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grahampugh /
Last active March 25, 2024 23:25
JCDS2 package upload script
JCDS2 package upload script
by Graham Pugh (@grahamrpugh)
1. Get a bearer token
2. Check for an existing package from the Classic API
3. Check for an existing package from the JCDS endpoint
4. Check that the checksum matches our local pkg
rtrouton / gist:11221544
Last active February 27, 2018 14:44
Script that checks for JAMF's Casper agent and verifies that it's communicating properly with the Casper server. Script assumes that the user has a web server where a Casper QuickAdd package is available for download as a .zip file.
# User-editable variables
# For the fileURL variable, put the complete address
# of the zipped Casper QuickAdd installer package