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Created August 6, 2020 23:59
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### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.11.3
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# ╔═╡ 7154a0e6-d7a3-11ea-2657-db1e00c80460
md"Define a function which will do some logging. Note that this could just as well be in an external library"
# ╔═╡ 514ac9ea-d7a0-11ea-1512-e99df979d240
md"Let's collect some logs using `with_logger`, and `Test.TestLogger` for a quick and dirty way to demonstrate this (`TestLogger` is a semi-internal API). In practice, Pluto.jl may want its own logger."
# ╔═╡ 86794d1c-d7a0-11ea-393b-f540f7fd608b
md"Format the logs as a tabular view.
In practice this would presumably be part of the Pluto cell UI somehow; perhaps folded away but available in a popup.
Obviously there's a lot of options for how to do this nicely, and it would be cool if there was UI to do some light filtering, and perhaps an option to map variables to column of the table, and to display Julia values richly in a similar way to the default Pluto output.
The example here is a bit of a formatting disaster, really!
# ╔═╡ 16cb8602-d79f-11ea-1230-55a5ece049fc
md"A function to create a tabular view of logging info"
# ╔═╡ f6ebcfb8-d79e-11ea-00e5-79a5d6e0d812
md"Primitive styling experiments. Pardon the mess, I know only enough HTML/CSS to be dangerous :)"
# ╔═╡ 9a565fe6-d796-11ea-01ef-5f2e3c3bbbd0
<table style="width:100%">
<tr><th style="width:10%">Level</th><th>Module</th><th>Message</th></tr>
<tr style="background-color:#DDDDFF;"><td>Debug</td><td title="Hover!">Base</td><td>"Debugging!"</td></tr>
<tr style="background-color:#DDDDDD;"><td>Info</td><td>Base</td><td>"Some information"</td></tr>
<tr style="background-color:#FFEEDD;"><td>Warn</td><td>MyPkg</td><td>"Uh oh"</td></tr>
<tr style="background-color:#FFDDDD;"><td>Error</td><td>MyPkg</td><td>"Bad things"</td></tr>
# ╔═╡ e1859b80-d7a4-11ea-2bcd-ed8a0cbf4c7d
<detail style="display: block;">
A summary
Hi blah blah
# ╔═╡ 176456f8-d7ad-11ea-0796-158017db0c16
md"Trying to make use of Pluto's builtin value formatting... Almost, but not quite. Some styling thing is going wrong here!"
# ╔═╡ 47652cb6-d79d-11ea-33c4-c175255a6101
using Logging, Test, TerminalLoggers, Markdown
# ╔═╡ 86d5c12c-d7a6-11ea-2733-f7e48ab50543
using Pluto
# ╔═╡ 5239d6cc-d7a3-11ea-03a6-5d92a5ef9538
function some_logging(x)
@debug "Debugging some julia code! `x^2`" x x^2
for i=1:3
@info "Iterating" i
# ╔═╡ 2cb8772e-d79d-11ea-1e80-9fb5faaa2b63
logs = begin
# May not want debug level by default... but it's here for demonstration
t = Test.TestLogger(min_level=Logging.Debug)
with_logger(t) do
x = rand(UInt8, 2,2)
@warn """
Uh oh, something weird happened and we needed to warn you about it. You could try:
* foo
* bar
catch ex
@error "An error" exception=(ex,catch_backtrace())
# ╔═╡ 96d92068-d79d-11ea-2eb4-1d4fbe697824
level_colors = Dict(
# ╔═╡ a673f174-d79d-11ea-3290-f76c71cb8cba
function make_logs_table(logs)
rows = []
for log in logs
# The message should be formatted as markdown
message = if log.message isa AbstractString
sprint() do io
show(io, MIME"text/html"(), Markdown.parse(log.message))
sprint(show, log.message)
if !isempty(log.kwargs)
# Hooking into Pluto's output system would be nice,
# but I've busted the formatting somehow...
# vars = first(Pluto.PlutoRunner.format_output(log.kwargs))
ctx = IOContext(devnull, :displaysize=>(200,100))
var_rows = TerminalLoggers.format_key_value_pairs(log.kwargs, ctx)
vars_detail = join([' '^r[1]*r[2] for r in var_rows], "\n")
vars = """
vars = ""
# Drop the Pluto cell from the file name
file,cell = split(string(log.file), "#==#")
<tr style="background-color:$(level_colors[log.level]);">
<td title="$(log.level) @ $(log._module)$(file):$(log.line)">
<th style="width:40%">Variables</th>
$(join(rows, "\n"))
# ╔═╡ a42f5718-d79e-11ea-0335-7f2ba6bbf61f
# ╔═╡ 98455c7c-d7a6-11ea-17b7-15bb344ad833
HTML("""<pluto-output class="inline_output "><div>$(first(Pluto.PlutoRunner.format_output(logs[1]))))</div></pluto-output>""")
# ╔═╡ ba0f02a0-d7a5-11ea-2f91-75041665e3e5
# Trying to make use of Pluto's builtin value formatting... Almost, but not quite. Some styling thing is going wrong here!
HTML(sprint(show, MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+xml"(), Dict(string(k)=>v for (k,v) in logs[1].kwargs)))
# ╔═╡ a0469142-d7ae-11ea-009a-79e8b45cb010
# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╟─7154a0e6-d7a3-11ea-2657-db1e00c80460
# ╠═5239d6cc-d7a3-11ea-03a6-5d92a5ef9538
# ╟─514ac9ea-d7a0-11ea-1512-e99df979d240
# ╠═2cb8772e-d79d-11ea-1e80-9fb5faaa2b63
# ╟─86794d1c-d7a0-11ea-393b-f540f7fd608b
# ╠═a42f5718-d79e-11ea-0335-7f2ba6bbf61f
# ╠═96d92068-d79d-11ea-2eb4-1d4fbe697824
# ╟─16cb8602-d79f-11ea-1230-55a5ece049fc
# ╠═a673f174-d79d-11ea-3290-f76c71cb8cba
# ╠═47652cb6-d79d-11ea-33c4-c175255a6101
# ╟─f6ebcfb8-d79e-11ea-00e5-79a5d6e0d812
# ╠═9a565fe6-d796-11ea-01ef-5f2e3c3bbbd0
# ╠═e1859b80-d7a4-11ea-2bcd-ed8a0cbf4c7d
# ╠═86d5c12c-d7a6-11ea-2733-f7e48ab50543
# ╟─176456f8-d7ad-11ea-0796-158017db0c16
# ╠═98455c7c-d7a6-11ea-17b7-15bb344ad833
# ╠═ba0f02a0-d7a5-11ea-2f91-75041665e3e5
# ╠═a0469142-d7ae-11ea-009a-79e8b45cb010
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c42f commented Sep 16, 2020

@fonsp I'm happy to help with integrating this as much as you need. I think the tooling on the Julia side is actually almost all there, it's the UI which seems like a lot of work to me ;-)

route stdout lines to @info messages

@j-fu note that Logging2.jl library already has a way to do this. It's nascent but I can release a version if it's useful.

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j-fu commented Sep 16, 2020

I see. Indeed it seems that Logging2.jl has what I would love to see, with a more profound way to implement this.
IMHO worth to be merged into Logging.jl ...

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c42f commented Sep 17, 2020

Yeah, that's the plan — it's basically a staging area for Logging. The problem with Logging is that — like all other stdlibs — its release cycle is tied to releases of Julia. So for now Logging2 is separate.

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