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Created December 8, 2021 23:01
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== Compile Shader ====
Source Hash: 12C4FB4C Entry Name: main
Vertex Shader:
TimerEvent: LoadShaderFromPSOCache-Miss, hash:12C4FB4C, Vertex, 2 uSec
shaderSourcePtr = 484350455168
shaderByteSize = 1693
shaderEntryPointPtr = 479787166384
shaderEntryPoint = main
============ ASIC Info ============
ASIC Family = 3
ASIC Chip ID = 100859905
ASIC Chip Features = 884055
SupportInitialBary = True
SupportInitialTexture = True
noEI = True
supportSingleRegisterPool = True
SupportPredication = True
SupportRotationModeInTP = True
SupportOffsetVertexIDInVFD = True
SupportOffsetInstanceIDInVFD = True
SupportFastColorBypass = True
LM size = 32768
============ Constants ============
MaxVertexAttribs = 32
MaxVertexUniformVectors = 0
MaxVaryingVectors = 0
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxFragmentTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxFragmentUniformVectors = 0
MaxDrawBuffers = 8
MaxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT = 1
MaxUniformBuffers = 524288
MaxAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxBufferBlocks = 524288
MaxInputBlocks = 1
MaxOutputBlocks = 1
MaxVertexOutputVectors = 32
MaxFragmentInputVectors = 31
MinProgramTexelOffset = 18446744073709551600
MaxProgramTexelOffset = 15
MaxImageUnits = 524288
MaxTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxComputeTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxVertexImageUniforms = 524288
MaxTessControlImageUniforms = 524288
MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms = 524288
MaxGeometryImageUniforms = 524288
MaxFragmentImageUniforms = 524288
MaxComputeImageUniforms = 524288
MaxCombinedImageUniforms = 524288
MaxGeometryInputComponents = 128
MaxGeometryOutputComponents = 128
MaxGeometryUniformComponents = 0
MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = 131072
MaxGeometryOutputVertices = 1024
MaxTessControlInputComponents = 128
MaxTessControlOutputComponents = 128
MaxTessControlUniformComponents = 0
MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = 4096
MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents = 128
MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = 128
MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = 0
MaxTessPatchComponents = 120
MaxPatchVertices = 32
MaxTessGenLevel = 64
MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources = 1048584
MaxViewports = 16
MaxClipDistances = 8
MaxComputeUniformComponents = 0
MaxVertexAtomicCounters = 0
MaxTessControlAtomicCounters = 0
MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters = 0
MaxGeometryAtomicCounters = 0
MaxFragmentAtomicCounters = 0
MaxComputeAtomicCounters = 0
MaxCombinedAtomicCounters = 0
MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxAtomicCounterBindings = 0
MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize = 0
MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers = 4
MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents = 128
MaxUniformLocations = 0
MaxComputeBufferBlocks = 524288
MaxUniformBlockSize = 65536
MaxBufferBlockSize = 536870912
MaxSamples = 4
MaxComputeSharedMemorySize = 32768
MaxComputeWorkGroupInvocations = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_X = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_Y = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_Z = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_X = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_Y = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_Z = 64
============ Enabled Compiler Options ============
QGLC Options:
allQGLCOptions[0] = 3230215232
allQGLCOptions[1] = 135393232
allQGLCOptions[2] = 4162
doBinningVS = True
enableInitialTexture = True
use64BitAddr = True
disableImplicitConv = True
disableInitialBary = True
disableArrayRounding = True
enableLocalMemorySpill = True
enableUGPR = True
enableBindlessTexture = True
disableA5xLegacyMode = True
enablePreamble = True
enableConstColorBypass = True
enableFastColorBypass = True
enableConstMulTexture = True
enableHWStereoRendering = True
enableMultiPositionOutput = True
enableSingleCommandStream = True
enableSingleRegisterPoolSingleBB = True
enableSingleRegisterPoolMultiBB = True
enablePredication = True
enableSharedConstant = True
constantRAMMode = 0
reserveSharedConstant = True
enableBindlessCBPreloadViaPreamble = True
enableUseTextureForROSSBO = True
textureFormatForSSBO = 0
enableFSInputPacking = True
subgroupSizeMode = 0
Force High Precision:
forceVariables = True
forceInput = True
forceOutput = True
============ Compilation Input Data ============
llvmOptLevel = 0
apiType = 1
availableConstLimits = 0
availableConstLimitsBinning = 0
availableGprLimits = 0
dumpShaderOptions = 9
numViews = 0
viewMask = 0
initialTextureThreshold = 8
sizeOfFoveatedBinData = 512
shaderCRC = 314899276
============ Vertex Shader ============
numBytes: 1693
00000000: 0302 2307 0000 0100 0000 0000 3f00 0000
00000010: 0000 0000 1100 0200 3200 0000 1100 0200
00000020: 1900 0000 1100 0200 2e00 0000 1100 0200
00000030: 0100 0000 0e00 0300 0000 0000 0100 0000
00000040: 0f00 0900 0000 0000 2000 0000 6d61 696e
00000050: 0000 0000 1a00 0000 1b00 0000 1d00 0000
00000060: 1e00 0000 0500 0300 0200 0000 7531 0000
00000070: 0500 0300 0300 0000 6633 3200 0500 0400
00000080: 0400 0000 6633 3278 3200 0000 0500 0400
00000090: 0500 0000 6633 3278 3300 0000 0500 0400
000000a0: 0600 0000 6633 3278 3400 0000 0500 0300
000000b0: 0700 0000 7533 3200 0500 0400 0800 0000
000000c0: 7533 3278 3200 0000 0500 0400 0900 0000
000000d0: 7533 3278 3300 0000 0500 0400 0a00 0000
000000e0: 7533 3278 3400 0000 0500 0300 0b00 0000
000000f0: 7333 3200 0500 0400 0c00 0000 7333 3278
00000100: 3200 0000 0500 0400 0d00 0000 7333 3278
00000110: 3300 0000 0500 0400 0e00 0000 7333 3278
00000120: 3400 0000 0500 0500 0f00 0000 7072 6976
00000130: 6174 655f 7533 3200 0500 0500 1000 0000
00000140: 696e 7075 745f 6633 3200 0000 0500 0500
00000150: 1100 0000 696e 7075 745f 7533 3200 0000
00000160: 0500 0500 1200 0000 696e 7075 745f 7333
00000170: 3200 0000 0500 0500 1300 0000 6f75 7470
00000180: 7574 5f66 3332 0000 0500 0500 1400 0000
00000190: 6f75 7470 7574 5f75 3332 0000 0500 0500
000001a0: 1a00 0000 696e 5f61 7474 7230 0000 0000
000001b0: 0500 0500 1b00 0000 696e 5f61 7474 7231
000001c0: 0000 0000 0500 0500 1e00 0000 6f75 745f
000001d0: 6174 7472 3000 0000 4700 0400 1a00 0000
000001e0: 1e00 0000 0000 0000 4700 0400 1b00 0000
000001f0: 1e00 0000 0100 0000 4700 0400 1d00 0000
00000200: 0b00 0000 0000 0000 4700 0400 1e00 0000
00000210: 1e00 0000 0000 0000 1300 0200 0100 0000
00000220: 1400 0200 0200 0000 1600 0300 0300 0000
00000230: 2000 0000 1700 0400 0400 0000 0300 0000
00000240: 0200 0000 1700 0400 0500 0000 0300 0000
00000250: 0300 0000 1700 0400 0600 0000 0300 0000
00000260: 0400 0000 1500 0400 0700 0000 2000 0000
00000270: 0000 0000 1700 0400 0800 0000 0700 0000
00000280: 0200 0000 1700 0400 0900 0000 0700 0000
00000290: 0300 0000 1700 0400 0a00 0000 0700 0000
000002a0: 0400 0000 1500 0400 0b00 0000 2000 0000
000002b0: 0100 0000 1700 0400 0c00 0000 0b00 0000
000002c0: 0200 0000 1700 0400 0d00 0000 0b00 0000
000002d0: 0300 0000 1700 0400 0e00 0000 0b00 0000
000002e0: 0400 0000 2000 0400 0f00 0000 0600 0000
000002f0: 0700 0000 2000 0400 1000 0000 0100 0000
00000300: 0300 0000 2000 0400 1100 0000 0100 0000
00000310: 0700 0000 2000 0400 1200 0000 0100 0000
00000320: 0b00 0000 2000 0400 1300 0000 0300 0000
00000330: 0300 0000 2000 0400 1400 0000 0300 0000
00000340: 0700 0000 2900 0300 0200 0000 1500 0000
00000350: 2a00 0300 0200 0000 1600 0000 2b00 0400
00000360: 0700 0000 1700 0000 0000 0000 2b00 0400
00000370: 0300 0000 1800 0000 0000 0000 2000 0400
00000380: 1900 0000 0100 0000 0600 0000 2000 0400
00000390: 1c00 0000 0300 0000 0600 0000 2100 0300
000003a0: 1f00 0000 0100 0000 2b00 0400 0300 0000
000003b0: 2300 0000 0000 803f 2c00 0700 0600 0000
000003c0: 2400 0000 1800 0000 1800 0000 1800 0000
000003d0: 2300 0000 2b00 0400 0700 0000 2700 0000
000003e0: 0100 0000 2b00 0400 0700 0000 2a00 0000
000003f0: 0200 0000 2b00 0400 0700 0000 3000 0000
00000400: 0000 803f 2b00 0400 0700 0000 3100 0000
00000410: 0300 0000 3b00 0400 1900 0000 1a00 0000
00000420: 0100 0000 3b00 0400 1900 0000 1b00 0000
00000430: 0100 0000 3b00 0400 1c00 0000 1d00 0000
00000440: 0300 0000 3b00 0400 1c00 0000 1e00 0000
00000450: 0300 0000 3600 0500 0100 0000 2000 0000
00000460: 0000 0000 1f00 0000 f800 0200 2100 0000
00000470: 3e00 0300 1d00 0000 2400 0000 3e00 0300
00000480: 1e00 0000 2400 0000 4100 0500 1000 0000
00000490: 2500 0000 1a00 0000 1700 0000 3d00 0400
000004a0: 0300 0000 2600 0000 2500 0000 4100 0500
000004b0: 1000 0000 2800 0000 1a00 0000 2700 0000
000004c0: 3d00 0400 0300 0000 2900 0000 2800 0000
000004d0: 4100 0500 1000 0000 2b00 0000 1a00 0000
000004e0: 2a00 0000 3d00 0400 0300 0000 2c00 0000
000004f0: 2b00 0000 4100 0500 1300 0000 2d00 0000
00000500: 1d00 0000 1700 0000 3e00 0300 2d00 0000
00000510: 2600 0000 4100 0500 1300 0000 2e00 0000
00000520: 1d00 0000 2700 0000 3e00 0300 2e00 0000
00000530: 2900 0000 4100 0500 1300 0000 2f00 0000
00000540: 1d00 0000 2a00 0000 3e00 0300 2f00 0000
00000550: 2c00 0000 4100 0500 1300 0000 3200 0000
00000560: 1d00 0000 3100 0000 3e00 0300 3200 0000
00000570: 2300 0000 4100 0500 1000 0000 3300 0000
00000580: 1b00 0000 1700 0000 3d00 0400 0300 0000
00000590: 3400 0000 3300 0000 4100 0500 1000 0000
000005a0: 3500 0000 1b00 0000 2700 0000 3d00 0400
000005b0: 0300 0000 3600 0000 3500 0000 4100 0500
000005c0: 1000 0000 3700 0000 1b00 0000 2a00 0000
000005d0: 3d00 0400 0300 0000 3800 0000 3700 0000
000005e0: 4100 0500 1000 0000 3900 0000 1b00 0000
000005f0: 3100 0000 3d00 0400 0300 0000 3a00 0000
00000600: 3900 0000 4100 0500 1300 0000 3b00 0000
00000610: 1e00 0000 1700 0000 3e00 0300 3b00 0000
00000620: 3400 0000 4100 0500 1300 0000 3c00 0000
00000630: 1e00 0000 2700 0000 3e00 0300 3c00 0000
00000640: 3600 0000 4100 0500 1300 0000 3d00 0000
00000650: 1e00 0000 2a00 0000 3e00 0300 3d00 0000
00000660: 3800 0000 4100 0500 1300 0000 3e00 0000
00000670: 1e00 0000 3100 0000 3e00 0300 3e00 0000
00000680: 3a00 0000 f900 0200 2200 0000 f800 0200
00000690: 2200 0000 fd00 0100 3800 0100
End of Spirv
TimerEvent: QGLCCompileToIRShader, hash:12C4FB4C, Vertex, 15757 uSec
Result = success
==== Compile Shader ====
Source Hash: AF78DCDC Entry Name: main
Fragment Shader:
TimerEvent: LoadShaderFromPSOCache-Miss, hash:AF78DCDC, Fragment, 0 uSec
shaderSourcePtr = 484082310800
shaderByteSize = 1289
shaderEntryPointPtr = 479787168464
shaderEntryPoint = main
============ ASIC Info ============
ASIC Family = 3
ASIC Chip ID = 100859905
ASIC Chip Features = 884055
SupportInitialBary = True
SupportInitialTexture = True
noEI = True
supportSingleRegisterPool = True
SupportPredication = True
SupportRotationModeInTP = True
SupportOffsetVertexIDInVFD = True
SupportOffsetInstanceIDInVFD = True
SupportFastColorBypass = True
LM size = 32768
============ Constants ============
MaxVertexAttribs = 32
MaxVertexUniformVectors = 0
MaxVaryingVectors = 0
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxFragmentTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxFragmentUniformVectors = 0
MaxDrawBuffers = 8
MaxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT = 1
MaxUniformBuffers = 524288
MaxAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxBufferBlocks = 524288
MaxInputBlocks = 1
MaxOutputBlocks = 1
MaxVertexOutputVectors = 32
MaxFragmentInputVectors = 31
MinProgramTexelOffset = 18446744073709551600
MaxProgramTexelOffset = 15
MaxImageUnits = 524288
MaxTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxComputeTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxVertexImageUniforms = 524288
MaxTessControlImageUniforms = 524288
MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms = 524288
MaxGeometryImageUniforms = 524288
MaxFragmentImageUniforms = 524288
MaxComputeImageUniforms = 524288
MaxCombinedImageUniforms = 524288
MaxGeometryInputComponents = 128
MaxGeometryOutputComponents = 128
MaxGeometryUniformComponents = 0
MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = 131072
MaxGeometryOutputVertices = 1024
MaxTessControlInputComponents = 128
MaxTessControlOutputComponents = 128
MaxTessControlUniformComponents = 0
MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = 4096
MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents = 128
MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = 128
MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = 0
MaxTessPatchComponents = 120
MaxPatchVertices = 32
MaxTessGenLevel = 64
MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources = 1048584
MaxViewports = 16
MaxClipDistances = 8
MaxComputeUniformComponents = 0
MaxVertexAtomicCounters = 0
MaxTessControlAtomicCounters = 0
MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters = 0
MaxGeometryAtomicCounters = 0
MaxFragmentAtomicCounters = 0
MaxComputeAtomicCounters = 0
MaxCombinedAtomicCounters = 0
MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxAtomicCounterBindings = 0
MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize = 0
MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers = 4
MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents = 128
MaxUniformLocations = 0
MaxComputeBufferBlocks = 524288
MaxUniformBlockSize = 65536
MaxBufferBlockSize = 536870912
MaxSamples = 4
MaxComputeSharedMemorySize = 32768
MaxComputeWorkGroupInvocations = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_X = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_Y = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_Z = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_X = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_Y = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_Z = 64
============ Enabled Compiler Options ============
QGLC Options:
allQGLCOptions[0] = 3230215232
allQGLCOptions[1] = 135393232
allQGLCOptions[2] = 4162
doBinningVS = True
enableInitialTexture = True
use64BitAddr = True
disableImplicitConv = True
disableInitialBary = True
disableArrayRounding = True
enableLocalMemorySpill = True
enableUGPR = True
enableBindlessTexture = True
disableA5xLegacyMode = True
enablePreamble = True
enableConstColorBypass = True
enableFastColorBypass = True
enableConstMulTexture = True
enableHWStereoRendering = True
enableMultiPositionOutput = True
enableSingleCommandStream = True
enableSingleRegisterPoolSingleBB = True
enableSingleRegisterPoolMultiBB = True
enablePredication = True
enableSharedConstant = True
constantRAMMode = 0
reserveSharedConstant = True
enableBindlessCBPreloadViaPreamble = True
enableUseTextureForROSSBO = True
textureFormatForSSBO = 0
enableFSInputPacking = True
subgroupSizeMode = 0
Force High Precision:
============ Compilation Input Data ============
llvmOptLevel = 0
apiType = 1
availableConstLimits = 0
availableConstLimitsBinning = 0
availableGprLimits = 0
dumpShaderOptions = 9
numViews = 0
viewMask = 0
initialTextureThreshold = 8
sizeOfFoveatedBinData = 512
shaderCRC = 2943933660
============ Fragment Shader ============
numBytes: 1289
00000000: 0302 2307 0000 0100 0000 0000 3000 0000
00000010: 0000 0000 1100 0200 3200 0000 1100 0200
00000020: 1900 0000 1100 0200 2e00 0000 1100 0200
00000030: 0100 0000 0e00 0300 0000 0000 0100 0000
00000040: 0f00 0700 0400 0000 1e00 0000 6d61 696e
00000050: 0000 0000 1a00 0000 1c00 0000 1000 0300
00000060: 1e00 0000 0700 0000 0500 0300 0200 0000
00000070: 7531 0000 0500 0300 0300 0000 6633 3200
00000080: 0500 0400 0400 0000 6633 3278 3200 0000
00000090: 0500 0400 0500 0000 6633 3278 3300 0000
000000a0: 0500 0400 0600 0000 6633 3278 3400 0000
000000b0: 0500 0300 0700 0000 7533 3200 0500 0400
000000c0: 0800 0000 7533 3278 3200 0000 0500 0400
000000d0: 0900 0000 7533 3278 3300 0000 0500 0400
000000e0: 0a00 0000 7533 3278 3400 0000 0500 0300
000000f0: 0b00 0000 7333 3200 0500 0400 0c00 0000
00000100: 7333 3278 3200 0000 0500 0400 0d00 0000
00000110: 7333 3278 3300 0000 0500 0400 0e00 0000
00000120: 7333 3278 3400 0000 0500 0500 0f00 0000
00000130: 7072 6976 6174 655f 7533 3200 0500 0500
00000140: 1000 0000 696e 7075 745f 6633 3200 0000
00000150: 0500 0500 1100 0000 696e 7075 745f 7533
00000160: 3200 0000 0500 0500 1200 0000 696e 7075
00000170: 745f 7333 3200 0000 0500 0500 1300 0000
00000180: 6f75 7470 7574 5f66 3332 0000 0500 0500
00000190: 1400 0000 6f75 7470 7574 5f75 3332 0000
000001a0: 0500 0500 1a00 0000 696e 5f61 7474 7230
000001b0: 0000 0000 0500 0500 1c00 0000 6672 6167
000001c0: 5f63 6f6c 6f72 3000 4700 0400 1a00 0000
000001d0: 1e00 0000 0000 0000 4700 0400 1c00 0000
000001e0: 1e00 0000 0000 0000 1300 0200 0100 0000
000001f0: 1400 0200 0200 0000 1600 0300 0300 0000
00000200: 2000 0000 1700 0400 0400 0000 0300 0000
00000210: 0200 0000 1700 0400 0500 0000 0300 0000
00000220: 0300 0000 1700 0400 0600 0000 0300 0000
00000230: 0400 0000 1500 0400 0700 0000 2000 0000
00000240: 0000 0000 1700 0400 0800 0000 0700 0000
00000250: 0200 0000 1700 0400 0900 0000 0700 0000
00000260: 0300 0000 1700 0400 0a00 0000 0700 0000
00000270: 0400 0000 1500 0400 0b00 0000 2000 0000
00000280: 0100 0000 1700 0400 0c00 0000 0b00 0000
00000290: 0200 0000 1700 0400 0d00 0000 0b00 0000
000002a0: 0300 0000 1700 0400 0e00 0000 0b00 0000
000002b0: 0400 0000 2000 0400 0f00 0000 0600 0000
000002c0: 0700 0000 2000 0400 1000 0000 0100 0000
000002d0: 0300 0000 2000 0400 1100 0000 0100 0000
000002e0: 0700 0000 2000 0400 1200 0000 0100 0000
000002f0: 0b00 0000 2000 0400 1300 0000 0300 0000
00000300: 0300 0000 2000 0400 1400 0000 0300 0000
00000310: 0700 0000 2900 0300 0200 0000 1500 0000
00000320: 2a00 0300 0200 0000 1600 0000 2b00 0400
00000330: 0700 0000 1700 0000 0000 0000 2b00 0400
00000340: 0300 0000 1800 0000 0000 0000 2000 0400
00000350: 1900 0000 0100 0000 0600 0000 2000 0400
00000360: 1b00 0000 0300 0000 0600 0000 2100 0300
00000370: 1d00 0000 0100 0000 2b00 0400 0700 0000
00000380: 2300 0000 0100 0000 2b00 0400 0700 0000
00000390: 2600 0000 0200 0000 2b00 0400 0700 0000
000003a0: 2c00 0000 0000 803f 2b00 0400 0300 0000
000003b0: 2d00 0000 0000 803f 2b00 0400 0700 0000
000003c0: 2e00 0000 0300 0000 3b00 0400 1900 0000
000003d0: 1a00 0000 0100 0000 3b00 0400 1b00 0000
000003e0: 1c00 0000 0300 0000 3600 0500 0100 0000
000003f0: 1e00 0000 0000 0000 1d00 0000 f800 0200
00000400: 1f00 0000 4100 0500 1000 0000 2100 0000
00000410: 1a00 0000 1700 0000 3d00 0400 0300 0000
00000420: 2200 0000 2100 0000 4100 0500 1000 0000
00000430: 2400 0000 1a00 0000 2300 0000 3d00 0400
00000440: 0300 0000 2500 0000 2400 0000 4100 0500
00000450: 1000 0000 2700 0000 1a00 0000 2600 0000
00000460: 3d00 0400 0300 0000 2800 0000 2700 0000
00000470: 4100 0500 1300 0000 2900 0000 1c00 0000
00000480: 1700 0000 3e00 0300 2900 0000 2200 0000
00000490: 4100 0500 1300 0000 2a00 0000 1c00 0000
000004a0: 2300 0000 3e00 0300 2a00 0000 2500 0000
000004b0: 4100 0500 1300 0000 2b00 0000 1c00 0000
000004c0: 2600 0000 3e00 0300 2b00 0000 2800 0000
000004d0: 4100 0500 1300 0000 2f00 0000 1c00 0000
000004e0: 2e00 0000 3e00 0300 2f00 0000 2d00 0000
000004f0: f900 0200 2000 0000 f800 0200 2000 0000
00000500: fd00 0100 3800 0100
End of Spirv
TimerEvent: QGLCCompileToIRShader, hash:AF78DCDC, Fragment, 7477 uSec
Result = success
==== Link Shaders ====
TimerEvent: LoadProgramFromCache-Miss, hash:1C8BA108, Program, 0 uSec
Source Hash: 12C4FB4C Entry Name: main
Source Hash: AF78DCDC Entry Name: main
============ Enabled Link Options ============
isDynamicConstRange = True
doProgramBinary = True
patchControlPoints = 0
perInstanceAttributesMask = 0
============ Constants ============
MaxVertexAttribs = 32
MaxVertexUniformVectors = 0
MaxVaryingVectors = 0
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxFragmentTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxFragmentUniformVectors = 0
MaxDrawBuffers = 8
MaxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT = 1
MaxUniformBuffers = 524288
MaxAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxBufferBlocks = 524288
MaxInputBlocks = 1
MaxOutputBlocks = 1
MaxVertexOutputVectors = 32
MaxFragmentInputVectors = 31
MinProgramTexelOffset = 18446744073709551600
MaxProgramTexelOffset = 15
MaxImageUnits = 524288
MaxTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxComputeTextureImageUnits = 524288
MaxVertexImageUniforms = 524288
MaxTessControlImageUniforms = 524288
MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms = 524288
MaxGeometryImageUniforms = 524288
MaxFragmentImageUniforms = 524288
MaxComputeImageUniforms = 524288
MaxCombinedImageUniforms = 524288
MaxGeometryInputComponents = 128
MaxGeometryOutputComponents = 128
MaxGeometryUniformComponents = 0
MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = 131072
MaxGeometryOutputVertices = 1024
MaxTessControlInputComponents = 128
MaxTessControlOutputComponents = 128
MaxTessControlUniformComponents = 0
MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents = 4096
MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents = 128
MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents = 128
MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents = 0
MaxTessPatchComponents = 120
MaxPatchVertices = 32
MaxTessGenLevel = 64
MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources = 1048584
MaxViewports = 16
MaxClipDistances = 8
MaxComputeUniformComponents = 0
MaxVertexAtomicCounters = 0
MaxTessControlAtomicCounters = 0
MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters = 0
MaxGeometryAtomicCounters = 0
MaxFragmentAtomicCounters = 0
MaxComputeAtomicCounters = 0
MaxCombinedAtomicCounters = 0
MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers = 0
MaxAtomicCounterBindings = 0
MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize = 0
MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers = 4
MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents = 128
MaxUniformLocations = 0
MaxComputeBufferBlocks = 524288
MaxUniformBlockSize = 65536
MaxBufferBlockSize = 536870912
MaxSamples = 4
MaxComputeSharedMemorySize = 32768
MaxComputeWorkGroupInvocations = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_X = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_Y = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount_Z = 65535
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_X = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_Y = 1024
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize_Z = 64
============ TF Data ============
varyingsPtr = 0
count = 0
============ Reserved Location Infomation ============
============ Specialization Info ============
specializationInfoPtr = 0
============ Bind Group Info ============
bindGroupInfoPtr = 483545149520
isBindlessCBuffer = True
isBindlessImage = True
isBindlessRWBuffer = True
isBindlessSampler = True
isBindlessTexture = True
============ fragData Binding Info ============
============ Input Attachment Info ============
InputAttachmentInfoPtr = 0
renderTargetDisableMask = 0
metadataAllocation: [ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
metadataHandle: 0x70a59825d0
metadataSize: 872
metadataStaticSize: 732
metadataDynamicSize: 140
metadataPaddingSize: 8
shaderAllocations: [ADRENO_SHADER_DEVICE_ALLOCATIONS] (Ver 1.0)
numAllocations: 2
deviceAllocations: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION][2]
deviceAllocations[0]: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 128
allocationHandle: 0x70158de8d0
deviceAllocations[1]: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 64
allocationHandle: 0x6fe59e2740
shaderType: [SHADER_TYPE] (Ver 1.0)
shaderType: 4 (FS)
isBinning: 0
shaderHandles: [ADRENO_NAMED_SHADER_HANDLES] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 128
allocationHandle: 0x70158de8d0
allocationSize: 0
allocationHandle: 0x0
allocationSize: 64
allocationHandle: 0x6fe59e2740
shaderDebugInfo: [ADRENO_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
HWCodeCRC: 0
shaderRegisterUsagePerFiber: [ADRENO_REGISTER_USAGE_PER_FIBER] (Ver 1.0)
numFullScalarRegsUsed: 8
numHalfScalarRegsUsed: 0
scratchSizeInDWORDs: 0
usesSingleRegisterPool: 1
preferPerFiberMode: 1
cbufferUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_CBUFFER_USAGE] (Ver 1.0)
constantBufferUsageMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
numFullConstRegistersUsed: 1
samplerUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_SAMPLER_USAGE] (Ver 1.0)
samplerUsageMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
textureUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_TEXTURE_USAGE] (Ver 1.1)
textureUsageMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
textureUsedInTexelFetchMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
uavUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_UAV_USAGE] (Ver 1.2)
uavUsageMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
nonBufferUavReadMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
nonBufferUavWriteMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
useWithoutFormatUAVMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
shaderBehavior: [ADRENO_SHADER_BEHAVIOR] (Ver 1.11)
stackNestingLevel: 0
usesKillInstruction: 0
dynamicallyIndexesConstantBuffers: 0
dynamicallyIndexesTextures: 0
dynamicallyIndexesSamplers: 0
usesPushConstants: 0
useRasterizerAccessOrderUAV: 0
usesUAVs: 0
usesCBs: 0
fpDominate: 1
usesRelativeAddressing: 0
hasRelativeAddressingInBranch: 0
usesBlockMatchInst: 0
fetchFrameBuffer: 0
numTexSamInst: 0
numTexSamInLoop: 0
numFullALUInst: 3
numHalfALUInst: 0
numEFUInst: 0
numLoadStoreInst: 0
numFlowInst: 1
numVectorALUInst: 1
numScalarALUInst: 0
constantBufferCache: [ADRENO_CBCACHE] (Ver 1.1)
numConstantBufferCacheEntries: 1
constantBufferCacheEntries: [ADRENO_CBCACHE_ENTRY][1]
constantBufferCacheEntries[0]: [ADRENO_CBCACHE_ENTRY] (Ver 1.0)
numVec4Regs: 4
targetVecReg: 0
sourceSlot: 16 (QGLNEXT_DCB_UBO_INDEX)
sourceVec4Offset: 0
fullyMappedSlots: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xfffff
neededRegisters: 0
maxRCLevel: 0
astcPatching: [ADRENO_ASTC_PATCHING_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numStaticReads: 0
numDynamicReads: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
numGathers: 0
numExtracts: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
r24UnormPatching: [ADRENO_R24_UNORM_PATCHING_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numReads: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
samplerIndices: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
profilerStats: [SHADER_STATS] (Ver 1.0)
csvStats: [STRING] (Ver 1.0)
length: 0
string: char[0]
useTexelCounts: 1
booleanCFMaskInfo: [ADRENO_BOOLEAN_CF_MASK_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numConstantExpressions: 0
hwInfo: [ADRENO_HW_SPECIFIC] (Ver 1.1)
disableInstancePacking: 0
enableSharedConstant: 0
constantRAMMode: 2
hasEarlyPreamble: 0
bindlessUsageInfo: [ADRENO_BINDLESS_USAGE_INFO] (Ver 1.3)
useBindlessTexture: 0
useBindlessSampler: 0
useBindlessCBuffer: 0
useBindlessUAV: 0
readBindlessNonBufferUAV: 0
writeBindlessNonBufferUAV: 0
numUsedTextures: 0
writeBindlessUAV: 0
allStageInputs: [ADRENO_INPUTS] (Ver 1.0)
needsFramebufferTime: 0
framebufferTimeConstRamLocation: 0
shaderInputs: [ADRENO_INPUT_SYMBOLS] (Ver 1.1)
numSymbols: 1
symbols[0]: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL] (Ver 1.2)
numRegs: 4
numUsedRegs: 4
compMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xf
physicalRegisterIndex: 4294967295
physicalRegisterPrecision: 0 (Full)
interplMode: 0 (Linear)
virtualRegisterIndex: 0
streamIndex: 0
vpcIndex: 0
needsPrimitiveOrder: 0
fsDesc: [ADRENO_PS_DESC] (Ver 1.5)
useSampleFrequency: 0
useEarlyDepthStencil: 0
lodPixMask: 0
needsPixLODEnable: 0
preferredWaveSize: 1
enablePostDepthCoverage: 0
enableDualSrcBlending: 0
forceFragmentFrequency: 0
numOfAttr: 4
fsBaryInputs: [ADRENO_PS_BARY_INPUTS] (Ver 1.0)
ijUsageMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x1
numIjRegIDs: 1
ijRegIDs: unsigned int[1]
ijRegIDs[0]: 0
fsGeneratedInputs: [ADRENO_PS_GENERATED_INPUTS] (Ver 1.9)
needsFragCoord: 0
needsZrhW: 0
needsFaceness: 0
needsPrimitiveID: 0
fragCoordEnableMask: 0
zrhWEnableMask: 0
needsPointSpriteUV: 0
pointSpriteUVEnableMask: 0
needsViewID: 0
needsFoveationQuality: 0
needsPackedFragcoordXY: 0
needsBaryCentricCoord: 0
fragCoordRegID: 0
fragCoordSamplePosition: 0 (Center (.5,.5))
zrhWRegID: 0
facenessRegID: 0
primitiveIDVirtualRegID: 0
primitiveIDVirtualComp: 0
pointSpriteUVVirtualRegID: 0
pointSpriteUVVirtualComp: 0
primitiveIDVPCIndex: 0
pointSpriteUVVPCIndex: 0
viewIDVirtualRegID: 0
viewIDVirtualComp: 0
viewIDVPCIndex: 0
viewIDConstRamLocation: 0
foveationQualityRegID: 0
packedFragcoordXYRegID: 0
baryCentricCoordVPCIndex: 0
fsInputs: [A4X_PS_INPUTS] (Ver 1.0)
needsCenterW: 0
needsCoverageMask: 0
needsSampleID: 0
centerWRegID: 0
coverageMaskRegID: 0
sampleIDRegID: 0
fsOutputs: [ADRENO_PS_OUTPUTS] (Ver 1.1)
outputsZ: 0
outputsCoverageMask: 0
outputsStencil: 0
zOutputRegID: 0
outputCoverageMaskRegID: 0
conservativeZMode: 0 (Disabled)
stencilOutputRegID: 0
fsRenderTargetOutputs: [ADRENO_OUTPUT_SYMBOLS] (Ver 1.1)
numSymbols: 1
symbols[0]: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL] (Ver 1.2)
numRegs: 4
numUsedRegs: 4
compMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xf
physicalRegisterIndex: 2
physicalRegisterPrecision: 0 (Full)
interplMode: 1 (Flat)
virtualRegisterIndex: 0
streamIndex: 0
vpcIndex: 0
needsPrimitiveOrder: 0
fsRenderTargetFormats: [ADRENO_RT_DESC] (Ver 1.0)
numRenderTargets: 1
formats: QCC_RenderTargetFormat[1]
formats[0]: 0 (Float32)
initialTexture: [ADRENO_INITIAL_TEXTURE_DATA] (Ver 1.4)
initialIJWriteDis: 0
endOfQuad: 0
constColorBypass: 0
fastColorBypass: 0
initialTexBypass: 0
constant3rdCoordEn: 0
initialIJCoordinate: 4294967295
numLoads: 0
constSlotID: 4294967295
constSlotID4Coord: 4294967295
colorSpaceConversion: [ADRENO_COLOR_SPACE_CONVERSION_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
enableRGB2YUV: 0
enableYUV2RGB: 0
enableExternalSamplerYUV2RGB: 0
yuvCSCStandard: 0 (Unknown)
samplerSlotID: 4294967295
============ DCB ============
0x3f800000 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
============ CRC ============
Shader Source CRC: 0xaf78dcdc
HW Code CRC: 0x0
============ HW FS ============
0[47308a02_00002000] (rpt2)bary.f (ei)r0.z, (r)0, r0.x;
1[20244005_00000000] mov.f32f32 r1.y, c0.x;
2[03000000_00000000] end ;
============ ShaderStats ============
- Instruction stats
- Main Body stats
- All Instructions: 3, 5 (rpt), ratio 1.67
- ALUs : 1, 3 (rpt), ratio 3.00
- MOV class : 1, 1 (rpt), ratio 1.00
- MOVs : 1, 1 (rpt), ratio 1.00
- Bary Inputs : 1, 3 (rpt), ratio 3.00
- Flow Instrs : 1
- Const Registers : 4
- Const Buffers : 4
- Full Registers : 2
- Unified Regs : 2
- Total footprint : 32
- Single GPR Pool : 1
- VPC Indices : 12
- Output Size : 16
- Wave sizes : 64
- Wave size mode : 2
- Max num of waves: 16
- Fiber Count : 2048
shaderVersion = unknown
castUniformsToFloat = false
isAdvancedBlendEnabled = false
metadataAllocation: [ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
metadataHandle: 0x70a5983b60
metadataSize: 892
metadataStaticSize: 724
metadataDynamicSize: 168
metadataPaddingSize: 4
shaderAllocations: [ADRENO_SHADER_DEVICE_ALLOCATIONS] (Ver 1.0)
numAllocations: 2
deviceAllocations: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION][2]
deviceAllocations[0]: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 128
allocationHandle: 0x70158dfb60
deviceAllocations[1]: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 64
allocationHandle: 0x6fe59dfe50
shaderType: [SHADER_TYPE] (Ver 1.0)
shaderType: 0 (VS)
isBinning: 0
shaderHandles: [ADRENO_NAMED_SHADER_HANDLES] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 128
allocationHandle: 0x70158dfb60
allocationSize: 0
allocationHandle: 0x0
allocationSize: 64
allocationHandle: 0x6fe59dfe50
shaderDebugInfo: [ADRENO_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
HWCodeCRC: 0
shaderRegisterUsagePerFiber: [ADRENO_REGISTER_USAGE_PER_FIBER] (Ver 1.0)
numFullScalarRegsUsed: 8
numHalfScalarRegsUsed: 0
scratchSizeInDWORDs: 0
usesSingleRegisterPool: 1
preferPerFiberMode: 1
cbufferUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_CBUFFER_USAGE] (Ver 1.0)
constantBufferUsageMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
numFullConstRegistersUsed: 1
samplerUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_SAMPLER_USAGE] (Ver 1.0)
samplerUsageMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
textureUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_TEXTURE_USAGE] (Ver 1.1)
textureUsageMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
textureUsedInTexelFetchMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
uavUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_UAV_USAGE] (Ver 1.2)
uavUsageMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
nonBufferUavReadMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
nonBufferUavWriteMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
useWithoutFormatUAVMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
shaderBehavior: [ADRENO_SHADER_BEHAVIOR] (Ver 1.11)
stackNestingLevel: 0
usesKillInstruction: 0
dynamicallyIndexesConstantBuffers: 0
dynamicallyIndexesTextures: 0
dynamicallyIndexesSamplers: 0
usesPushConstants: 0
useRasterizerAccessOrderUAV: 0
usesUAVs: 0
usesCBs: 0
fpDominate: 1
usesRelativeAddressing: 0
hasRelativeAddressingInBranch: 0
usesBlockMatchInst: 0
fetchFrameBuffer: 0
numTexSamInst: 0
numTexSamInLoop: 0
numFullALUInst: 0
numHalfALUInst: 0
numEFUInst: 0
numLoadStoreInst: 0
numFlowInst: 1
numVectorALUInst: 0
numScalarALUInst: 0
constantBufferCache: [ADRENO_CBCACHE] (Ver 1.1)
numConstantBufferCacheEntries: 1
constantBufferCacheEntries: [ADRENO_CBCACHE_ENTRY][1]
constantBufferCacheEntries[0]: [ADRENO_CBCACHE_ENTRY] (Ver 1.0)
numVec4Regs: 4
targetVecReg: 0
sourceSlot: 16 (QGLNEXT_DCB_UBO_INDEX)
sourceVec4Offset: 0
fullyMappedSlots: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xfffff
neededRegisters: 0
maxRCLevel: 0
astcPatching: [ADRENO_ASTC_PATCHING_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numStaticReads: 0
numDynamicReads: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
numGathers: 0
numExtracts: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
r24UnormPatching: [ADRENO_R24_UNORM_PATCHING_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numReads: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
samplerIndices: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
profilerStats: [SHADER_STATS] (Ver 1.0)
csvStats: [STRING] (Ver 1.0)
length: 0
string: char[0]
useTexelCounts: 1
booleanCFMaskInfo: [ADRENO_BOOLEAN_CF_MASK_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numConstantExpressions: 0
hwInfo: [ADRENO_HW_SPECIFIC] (Ver 1.1)
disableInstancePacking: 0
enableSharedConstant: 0
constantRAMMode: 2
hasEarlyPreamble: 0
bindlessUsageInfo: [ADRENO_BINDLESS_USAGE_INFO] (Ver 1.3)
useBindlessTexture: 0
useBindlessSampler: 0
useBindlessCBuffer: 0
useBindlessUAV: 0
readBindlessNonBufferUAV: 0
writeBindlessNonBufferUAV: 0
numUsedTextures: 0
writeBindlessUAV: 0
allStageInputs: [ADRENO_INPUTS] (Ver 1.0)
needsFramebufferTime: 0
framebufferTimeConstRamLocation: 0
clipCullInfo: [A4X_CLIPCULL_INFO] (Ver 1.3)
clipUsageMask: 0
cullUsageMask: 0
numRegs: 0
regIDs: unsigned int[0]
virtualRegAndComps: unsigned int[0]
compMasks: unsigned int[0]
vpcIndexes: unsigned int[0]
glueCodeDesc: [A4X_GLUECODE_DESC] (Ver 1.0)
hwShaderSizeWithoutGlueCode: 16
mergedShaderInputs: [A4X_MERGED_SHADER_INPUTS] (Ver 1.0)
needsMergedShaderInfo: 0
needsPrimitiveID: 0
mergedShaderInfoRegID: 0
primitiveIDRegID: 0
shaderInputs: [ADRENO_INPUT_SYMBOLS] (Ver 1.1)
numSymbols: 2
symbols[0]: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL] (Ver 1.2)
numRegs: 4
numUsedRegs: 4
compMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xf
physicalRegisterIndex: 4
physicalRegisterPrecision: 0 (Full)
interplMode: 1 (Flat)
virtualRegisterIndex: 0
streamIndex: 0
vpcIndex: 0
needsPrimitiveOrder: 0
symbols[1]: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL] (Ver 1.2)
numRegs: 4
numUsedRegs: 4
compMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xf
physicalRegisterIndex: 0
physicalRegisterPrecision: 0 (Full)
interplMode: 1 (Flat)
virtualRegisterIndex: 1
streamIndex: 0
vpcIndex: 0
needsPrimitiveOrder: 0
shaderOutputs: [ADRENO_OUTPUT_SYMBOLS] (Ver 1.1)
numSymbols: 1
symbols[0]: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL] (Ver 1.2)
numRegs: 4
numUsedRegs: 4
compMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xf
physicalRegisterIndex: 0
physicalRegisterPrecision: 0 (Full)
interplMode: 1 (Flat)
virtualRegisterIndex: 0
streamIndex: 0
vpcIndex: 0
needsPrimitiveOrder: 0
vstesgsOutputs: [ADRENO_VSDSGS_OUTPUTS] (Ver 1.3)
outputsPosition: 1
outputsPointSize: 0
positionRegID: 4
pointSizeRegID: 0
positionVirtualRegAndComp: 4
pointSizeVirtualRegAndComp: 0
positionVPCIndex: 4
pointSizeVPCIndex: 0
vsInputs: [ADRENO_VS_INPUTS] (Ver 1.2)
needsInstanceID: 0
needsVertexID: 0
needsVertexCount: 0
needsDrawID: 0
needsBaseVertex: 0
needsBaseInstance: 0
instanceIDRegID: 0
vertexIDRegID: 0
vertexCountRegID: 0
drawParametersRamLocation: 4294967295
vsMergedShaderDesc: [A4X_VSDS_MERGED_SHADER_DESC] (Ver 1.0)
vertexSize: 32
tfData: [ADRENO_SO_DATA] (Ver 1.1)
rasterizedStream: 0
numElements: 0
numBuffers: 0
elements: [ADRENO_SO_ELEMENT][0]
buffers: [ADRENO_SO_BUFFER][0]
stereoRenderingInfo: [ADRENO_STEREO_RENDERING_INFO] (Ver 1.4)
useHWStereoRendering: 0
useMultiPositionOutput: 0
needsViewID: 0
numViews: 0
positionSymbols: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL][0]
numPositionOutputs: 0
viewIDRegID: 0
viewIDConstRamLocation: 0
binningInfo: [ADRENO_BINNING_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
totalBinAttributes: 2
============ DCB ============
0x3f800000 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
============ CRC ============
Shader Source CRC: 0x12c4fb4c
HW Code CRC: 0x0
============ HW VS ============
0[20244007_00000000] mov.f32f32 r1.w, c0.x;
1[03000000_00000000] end ;
============ ShaderStats ============
- Instruction stats
- Main Body stats
- All Instructions: 2, 2 (rpt), ratio 1.00
- MOV class : 1, 1 (rpt), ratio 1.00
- MOVs : 1, 1 (rpt), ratio 1.00
- EI Position : -1
- Flow Instrs : 1
- Const Registers : 4
- Const Buffers : 4
- Full Registers : 2
- Unified Regs : 2
- Total footprint : 32
- Single GPR Pool : 1
- Output Size : 32
- Wave sizes : 64
- Wave size mode : 1
- Max num of waves: 16
- Fiber Count : 1024
shaderVersion = unknown
castUniformsToFloat = false
isAdvancedBlendEnabled = false
metadataAllocation: [ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
metadataHandle: 0x70a596aea0
metadataSize: 892
metadataStaticSize: 724
metadataDynamicSize: 168
metadataPaddingSize: 4
shaderAllocations: [ADRENO_SHADER_DEVICE_ALLOCATIONS] (Ver 1.0)
numAllocations: 2
deviceAllocations: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION][2]
deviceAllocations[0]: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 128
allocationHandle: 0x70158ddd90
deviceAllocations[1]: [ADRENO_DEVICE_ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 64
allocationHandle: 0x6fe59e24c0
shaderType: [SHADER_TYPE] (Ver 1.0)
shaderType: 0 (VS)
isBinning: 1
shaderHandles: [ADRENO_NAMED_SHADER_HANDLES] (Ver 1.0)
allocationSize: 128
allocationHandle: 0x70158ddd90
allocationSize: 0
allocationHandle: 0x0
allocationSize: 64
allocationHandle: 0x6fe59e24c0
shaderDebugInfo: [ADRENO_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
HWCodeCRC: 0
shaderRegisterUsagePerFiber: [ADRENO_REGISTER_USAGE_PER_FIBER] (Ver 1.0)
numFullScalarRegsUsed: 8
numHalfScalarRegsUsed: 0
scratchSizeInDWORDs: 0
usesSingleRegisterPool: 1
preferPerFiberMode: 1
cbufferUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_CBUFFER_USAGE] (Ver 1.0)
constantBufferUsageMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
numFullConstRegistersUsed: 1
samplerUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_SAMPLER_USAGE] (Ver 1.0)
samplerUsageMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
textureUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_TEXTURE_USAGE] (Ver 1.1)
textureUsageMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
textureUsedInTexelFetchMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
uavUsage: [ADRENO_SHADER_UAV_USAGE] (Ver 1.2)
uavUsageMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
nonBufferUavReadMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
nonBufferUavWriteMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
useWithoutFormatUAVMask: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
shaderBehavior: [ADRENO_SHADER_BEHAVIOR] (Ver 1.11)
stackNestingLevel: 0
usesKillInstruction: 0
dynamicallyIndexesConstantBuffers: 0
dynamicallyIndexesTextures: 0
dynamicallyIndexesSamplers: 0
usesPushConstants: 0
useRasterizerAccessOrderUAV: 0
usesUAVs: 0
usesCBs: 0
fpDominate: 1
usesRelativeAddressing: 0
hasRelativeAddressingInBranch: 0
usesBlockMatchInst: 0
fetchFrameBuffer: 0
numTexSamInst: 0
numTexSamInLoop: 0
numFullALUInst: 0
numHalfALUInst: 0
numEFUInst: 0
numLoadStoreInst: 0
numFlowInst: 1
numVectorALUInst: 0
numScalarALUInst: 0
constantBufferCache: [ADRENO_CBCACHE] (Ver 1.1)
numConstantBufferCacheEntries: 1
constantBufferCacheEntries: [ADRENO_CBCACHE_ENTRY][1]
constantBufferCacheEntries[0]: [ADRENO_CBCACHE_ENTRY] (Ver 1.0)
numVec4Regs: 4
targetVecReg: 0
sourceSlot: 16 (QGLNEXT_DCB_UBO_INDEX)
sourceVec4Offset: 0
fullyMappedSlots: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xfffff
neededRegisters: 0
maxRCLevel: 0
astcPatching: [ADRENO_ASTC_PATCHING_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numStaticReads: 0
numDynamicReads: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
numGathers: 0
numExtracts: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
r24UnormPatching: [ADRENO_R24_UNORM_PATCHING_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numReads: 0
textureIndices: [BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
numWords: 0
words: unsigned int[0]
samplerIndices: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0x0
profilerStats: [SHADER_STATS] (Ver 1.0)
csvStats: [STRING] (Ver 1.0)
length: 0
string: char[0]
useTexelCounts: 1
booleanCFMaskInfo: [ADRENO_BOOLEAN_CF_MASK_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numConstantExpressions: 0
hwInfo: [ADRENO_HW_SPECIFIC] (Ver 1.1)
disableInstancePacking: 0
enableSharedConstant: 0
constantRAMMode: 2
hasEarlyPreamble: 0
bindlessUsageInfo: [ADRENO_BINDLESS_USAGE_INFO] (Ver 1.3)
useBindlessTexture: 0
useBindlessSampler: 0
useBindlessCBuffer: 0
useBindlessUAV: 0
readBindlessNonBufferUAV: 0
writeBindlessNonBufferUAV: 0
numUsedTextures: 0
writeBindlessUAV: 0
allStageInputs: [ADRENO_INPUTS] (Ver 1.0)
needsFramebufferTime: 0
framebufferTimeConstRamLocation: 0
clipCullInfo: [A4X_CLIPCULL_INFO] (Ver 1.3)
clipUsageMask: 0
cullUsageMask: 0
numRegs: 0
regIDs: unsigned int[0]
virtualRegAndComps: unsigned int[0]
compMasks: unsigned int[0]
vpcIndexes: unsigned int[0]
glueCodeDesc: [A4X_GLUECODE_DESC] (Ver 1.0)
hwShaderSizeWithoutGlueCode: 16
mergedShaderInputs: [A4X_MERGED_SHADER_INPUTS] (Ver 1.0)
needsMergedShaderInfo: 0
needsPrimitiveID: 0
mergedShaderInfoRegID: 0
primitiveIDRegID: 0
shaderInputs: [ADRENO_INPUT_SYMBOLS] (Ver 1.1)
numSymbols: 2
symbols[0]: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL] (Ver 1.2)
numRegs: 4
numUsedRegs: 4
compMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xf
physicalRegisterIndex: 4
physicalRegisterPrecision: 0 (Full)
interplMode: 1 (Flat)
virtualRegisterIndex: 0
streamIndex: 0
vpcIndex: 0
needsPrimitiveOrder: 0
symbols[1]: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL] (Ver 1.2)
numRegs: 4
numUsedRegs: 4
compMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xf
physicalRegisterIndex: 0
physicalRegisterPrecision: 0 (Full)
interplMode: 1 (Flat)
virtualRegisterIndex: 1
streamIndex: 0
vpcIndex: 0
needsPrimitiveOrder: 0
shaderOutputs: [ADRENO_OUTPUT_SYMBOLS] (Ver 1.1)
numSymbols: 1
symbols[0]: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL] (Ver 1.2)
numRegs: 4
numUsedRegs: 4
compMask: [SMALL_BITMASK] (Ver 1.0)
word: 0xf
physicalRegisterIndex: 0
physicalRegisterPrecision: 0 (Full)
interplMode: 1 (Flat)
virtualRegisterIndex: 0
streamIndex: 0
vpcIndex: 0
needsPrimitiveOrder: 0
vstesgsOutputs: [ADRENO_VSDSGS_OUTPUTS] (Ver 1.3)
outputsPosition: 1
outputsPointSize: 0
positionRegID: 4
pointSizeRegID: 0
positionVirtualRegAndComp: 4
pointSizeVirtualRegAndComp: 0
positionVPCIndex: 4
pointSizeVPCIndex: 0
vsInputs: [ADRENO_VS_INPUTS] (Ver 1.2)
needsInstanceID: 0
needsVertexID: 0
needsVertexCount: 0
needsDrawID: 0
needsBaseVertex: 0
needsBaseInstance: 0
instanceIDRegID: 0
vertexIDRegID: 0
vertexCountRegID: 0
drawParametersRamLocation: 4294967295
vsMergedShaderDesc: [A4X_VSDS_MERGED_SHADER_DESC] (Ver 1.0)
vertexSize: 32
tfData: [ADRENO_SO_DATA] (Ver 1.1)
rasterizedStream: 0
numElements: 0
numBuffers: 0
elements: [ADRENO_SO_ELEMENT][0]
buffers: [ADRENO_SO_BUFFER][0]
stereoRenderingInfo: [ADRENO_STEREO_RENDERING_INFO] (Ver 1.4)
useHWStereoRendering: 0
useMultiPositionOutput: 0
needsViewID: 0
numViews: 0
positionSymbols: [ADRENO_GENERIC_SYMBOL][0]
numPositionOutputs: 0
viewIDRegID: 0
viewIDConstRamLocation: 0
binningInfo: [ADRENO_BINNING_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
totalBinAttributes: 0
============ DCB ============
0x3f800000 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
============ CRC ============
Shader Source CRC: 0x12c4fb4c
HW Code CRC: 0x0
============ HW VS ============
0[20244007_00000000] mov.f32f32 r1.w, c0.x;
1[03000000_00000000] end ;
============ ShaderStats ============
- Instruction stats
- Main Body stats
- All Instructions: 2, 2 (rpt), ratio 1.00
- MOV class : 1, 1 (rpt), ratio 1.00
- MOVs : 1, 1 (rpt), ratio 1.00
- EI Position : -1
- Flow Instrs : 1
- Const Registers : 4
- Const Buffers : 4
- Full Registers : 2
- Unified Regs : 2
- Total footprint : 32
- Single GPR Pool : 1
- Output Size : 32
- Wave sizes : 64
- Wave size mode : 1
- Max num of waves: 16
- Fiber Count : 1024
shaderVersion = unknown
castUniformsToFloat = false
isAdvancedBlendEnabled = false
============ HW Input Target ============
metadataAllocation: [ALLOCATION] (Ver 1.0)
metadataHandle: 0x70258bfbc0
metadataSize: 144
metadataStaticSize: 72
metadataDynamicSize: 72
metadataPaddingSize: 0
inputTargetObject: [ADRENO_OBJ_DATA] (Ver 1.0)
objSize: 18
objData: unsigned int[18]
inputTargetInfo: [ADRENO_INPUT_TARGET_INFO] (Ver 1.0)
numInputTargets: 0
inputTargetInfo: [ADRENO_INPUT_TARGET_DATA][0]
pOutProgramBinary =
00000000: ce ca 0b b1 0b 00 00 80 0a 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 80 00 13 00 05 03 00 00 84 1f 00 00 84 1f 00 00
... (enable QGLC_DUMP_PROGRAMBINARY for complete printout)
outShaderCnt = 3
TimerEvent: QGLCLinkProgram, hash:1C8BA108, Program, 12960 uSec
Result = success
TimerEvent: vkCreateGraphicsPipelines, hash:00000000, Program, 38360 uSec
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