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bunchc / gist:a51bde9d95d6ae719584f3e278de6ff6
Last active September 22, 2017 19:32
Cinder hates me


## Cinder iscsi
cinder_iscsi_helper: tgtadm
cinder_iscsi_iotype: fileio
cinder_iscsi_num_targets: 100
cinder_iscsi_port: 3260


bunchc /
Last active November 29, 2017 02:02
Root Password is blank, so set it maybe?
# @description Attempt at checking for and mitigating #isroot
# Get macOS version
OS_Version=$(sudo system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | grep "System Version" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 3 | sed "s:.[[:digit:]]*.$::g")
is_root_enabled () {
bunchc /
Created January 17, 2018 20:25
Supporting files for packer-builder-arm-image
set -x
# Localse, uncomment if user-data didn't fix these
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8; export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8; locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8
sudo cp /etc/locale.gen /etc/locale.gen.dist
sudo sed -i -e "/^[^#]/s/^/#/" -e "/en_US.UTF-8/s/^#//" /etc/locale.gen
bunchc / 10_update_windows
Last active February 12, 2018 18:39
Rename tmux / byobu windows to ssh hostname
# for byobu, put this file in ~/.byobu/bin
# then chmod +x
# once that's done, every 10 seconds byobu will run this script
# and rename your windows to either the local host name, or to
# the host a windows is ssh'd into
for i in $(tmux list-windows -F '#{window_index}'); do {
panenames=$(tmux list-panes -t $i -F '#{pane_title}' | sed -e 's/:.*$//' -e 's/^.*@//' | uniq)
# Install cgminer
- name: Installing cgminer with 2PAC support
hosts: miners
become: true
gather_facts: true
become_method: sudo
- vars/provision.yaml
bunchc / ubuntu-raid.seed
Last active May 26, 2018 14:12
Ubuntu preseed with raid support
# Ubuntu Server 16.04 Preseed
# Usage:
# This Ubuntu Preseed file is meant to be used when installing Ubuntu
# from the ISO. The following menus will require user input, everything
# after will be an unattended install:
# * Select a language

Setting up with an EdgeRouter

This document covers how to setup, a service that provides iPXE-based installation and live boot of a bunch of operating systems, on a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter.


I've made a few assumptions throughout this document that will probably be different for your setup:

Proposed Agenda(s)

ELI5 Azure

  • Introduction to Azure
  • Concepts, with a focus on how this compares to similar (vmware, hyperv, etc)
    • Compute
    • Networking
    • Storage
  • Security
# Downloads and installs an openstack-ansible aio
- name: install | Clone openstack-ansible
dest: "{{ osa_download_location }}"
version: "{{ osa_release }}"
- name: install | Bootstrap Ansible
bunchc / solarized-slack.js
Created April 24, 2018 03:49
function applycss(css){
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var s = document.createElement('style');
s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
body { background: #002b36; color: #839496; }
a { color: #90939b; }