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Created July 31, 2017 15:28
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Tx top level design for FIFO
`define SIMULATION // for verilator simulation only
module Tx_top
start, i_data,
serial_out); // UART transmitter : parallel input, serial output (PISO)
input clk; // 48MHz
//input reset; // will be added later to clear various registers
input start; // i_data is valid, so start transmission. This 'start' signal is set to '1' for one short (1 system clock) active HIGH pulse
input[7:0] i_data; // parallel input
wire[7:0] message[0:15];
assign message[0] = "H";
assign message[1] = "E";
assign message[2] = "L";
assign message[3] = "L";
assign message[4] = "O";
assign message[5] = "_";
assign message[6] = "W";
assign message[7] = "O";
assign message[8] = "R";
assign message[9] = "L";
assign message[10]= "D";
assign message[11]= "!";
assign message[12]= "!";
assign message[13]= " ";
assign message[14]= "\r";
assign message[15]= "\n";
wire[3:0] index;
wire[7:0] i_data = message[index]; // equivalent ASCII code in hex radix for each character
output serial_out; // serial output from serializer (TxUART)
wire baud_clk; // 9600bps baudrate clock
wire enable; // starts transmission or not
wire o_busy; // busy transmitting bits
wire start_tx, parity_bit;
//wire [8:0] FIFO_data; // output from FIFO consisting of 1-bit parity and 8-bits data
//wire almost_full, almost_empty; // FIFO buffer status
//wire enqueue, dequeue; // put data in, take data out
TxUART tx (.clk(clk), .baud_clk(baud_clk), .enable(enable), .o_busy(o_busy), .start_tx(start_tx));
baud_generator bg (.clk(clk), .baud_clk(baud_clk)); // to derive the desired baud rate of 9600bps
assign enable = start;
enable_generator eg (.clk(clk), .en_out(enable), .index(index)); // transmission is enabled/repeated every 500ms
shift_register PISO (.clk(baud_clk), .valid(start_tx), .tx_busy(o_busy), .data_in({parity_bit, i_data}), .data_out(serial_out)); // .data_in({parity_bit, i_data --> transmit LSB first
//shift_register PISO (.clk(baud_clk), .valid(start_tx), .tx_busy(o_busy), .data_in(FIFO_data), .data_out(serial_out)); // .data_in({parity_bit, i_data --> transmit LSB first
//FIFO tx_fifo (.clk(baud_clk), .reset(reset), .enqueue(enqueue), .dequeue(dequeue), .flush(reset), .i_value({parity_bit, i_data}), .almost_full(almost_full), .almost_empty(almost_empty), .o_value(FIFO_data));
//assign enqueue = !almost_full; // put data in when data is available && FIFO still have enough spaces
//assign dequeue = !almost_empty; // take data out when FIFO still have enough data
assign parity_bit = ^i_data; // even parity
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