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Last active September 26, 2024 11:37
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How to create extremely simple (http) reverse proxy using netcat (nmap flavor) and a named pipe
mkfifo reply
ncat -kl 8765 < reply | ncat 4567 > reply # listens on port 8765 and redirects to localhost:4567. Runs until C-c.
rm reply # cleanup after end
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snimavat commented Feb 7, 2024

Can this be modified, so that it connects to some port on remote server and redirects to some local port ?

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Can this be modified, so that it connects to some port on remote server and redirects to some local port ?

  1. Create listener on remove server port X and forward that to port Y localhost
  2. on your computer create a reverse shell from server port Y to your local port Z below making remote server 9026 to go to local port 9001

# SERVER_IP: this is the publicly available server

# SERVER_PORT: the port you want to connect to remote

# LOCAL_IP: the IP of the local server

# LOCAL_PORT: The local port to forward the data to


ssh -i ~/.ssh/KeyToUse -N -T -R$SERVER_PORT:$LOCAL_IP:$LOCAL_PORT root@$SERVER_IP

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