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Use ConnectedServiceNameARM instead of azureSubscription for the input argument name in AzurePowerShell tasks in Azure DevOps YAML pipelines

Use ConnectedServiceNameARM instead of azureSubscription in AzurePowerShell tasks in Azure DevOps YAML pipelines


Don't get fooled into providing an Azure Subscription name to a AzurePowerShell task in an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline, just because the input argument is named azureSubscription. It really needs the name of an Azure DevOps Service Connection!

For AzurePowerShell tasks use the ConnectedServiceNameARM input name instead of the misleading azureSubscription alias.

The Context of the Error

I made a copy of an Azure YAML pipeline I found on the internet as a baseline for what I needed.

In my Azure YAML pipeline I had an AzurePowerShell task like the following:

- task: AzurePowerShell@4
  displayName: Do important stuff
    azureSubscription: '$(AzureSubscriptionName)'
    scriptType: 'FilePath'
    scriptPath: './DoImportantStuff.ps1'
    scriptArguments: '-ImportantDirectory "$(ImportantDirectory)"'
    errorActionPreference: 'stop'
    failOnStandardError: true
    azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'

And the pipeline's azureSubscription variable is set to "My Subscription".

In the Azure DevOps project settings, I've setup a Service Connection named "My Service Connection" linked to a service principal that has the permissions need to do the important stuff.

The Error

When I ran the pipelin I got an error like the following:

There was a resource authorization issue: The pipeline is not valid. Job Job: Step AzurePowerShell1 input ConnectedServiceNameARM references service connection My Subscription which could not be found. The service connection does not exist or has not been authorized for use. For authorization details, refer to

The Problem

The key part of the error message is:

Step AzurePowerShell1 input ConnectedServiceNameARM references service connection {service connection name} which could not be found.

The problem is that the AzurePowerShell task needs the name of the Azure DevOps Service Connection, not the name of the Azure Subscription.

The docs for the AzurePowerShell task arguments hint at the solution where the description for ConnectedServiceNameARM argument says:

(Required) name of an Azure Resource Manager service connection for authentication.

Argument alias: azureSubscription

The Fix

The fix is to provide the Name of the Service Connection in Azure Dev Ops, not the name of the Azure Subscription.

But, we should go a step further and avoid confusion later on by using the ConnectedServiceNameARM input name instead of azureSubscription.

Here's the update task in the pipeline YAML, and I updated the variable name too:

- task: AzurePowerShell@4
  displayName: Do important stuff
    connectedServiceNameARM: '$(AzDoServiceConnectionName)'
    scriptType: 'FilePath'
    scriptPath: './DoImportantStuff.ps1'
    scriptArguments: '-ImportantDirectory "$(ImportantDirectory)"'
    errorActionPreference: 'stop'
    failOnStandardError: true
    azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'

And the pipeline's AzDoServiceConnectionName variable is set to "My Service Connection".

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is there any option to autorize the subscription account without creating Service Connection?

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