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Last active December 21, 2015 04:59
Adding ruby-tailor support to SublimeLinter Assumes you have installed tailor with rbenv ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/SublimeLinter/sublimelinter/modules/ ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings
# File:
# app.rb
# File Set:
# default
# Problems:
# 1.
# * position: <EOF>
# * property: trailing_newlines
# * message: File has 0 trailing newlines, but should have 1.
# 2.
# * position: 6:207
# * property: max_line_length
# * message: Line is 207 chars long, but should be 80.
# 3.
# * position: 12:260
# * property: max_line_length
# * message: Line is 260 chars long, but should be 80.
# Tailor Summary |
# File | Probs |
# app.rb | 3 |
# Error | 3 |
# TOTAL | 3 |
import re
from .base_linter import BaseLinter
'language': 'ruby-tailor',
'executable': '/usr/local/var/rbenv/shims/tailor',
'lint_args': '{filename}'
class Linter(BaseLinter):
def parse_errors(self, view, errors, lines, errorUnderlines, violationUnderlines, warningUnderlines, errorMessages, violationMessages, warningMessages):
# print('whee')
output = errors.splitlines()
for index, line in enumerate(output):
# print(line)
line_and_column_match = re.match(r'^.+position: (?P<line>\d+):(?P<column>\d+)', line)
if line_and_column_match:
# get the message text that's 2 lines ahead
message_match = re.match(r'^.+message: (?P<error>.+)', output[index+2])
line = int('line'))
column = int('column'))
error ='error')
# print('matched line:')
# print(line)
# print('matched column:')
# print(column)
# print('message:')
# print(error)
if line == '<EOF>':
# dunno what to do for EOF
line = '1'
self.add_message(line, lines, error, errorMessages)
self.underline_range(view, line, column, errorUnderlines)
// "sublimelinter": "load-save",
"Python Django": "python",
"Ruby on Rails": "ruby",
"C++": "c",
"Ruby": "ruby-tailor"
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