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Last active November 22, 2023 11:26
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Azure API 雑に叩く

Azure API 雑に叩く

az rest を使えばOK。

API の URL は以下のどっちかで探す


❯❯ az rest -u '' | jq '.value[]|[.name, .display.description] | @tsv' -r | head | column -t -s$'\t'
Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/operations/read                                 Gets the status of an asynchronous operation
Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/orchestrators/read                              Lists the supported orchestrators
Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/kubernetesversions/read                         List available Kubernetes versions in the region.
Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/usages/read                                     List resource usage on Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider.
Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/osOptions/read                                  Gets OS options
Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable  Notifies NetworkSecurityPerimeter updates available
Microsoft.ContainerService/operations/read                                           Lists operations available on Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider
Microsoft.ContainerService/register/action                                           Registers Subscription with Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider
Microsoft.ContainerService/unregister/action                                         Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider
Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/operationresults/read                           Gets the status of an asynchronous operation result
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