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Created March 15, 2018 07:01
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Java Exception Example

class UnexceptableInputException extends Exception{
	public UnexceptableInputException() {}

	public UnexceptableInputException(String message){

Known Java Exceptions list.

  • AWTException
  • AclNotFoundException
  • ActivationException
  • AlreadyBoundException
  • ApplicationException
  • ArithmeticException
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • AssertionException
  • BackingStoreException
  • BadAttributeValueExpException
  • BadBinaryOpValueExpException
  • BadLocationException
  • BadStringOperationException
  • BatchUpdateException
  • BrokenBarrierException
  • CertificateException
  • ChangedCharSetException
  • CharConversionException
  • CharacterCodingException
  • ClassCastException
  • ClassNotFoundException
  • CloneNotSupportedException
  • ClosedChannelException
  • ConcurrentModificationException
  • DataFormatException
  • DatatypeConfigurationException
  • DestroyFailedException
  • EOFException
  • Exception
  • ExecutionException
  • ExpandVetoException
  • FileLockInterruptionException
  • FileNotFoundException
  • FishFaceException
  • FontFormatException
  • GSSException
  • GeneralSecurityException
  • IIOException
  • IOException
  • IllegalAccessException
  • IllegalArgumentException
  • IllegalClassFormatException
  • IllegalStateException
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException
  • InputMismatchException
  • InstantiationException
  • InterruptedException
  • InterruptedIOException
  • IntrospectionException
  • InvalidApplicationException
  • InvalidMidiDataException
  • InvalidPreferencesFormatException
  • InvalidTargetObjectTypeException
  • InvocationTargetException
  • JAXBException
  • JMException
  • KeySelectorException
  • LastOwnerException
  • LineUnavailableException
  • MalformedURLException
  • MarshalException
  • MidiUnavailableException
  • MimeTypeParseException
  • NamingException
  • NegativeArraySizeException
  • NoSuchElementException
  • NoSuchFieldException
  • NoSuchMethodException
  • NoninvertibleTransformException
  • NotBoundException
  • NotOwnerException
  • NullPointerException
  • NumberFormatException
  • ObjectStreamException
  • ParseException
  • ParserConfigurationException
  • PrintException
  • PrinterException
  • PrivilegedActionException
  • PropertyVetoException
  • ProtocolException
  • RefreshFailedException
  • RemarshalException
  • RemoteException
  • RuntimeException
  • SAXException
  • SOAPException
  • SQLException
  • SQLWarning
  • SSLException
  • ScriptException
  • ServerNotActiveException
  • SocketException
  • SyncFailedException
  • TimeoutException
  • TooManyListenersException
  • TransformException
  • TransformerException
  • URIReferenceException
  • URISyntaxException
  • UTFDataFormatException
  • UnknownHostException
  • UnknownServiceException
  • UnmodifiableClassException
  • UnsupportedAudioFileException
  • UnsupportedCallbackException
  • UnsupportedEncodingException
  • UnsupportedFlavorException
  • UnsupportedLookAndFeelException
  • UnsupportedOperationException
  • UserException
  • XAException
  • XMLParseException
  • XMLSignatureException
  • XMLStreamException
  • XPathException
  • ZipException
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