emulated/0/Download/vector-util.scm")
;; のような式に置き換える。または、vector-copy の定義をコピペする。
(define (make-plug-board vec)
(let* ((len (vector-length vec))